Are You Not Entertained?



"Are You Not Entertained? Are You Not Entertained? Is That not why you are here?" -Maximus

This is a Direct Call out to Regime for their lack of involvement in this war so far.

From the start of the world you've held a larger than life attitude and as soon as someone had the nerve to challenge you, you all skulk into silence like a bunch of cowards.


Minus the odd recap we've enjoyed over 600 positive caps on regime. No Regime player has more than 5 positive caps making me question if they were ever anything as a tribe or just a name to hide behind. Where are the great Regime OPs of old with 100+ caps in a day? You haven't even pulled up 100 caps total and it's been a month.

Here are your top cappers after a month Regime


4 caps in their name. And Before you say it

^This is -40 not +15

To be fair, Some Regime players are putting up a valiant fight but they are few and far in between.

Now That I've explained the statistical side of Regime's downfall lets move onto the psychological.

Remember when you said we would be hopeless without sits?
Ah the untrustworthy declare war. How cute.

Hopefully Sin have offered to sit accounts for you in this war.

Good luck.

You might wanna start asking rim tribes for sits cause it looks like you need sits more than us.



You claim our leader lacks charisma and experience, which is not only false but you seem to have leadership issues yourself.





You have constantly claimed to be the "most coordinated" and "best" tribe, well it's time to put your money where your mouth is. You promised any challenger a good fight, yet we aren't getting one.

Since inception, Regime have constantly been at war. From the removal of other premades to partaking in the downfall of the most recent rank 1 tribe....the true extent of which will be made public in our exposé at the end of the world.

It is this relentless war mongering that has resulted in Regime claiming Rank 1 on World 80. We have not recruited from our enemies. We have not gone above 35 members on a 80 member limit world. We currently stand at a total of 72 tribal changes, 8 less than the once member count alone of the most recent rank 1 tribe.

We have been in a constant state of war and gladly so.

We have earned the respect of our foes that matter. During war time, we have conducted ourselves beyond reproach. We have offered no false hope. It this approach that has resulted in what can only be described as a mass subscription should Regime grace another world.

Your only OP to date has failed miserably with every village being stacked, sniped or recapped.


What I find funniest is he still managed to go +34 vs. you

You are currently letting "internal whores" and "basher noobs" do better than your "L337 memb3rb4se"

he joined our tribe on Christmas Day and with two attack breaks is currently tied with your cap leaders xD

Dest. has players with More caps than your tribe.


Internals put up a better fight. Give us the fight you wanted. Give us the fight we all wanted.

To conclude, It's sad you guys don't even have the balls to fight us on the externals anymore (or did googly just make a publication ban again). But have you really given up that much? is your tribe THAT awful? if so just hit delete now and save us all the trouble.

This is the fight you wanted and now you have it.


I even took the time to write you guys a little rap
Oh man, Oh man, Oh man, Not Again
I learned the game in the W20s you can never check me
back to back for the players that didn't get the message
Back to back like I'm capping vils with a pally Weapon
Back to back like I'm winnings world '66, '67
Whoa, very important and very pretentious
When I look back I might be mad that I gave this attention
Yeah, but it's weighin' heavy on my conscience
Yeah, and man, you left The noob no options
I wanna see my tribemates go insane
You gon' make wreck scrubs in this game
You gon' make me buy PP for Morthamagne
You gon' make me go out of my lovin' way
I waited four days, Regime, where y'all at?
We drove into you like we driving a CAB
I'm not sure what it was that really made y'all roast
But I guess this is what I gotta do to make y'all post
I mean woah, can't fool the world, man, they know what's up
K34, gettin' war caps
This for y'all that think that I don't cap enough
They just mad cause I got the midas touch
You love your tribe, then you gotta win the world for her
Is that a world win or not your win?
I know that you gotta be a good leader for her
This ain't what your tribe meant when they told you to open up more
Yeah, clicker fingers turn to typing fingers
Yeah, you gettin' bodied by a internalling' player
I'm not the type of player that'll type to playas
And shout-out to my Dest. Players cappin playas
Make sure you hit him with the recap
Then tell Regime to step up
I did another one, I did another one
You still ain't did shit about the other one
I got the caps in me goin' back to back
Yeah, goin' back to back
I got the caps in me goin' back to back
Yeah, I'm goin' back to back
I don't wanna hear about this ever again
Not even when Regime comes begging to be friends
Not even when you sayin', "DVBBSy, tell 'em again"
I been puttin' on a show, it was a sell out event
Oh, you need better seatin'
I didn't wanna do it, gave me every reason
The point I'm tryna make is I don't ever need 'em
Seen what you’d do for caps, what would you do for freedom?
Please, check 'em for a nuke or a noble
Please, please do not let these playas near me
Please, think before you come for the great one
Please, who's a real playa and who ain't one?
Please, somebody stop me
I'm talkin' styxy and tom the panda
I got the 50 caps in five days and it's my shit
Soon as a playa hit the stage, they gon'
They gon' ask if I can cap regime back to back
Yeah, they want it back to back
They gon' ask if I can cap regime back to back
I took a break from caps, now it's back to that, Regigga

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LOL @ this. Nice that you have time to sit around and write garbage propaganda as the #1 noob turtle in all of W80 while resting on the laurels of all the good players like BEN, and others. The player who internaled his way to about 500 villages and is now sending trains of HC on a tribe that is being gangbanged from all sides is going to brag from his ivory tower? This post is a disgrace to Tribal Wars, W80, Destiny, and mostly YOU. Sit on the backlines for months and months and now going to gloat. I always knew you were terrible and unlikeable... but now everyone else does too. Congratulations on removing all doubt making a fool of yourself. Dulce Bellum inexpertis



P.S. have some creativity and originality next time. Braveheart again? Rly? YAWN. step yer game up
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One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Internals put up a better fight. Give us the fight you wanted. Give us the fight we all wanted.

To conclude, It's sad you guys don't even have the balls to fight us on the externals anymore (or did googly just make a publication ban again). But have you really given up that much? is your tribe THAT awful? if so just hit delete now and save us all the trouble.

This is the fight you wanted and now you have it.

You seem to be working under some sort of confusion.

Dest. wanted to war Regime. But Regime was being honest with diplomacy, only dealing with one tribe diplomatically to be honourable to diplomacy with Dest., and being open about long-term intentions and desires.

I am fairly sure everybody in Dest. leadership can agree that Regime never once so much as hinted at a war between Regime and Dest. whilst SIN was still around. Dest. had given us the exact same message until 5 days before the war began.

Moving on from that, a number of our members lost interest in this world after having sat Dest. and supported them constantly throughout the Dest. war. After having saved Dest. from destroying itself when a number of members attempted to jump ship to Regime (at which point Regime leadership stepped in to ensure Dest. stayed together when it was on the brink of collapse).

Some people in Regime have a very high price on friendship, and lost interest in what is first and foremost a social game when that friendship was thrown away in a very pre-planned and calculated manner.

A number of our members, who have fought against awful odds on many worlds with us and have never been quitters in wars before, decided to end their time in TW because of this.

In response to the comment about Radical Dictator (the 3 duke account):

[SPOIL]1st duke went in to hospital shortly before Dest. dropped the diplomacy. This hasn't changed, and Dest. leadership were fully aware of this timing when they dropped diplomacy (it was even mentioned in that very conversation by Dest.).

2nd duke has family issues that had prevented activity before the NAP was cancelled - again noticed by some of Dest. leadership.

3rd know my personal situation. That hasn't changed and was why I have usually only been on for 2-3 hours a day since I came back to TW in September.

If you wanted a fully active leadership to fight against, I am sure you would have been more than happy to wait for a better time. Opportunistic play is natural, and you made that choice over the other. So you shouldn't be surprised by Radical situation :)[/SPOIL]

I won't be replying again. I've already been dragged out of my hibernation to bring up personal issues affecting ingame play once. I am not going to bother doing so again.

On a side note, nobody has been banned from posting. There is just simply no interest in posting. And what we do ingame is our business.

If that bores you, then that's your loss.



Alliance Declined and Shared Planner Declined....

Doesn't look like much an effort, and due to you not wanting to do any diplomacy. We tried, you declined, now you made your bed so lay in it. We offered the alliance AND the shared planner, and out of pride Regime turned them both down. Now you complain since you pushed us to work with our other relationship?

And are we really still on about the Gents war? Isn't that over?

Didn't realize a couple sits(not that much, and I recall an angry account losing many nukes at home thanks to the sitters) and help with some support.
Appreciate the help we recieved, as you were fighting... Bugz?

I don't know what that is meant to achieve, besides the "Regime beat Gents and are the Elite who did ALL this for the World" Agenda.

You just want more credit? I forgot we didn't do anything at allllll. It was allllll Regime.

We didn't go through anything tough, we didn't do anything at all, we deserve 0 credit.
Right? :X

Sad when the people you think you had in your pocket, turn on you after you decline anything that'd evolve into a late game relationship.

So seems many have decided to leave the Regime...

And I am sorry, but don't pin RL issues affecting people on us. We didn't plan it because of anything going on. Your situation was quite some time ago, the 2nd Duke issues I didn't even know about until recently, and the 1st Duke was in the hospital for quite some time before the diplomacy was dropped...

Don't reply again,

I don't need to read more and more excuses..

This War is on You Googly.

I am sure Hybrid and Foc would not have made the decisions you have made to bring it to this point.

However, if declining all of our attempts to move our relationship forward fell on other people, then it is their fault as well.

I appreciate and respect all the Old Regime has done for Dest in its time, however the New Regime where you took the helm... May it rest in pieces, as it sounds like its all but fallen.​
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This first part of the reply is for Googly.

I appreciate you taking the time to reply and understand you will not be replying so i will not ask you any questions.

However, you completely ignored 90% of my post so i'm wondering if it's you who is confused? lets get this clear once and for all


this post was supposed to be a kick in the butt, but now i see ur heads are clearly waaaay to far up there for us to even try.

Regardless of the other RD players, you claimed you would be returning yet you have absolutely no growth (can't even turn on AM>?) and granted I understand your situation and have respect for giving you time to grieve. However according to what i know, there are 3 other leadership accounts in Regime. All of which have also disappeared. THAT is what i am posting about.

The point of being in a tribe is to have tribemates to pick up your slack when you need them to and in return you do the same.

Now for Jovis


Second, My tower is made of dead Regime Troops not ivory. So as you can imagine it's quite big (24.002.378 dead units tall to be exact)

Thirdly, you have the nerve to come question my in game abilities? I know you're on Zordos so come at me. I'm waiting. You know the score.... it's 104-3. You have some catching up to do. But I wasn't even talking about my personal advances on Regime (honestly could care less) just happy my tribe is wrecking you and there isn't much you can do about it :D

Fourth, Don't act like this is a change up cause i have a few war caps. I've always talked smack to those who deserve it, that's how i play. and if you don't like it you can move on like you should have weeks ago.

Fifth and Final, you are a Bigot. And any other replies containing your usual bigotry will be ignored. I gave you cold hard stats, you gave me utter garbage.


Jovis your post missed.

little barbarian

No, that's arrogance you smell... You both reek of it.

Just saying I enjoyed the post, but yes that gif was indeed arrogance.

I prefer honest arrogance to hypocritical modesty.

Dest. wanted to war Regime. But Regime was being honest with diplomacy, only dealing with one tribe diplomatically to be honourable to diplomacy with Dest., and being open about long-term intentions and desires.

Regime did have their one and only nap with ruffs/dest. They were only dealing with one tribe diplomatically. Agreed. The nap was intended to last for a long time, which would be converted into an alliance after dest would've 'proved theirselves' to be a worthy alliance. How many times did Regime break the nap? Now, how many times did they fix it strictly? However, let's not rake over these old controversies.. I'm not trying to bitch around on people, but it is what it is..

I also agree that an opportunity should never control you loyalty; but it's a game, ultimate success comes from opportunistic bold moves which by definition, cannot be planned. I'm not pointing fingers at any tribe, but make sure everybody in your boat is rowing and not drilling holes when you're not looking. To regime, there are always three sides to every story; your side, the other side and the truth.

So, before everyone flames at me for being a bitch, I respect every player, ally or enemy;

Simple Definition of respect

: a feeling or understanding that someone should be treated in an appropriate way



This is one thing I hate about this game and why I no longer play this game unless it is under Hybrid, Googly and Foc leadership. When a tribe honorably saves another tribe with key diplomatic relationships. Then accepts a well planned timely drop of the NAP. Then all of the sudden an alliance with SIN and a lob sided war with Regime heavily out numbered and everyone in Dest. suddenly forgets they would not be here if it was not for diplomatic relationships with Regime.

Keep it classy DVBBS, I understand you are trying to get a spark going in the forums and you might have but you are also losing respect from players who at one point respected you. Good luck for the rest of the world. I am confident that Regime will not fall without a good fight. So keep the BS in game and not on the forums.....

Don't forget where you came from Dest.

~ Jimmy


Its a shame, how people think, theyve eaten all the wisdom for breakfast. Losing basically 3/3 of the main dukes, replacing them will never be easy. And one person can only do so much. Googly coming here posting isnt enough for you? You want him to fight, where you are right now the last thing on his mind? Theres times, when I wish, you would go through the same thing, that googly goes through. And then id love to see your face, when you realise, how disrespectful it is to come here and publically try to force him to come back to fight.

You saw opportunity, I dont blame you for it, but dont try and hide it. Cause that aint working. You know full well, with 3 main dukes absent, that a war is about the worst thing, that could happen. It has happened. And people walking out the door, together, with their friends, as a team .. Thats them judging the situation correctly. The only thing left to do.


Once Again,

The Regime Agenda is pushed and posted.

How long ago was the Gents war? When 4 members were in talks with Regime for a "If Gents win the World" Scenario?

Before I took over.
Before Ruffs turned into Dest.
Before we are where we are now.

I know its hard, to give anyone else credit but yourselves...
It is unfortunate and will lead to the downfall.

Open your eyes. We have accomplished plenty alone and I have already said thanks for the help and good work the Old Regime has given to us.

These petty attempts to save the already faltering reputation of a once great tribe (With Foc and Hybrid) is feeble.

Next time, accept the Alliance OR the Shared Noble Planner if you want relations with the tribe you "Saved"

Cause I have done nothing apparently


Good one.

Bye now Jimmy.


No. Only One duke was absent at the time everything went downhill, including the Regime NAP breaks and declining of any furthering of our relationship.
So No we did not plan it this way. We figured the 2 dukes that we spoke to constantly and who were there when the war began, were still there.

I know you can continue to try to attack us and say we totally planned all the timing with RL things going on, but its incorrect and quite excessively used.


this post was supposed to be a kick in the butt, but now i see ur heads are clearly waaaay to far up there for us to even try.

Regardless of the other RD players, you claimed you would be returning yet you have absolutely no growth (can't even turn on AM>?) and granted I understand your situation and have respect for giving you time to grieve. However according to what i know, there are 3 other leadership accounts in Regime. All of which have also disappeared. THAT is what i am posting about.

The point of being in a tribe is to have tribemates to pick up your slack when you need them to and in return you do the same.

When people ignore 90% of each post...​
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Michael Corleone.

i liked the back to back parody leave omar little out of this




No. Only One duke was absent at the time everything went downhill, including the Regime NAP breaks and declining of any furthering of our relationship.
So No we did not plan it this way. We figured the 2 dukes that we spoke to constantly and who were there when the war began, were still there.

So, wait again. One duke in hospital, other one with serious family issues and the third grieving? And now, once and for all, explain, how you can even remotely expect them to give a damn about to TW at that very moment .. All it does is show, that you clearly have no idea, what they are really going through, end of story. :icon_cry::icon_cry:


The usual statements about how Destiny planned attacks on regime months in advance is really getting old to comment on. so Ill just state yet another "not true" and leave it with that.

Besides that I only have one thing to say to Googly.

You are right. we were well aware of hybrids abscent at the time nap was cancelled. Some were at least and I was personally. Then you can call us liars all you want to, but breaking that nap had 0 to do with that. Reasons explained , you among others ignore them and dont believe them, so be it.

all the above is fine. You wanna make the worst of it and so be it. But that you wanna acuse Destiny as a tribe to base most of their decisions on other peoples medical history, family loses or whatever stuff you come up with , then I am sorry. if anyone have crossed the line (should there be one), that would be you. you have done it with yourself in another post, now you do it yet again. Other people than Regime members have lost family last few months, have lost their job, have financial issues or whatever. And its not that people dont sympatize with you or anyone else for that matter. just that why does that need to be mentioned here? If so do you honestly believe that Destiny or individual players in Destiny wanna win a game on tribal wars taking directly advantage of those things?

