The world has been boring I feel it now fitting the weekend is arriving and many people in a pits/point situation such as mine can either choose. 30/30/28 or academy right now with 28's things are getting spicy
More imporantly, why is the dude next to me rushing rams (he already has 18) with no offense whatsoever...
some players built catas which destroys theire own chances of doing well cause theyve wasted loads of resources they should of spent on pits, but they decided to trash everyone arround them as well
just petty really
Whats your ign on this world?
Guess Oooh fellow hotrex Well the guy is not next to me, hes in my vicinity
Seems this world will only be interesting mid game, early game will be boring.
Erig, you such a nub, go focus on 64:icon_razz: