Auto-Report Deletion?


Any report that's 2 days old gets auto-deleted. Is this a recent change? (I do have premium)
I did a few google searches and looked around the forums a bit. The replies vary but most say that they will get auto deleted after about 2 weeks ... not 2 days.


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Any report that's 2 days old gets auto-deleted. Is this a recent change? (I do have premium)
I did a few google searches and looked around the forums a bit. The replies vary but most say that they will get auto deleted after about 2 weeks ... not 2 days.

If not archived, 7 days, or depending on if you have over 100 reports, then it will be (villages*10) the the oldest report is deleted until you're under the limit.

If you have a report archived, it will depend on your user configured setting, but the default is 3 months.

How long does it take if I delete account on one world?

Give or take, approx 5 days ish.
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If not archived, 7 days, or depending on if you have over 100 reports, then it will be (villages*10) the the oldest report is deleted until you're under the limit.

If you have a report archived, it will depend on your user configured setting, but the default is 3 months.

Give or take, approx 5 days ish.

Thanks! Started archiving reports a week ago. Problem solved (was really annoying though)
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