Attacker of the day.


Old World pwns!!! Columbus was a pointwhore :lol:

i burst out laughing. and with my cracked rib from rugby game last week thats not good :D i will agree rugby imho is more netertaining and fun then football.american or other :p s lets just all agree rugby wins and be done with it :D and yes i repersent the hat country :D i think the hat however should be much much larger as we are much larger as well.

ps does that mean that alaska is one of those weird abbo hats from alladin that we wear?? while america wears us??


lets just all agree rugby wins and be done with it :D and yes i repersent the hat country :D i think the hat however should be much much larger as we are much larger as well.

League or Union ?

Rugby is a far superior game to American Football. They are capable of playing offence and defence at the same time and are not one trick ponies.
They are real men (and women) who put their bodies on the line without the benefit of armor.

I don't doubt that if many american footballers had been caught and trained before they joined the darkside, then they would have had an opportunity to play an entertaining bone crunching sport.

Apart from all that, Gaelic Football and Hurling pisses on all other sports including Rugby ;)

One of my favourite anecdotes about Hurling.

Samuel L Jackson was visiting Ireland and he was brought to an All Ireland Hurling semi-final (note we use the expression All Ireland rather than World Series - joke I know it was the newspapers fault)

He was in Croke Park and watched the game for about 5 - 10 minutes in silence.
He turned around to the guy who brought him along and asked in horror "You mean this $hit is legal!?!?!"



American football all the players are faster than you European rugby players. Aw you guys wear armor omg omg omg. If someone that weighed 350 points and could run a 4.9 Id be wearing it 2. Half the tackles in rugby are gang tackles because you guys like hugging the player before tackling him. Its embarrassing to watch. American football they hit way harder than you europeans. Thats why half of you play soccer. Sometimes I wish all our top athletes would play soccer so we could dominate you in every aspect of life that you guys cant seem to grasp :-D :lol:

I expect to get mulitple people to flame me as thats all Europeans can do, even though we saved your *** in WW2 :icon_wink:
So go cry to someone else when you need help :ram:

ugh, at least us brits have a little space to stay away from those fat stupid yanks.

*in WW2 you guys stepped in at the end and dropped a couple of bomb, directed by british intel.

wont mention that one war you guys fought on your own and...well, did'nt do to well.

poor canada, eh, having the U.S connected to 'em, eh?


there's lot of reason to kill me

1-Im Canadian
2-I talk french
3-Your GF does really love me:icon_biggrin:
Me too.
Me too.
Girlfriend? Error.Does.Not.Compute. What is this new invention of which you speak? :icon_eek:


League or Union ?

Rugby is a far superior game to American Football. They are capable of playing offence and defence at the same time and are not one trick ponies.
They are real men (and women) who put their bodies on the line without the benefit of armor.

I don't doubt that if many american footballers had been caught and trained before they joined the darkside, then they would have had an opportunity to play an entertaining bone crunching sport.

Apart from all that, Gaelic Football and Hurling pisses on all other sports including Rugby ;)

One of my favourite anecdotes about Hurling.

Samuel L Jackson was visiting Ireland and he was brought to an All Ireland Hurling semi-final (note we use the expression All Ireland rather than World Series - joke I know it was the newspapers fault)

He was in Croke Park and watched the game for about 5 - 10 minutes in silence.
He turned around to the guy who brought him along and asked in horror "You mean this $hit is legal!?!?!"


elementary and hischool. now at uni and playing a bit. but im in canada doesnt really follow same standards :S


The english invented football...we can call it whatever we like.
Stop changing all the rules and wearing armour cos your all big girls and then argueing we stole the name from you.
Not even sure your country was a real nation when we invented football....any further questions as to why you suck?

On a sidenote, congrats on killing stuff more than those other folks killed stuff.

EDIT- oh and while I think about it we also invented Hockey...and nothing has ever been made cooler by doing it on ice....please Google dancing on Ice if you disagree....also its another sport you feel the need to wear copious amounts of armour for.

'Scuse me sir, but didn't we invent America too?

Osnap, looks like we invented American football too :icon_cool:


ugh, at least us brits have a little space to stay away from those fat stupid yanks.

*in WW2 you guys stepped in at the end and dropped a couple of bomb, directed by british intel.

wont mention that one war you guys fought on your own and...well, did'nt do to well.

poor canada, eh, having the U.S connected to 'em, eh?

Americans vs Vitanam.

Americans lose, and pull out.



ugh, at least us brits have a little space to stay away from those fat stupid yanks.

*in WW2 you guys stepped in at the end and dropped a couple of bomb, directed by british intel.

wont mention that one war you guys fought on your own and...well, did'nt do to well.

poor canada, eh, having the U.S connected to 'em, eh?

Your grasp on history is poor and off topic.


ugh, at least us brits have a little space to stay away from those fat stupid yanks.

*in WW2 you guys stepped in at the end and dropped a couple of bomb, directed by british intel.

wont mention that one war you guys fought on your own and...well, did'nt do to well.

poor canada, eh, having the U.S connected to 'em, eh?

I am not even sure I want to say anything....for fear of making you look like the complete idiot that you are. :icon_rolleyes:



just remember we burnt the white house, then got bored came home to drink, because your soldiers were still running away from us


I enjoy that this has now become an American-bashing thread. :D


I just noticed this thread and thought I'd simply post....for obvious reasons ;)

Love it!


id like to remind all the americans we powned you on the ice at the olympics canada double gold :icon_twisted: and lets not forget we created tim hortons :icon_cool:

Wait a second here, for one. Didn't it go to OT? Pwnd... No. US had the youngest team in the Olympics... Yup.

Second, womens ice hockey does not count, that is a flat out joke. Thus the soon removal of it from the olympics.

Third... Did you forget that team USA beat Canada in the world juniors for teh gold?

Silly canadians. When was the last time a canadian team won the stanley cup? BAM!

Isnt Canada somewhere in the US?

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Hate to burst your bubble Dr. Seuss but ummm....well here. Just read this:


It has pictures too for those who would rather not read ;)

Basically, we are the NHL.