UNITE ,UNIT and NIBS are family
Neither of these have a tribe in the top 20 so they will not be added.
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UNITE ,UNIT and NIBS are family
Anyone not make some maps for the top tribes? Surprised there hasn't been any yet.
Oh no! What will we do?!? :icon_cry:
I've made sure to always include making donations in my posts for the maps that I was responsible for updating.
In the event the donation mark is not made by the end of July I will be manually updating these maps. They will have the same appearance and provide the same information they just won't auto-update.
Family Exceptions
I will refuse to add a family if:
1. Tribal profiles do not reflect a family/ranking tribe does not verify
2. Neither tribe is in the top 20
Oh no! What will we do?!? :icon_cry:
I've made sure to always include making donations in my posts for the maps that I was responsible for updating.
In the event the donation mark is not made by the end of July I will be manually updating these maps. They will have the same appearance and provide the same information they just won't auto-update.
Ahh I forgot about the profiles matching as well. I was just thinking about the top 20 part