One Last Shot...
Contributing Poster
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He's "back" hanging with me, so its cool. :icon_wink:
You serious?
Give him a rant from me when you next catch him online :icon_evil:
He's "back" hanging with me, so its cool. :icon_wink:
If you ain't gonna come back to TW, don't troll Aaron the one time he does something we can't just say "meh" to :icon_razz:
welcome aboard the traveling circus....
welcome aboard the traveling circus....
head act today and when any big tribe folds, the travelling gypsies under lead of Sir Grinder ....
I remember you from W23, played there as aaronlines14 before I knew anything about TW :lol:
I remember you from W23, played there as aaronlines14 before I knew anything about TW :lol:
That we did, if only I knew what "T-train" and "sniping" was back then :icon_razz: