Have been a paying customer for over 2yrs now. This change in w47 game play will be the reason i won't be a paying customer.
I am a paying customer. Been around for years and years....
No point in making threats. I'll still be around if camps go. But a noble range upgrade would soften the wounds for them people that use them.
been here a while, and am a paying customer, i wont be deleting, but something has to be done about the noble distance if camps go,
for me, even doubling the noble distance and making a few speed changes would do wonders for this world, cause it is slow and a few changes would make the world more exciting...
Maybe this is a plan by innogames to make the eleeeet players quit so that the noobs and newbs get a chance to improve hence more players in TW and they might start paying once they start enjoy the game more without the eleeeeeet players
and also maybe they assume the eleeet players will go on to other worlds to play and they will always be paying customers and are too addicted to quit tw
Jst maybe...
Long range attacks with 4000 fakes and all the attack planner crap with loggin on 4 times a day to send attacks and move d around Interfers in RL and i will take my cash elsewhere when the camps go.
I look carefully at the world setting as to speed etc BEFORE I join.
There is nothing wrong with the camp software. It seems to work as designed and we have used nothing but camps to attack from the 1 million point level.
DOubling the noble distance? I like being able to mark the false trains quickly . So forget that also
For those who insist on talking about army camps. It will save you infracts and warnings if you do it here!