they did. You should have played when looter of the day was first introduced. Im telling you not even christain fundies or muslim can match that devotionHehe, now imagine they introduced religion to TW.
they did. You should have played when looter of the day was first introduced. Im telling you not even christain fundies or muslim can match that devotionHehe, now imagine they introduced religion to TW.
I know right, like a Church or something.
Lol you don't say,they did. You should have played when looter of the day was first introduced. Im telling you not even christain fundies or muslim can match that devotion
Islam 4 teh win
As your signature so aptly put it: Get out.
Ughh you named things that we do understand. Granted in biology there are things in these subjects still being discovered but we know quite a lot. But energy and gravity are well understood we even found the Higgs bossen particle.I find it amusing how people are trying to figure God out, it simply cannot be done, so why even bother?
As a species, we don't even adequately understand Energy, Gravity or even OURSELVES, think about it, we have no idea why our mind works the way it does and why our body does certain things, so how exactly are we going to explain ANYTHING about a God who's supposedly created you, me, the lion and everything thing else in the Universe?!
I would wager that a world full of Einstein's, Newton's and Da Vinci's would not be able to work this out, so where does that leave us?
Ughh you named things that we do understand. Granted in biology there are things in these subjects still being discovered but we know quite a lot. But energy and gravity are well understood we even found the Higgs bossen particle.
On July 4, 2012, scientists working with the Large Hadron Collider announced their discovery of a particle that behaves the way the Higgs boson should behave. The results, while published with a high degree of certainty, are still somewhat preliminary. Some researchers are calling the particle "Higgslike" until the findings -- and the data -- stand up to more scrutiny.
When the particle's discovery was announced, researchers working with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN resisted calling their quarry the Higgs boson outright, preferring the vaguer "Higgs-like boson", or "particle resembling the Higgs". They knew the particle they had glimpsed was a brand new boson, one of two types of elementary particle. But it was not clear if its properties corresponded exactly to those laid out for the Higgs in the standard model of particle physics, which describes all known particles and the forces acting on them.
In fact, many physicists were hoping the boson would prove to be something more exotic, because this would suggest ways to extend the standard model, which currently cannot explain dark matter or gravity, for example.
war lord187[FONT=century gothic said:^^ Having blabbed on about all of this, lol.....i would like to reaffirm my original statement, does anyone here honestly believe we are capable of understanding the motives/thoughts/nature/whatever of a God who has created all of this, and much much more?[/FONT]
^^ you obviously have no comprehension of what warlord was trying to say. I don't have anything higher than year 11 Physics yet I already knew pretty much everything he said there. And gravity is NOT a theory, the theory he was referring to was the one regarding the Higgs Boson. All he said (and this is 100% true) is that scientists don't have the first clue how gravity even works apart from the obvious. They've measured its effects but can't even fit it in with their other theories in any coherent way yet. Go learn some science before flaming a really coherent and more importantly correct explanation of a difficult subject.
This really is the thread of the non sequiters, even though each post actually does refer to the previous one, just obliquely and in a way that's fairly hard for people other than the poster to recognise the connection. I like it.