Apocalypse is coming?

Vampric Warlord

Tribe: Apocalypse
Tag: ~A~
Starting location: SouthWest

Info: We are a group of experienced players that come from different worlds. We all have knowledge of the game one way or another. However we are humans and we might make mistakes along the way but if you stick with us, we will make it through. We accept most members, if you are a Newb(not noobs there is a difference) and is willing to learn the game and actually progress in your skills then we will help you.

If you are interested or need further information please contact me either by pm or email.
Yim: fuzzyrabbitwithastick@yahoo.com


hi. im the co-duke of Apocalypse. if you want an invite, you cam contact me. : (()
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Vampric Warlord

hi. im the co-duke of Apocalypse. if you want any alliances/ want an invite, you cam contact me. : (()

*face plant* >.< I repeat...we are not looking for alliance this early! It's stupid to have them this early and besides I had a disorder that if I see light blue on my map...will cause me to twitch a lot. o_o Again no alliance this early...do you hear me :icon_evil: But if you are looking for an invite...please leave your name with either of us. o.0 preferly me since I be joining tomorrow...>.< staying home from school to do that. That's how serious I am about this. :icon_eek:


Obviously not a good/experienced tribe. You wouldn't have a co-duke accepting any ally requests if you were, nice try though.


Obviously not a good/experienced tribe. You wouldn't have a co-duke accepting any ally requests if you were, nice try though.

I don't think that's really the co-duke, looked like someone posting to make the tribe look bad IMO.


Slytnt... why, in all your posts, do you have to put caps? Just wondering..