Of course if most members in a tribe suddenly goes inactive cause they dont have time to play anymore or for other reasons, that indirectly benefits the enemy you are up against. but thats not the same as finding joy in other peoples missery. Maybe I am naive, but I dont think that anyone here playing this game wish that bad things are happening real life for other people.

As for Hybrid noone I respect more in this game. if you wanna find one reason only to why relations between Destiny and Regime ended, maybe the fact that he wasnt there anymore to smooth things out would be the answer to everything.

I see now that other than googly join the party of stating this war was all about taking advantage of 3 peoples horrible situation real life. How much a disagrace destiny are for telling the truth stating - cancellation of diplo had nothing to do with it.

You would have no clue of some Destiny members situation real life either. difference is we dont go tell all about them here, and blame others to take advantage of it. If anything posted in this whole discussion thats pretty much distastefull.

little barbarian

Of course if most members in a tribe suddenly goes inactive cause they dont have time to play anymore or for other reasons, that indirectly benefits the enemy you are up against. but thats not the same as finding joy in other peoples missery. Maybe I am naive, but I dont think that anyone here playing this game wish that bad things are happening real life for other people.

^ This.

Nobody wishes that bad things happen to people irl.. and it does indeed benefit the ingame situation indirectly. It's a game, if you don't have the time avaiable, then just don't play it? Whatever happens.. Are we talking about the dukes of regime or about the whole tribe? Some players are going inactive due various reasons, which can be any.. but they have the right to quit right.. On a sidenote, Sara is a full time student with 2 jobs on campus and 2 jobs off campus and still decides to play. Can't we split rl and ig issues? thanks


We don't expect that from them... As I said, only knew about 1 of the Dukes being MIA. Hence, only 1 duke was absent at the time everything went downhill.

I knew of Googly's situation but he was still actively duking at the time.
I did not know of the other Dukes serious family issues until a couple days ago.

Don't expect them to care about TW, I expect a fight from the other 30+ members of Regime.

I agree with both the above posts. We are playing a game, and posting here ABOUT the game, until others come in and bring in RL. We all have real life business and real life troubles and tragedies. No one knows what anyone else is going through, as you do not know what I have to deal with either.

But to sit here and accuse us of using these RL troubles to start the war, is in bad taste.

Just keep it to the game, Regime is losing in game, and we want to kick Regime into fighting us back, not making up MORE excuses and talking about MORE past "Achievements".

Also Regime broke in-game NAP agreements
Also Regime Declined an Alliance with Dest
Also Regime Declined a Shared Planner with Dest

But ignore those and try to pin something else on us that is incorrect, invalid, and unnecessary.​
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You would have no clue of some Destiny members situation real life either. difference is we dont go tell all about them here, and blame others to take advantage of it. If anything posted in this whole discussion thats pretty much distastefull.

If I remember right, Googly was, here on externals, accused of "abandoning ship". By Dest. Although you knew, what was going on. He wouldnt have brought it up. Same with the other 2, Hybrid and Foc. Dest. knew, they werent around, so why publically bash them by saying, they cant be around, they are abandoning ship, you were expecting more, bla bla bla.


If I remember right, Googly was, here on externals, accused of "abandoning ship". By Dest. Although you knew, what was going on. He wouldnt have brought it up. Same with the other 2, Hybrid and Foc. Dest. knew, they werent around, so why publically bash them by saying, they cant be around, they are abandoning ship, you were expecting more, bla bla bla.

Only Googly, and because we did not know he was gone for any particular reason lol.

He showed a quote of me talking with him months ago about his tragedy last summer. Even though he was actively duking and everything, we thought he was still there then left, we did not know the reasons why.

In chats with Regime members, that is how some of them felt as well.

Then the situation was brought to light and it made sense, and no one has accused him of "abandoning ship" ever since.

Hybrid was unavailable yes. The only situation that was known.
And I was only made aware of Foc's situation recently.

Not to mention I have not once (and NEVER WILL) publically bash Foc or Hybrid.​