Rejected Autobans first 90 days for top 25 resources plundered and outside top 250 villages plundered

Deleted User - 848983838

Push account farming is absolutely insane, and it's the most blatantly obvious form of cheating the game has going onright now that has no grey area.

I propose in the first 90 days any account that is top 25 in resources plundered and outside the top 250 villages plundered is autobanned from sending attacks and immediately flagged for review by staff.

There's a few variations on how to flag these as well, maybe if X is average or median res per village pundered than anything say 25% higher is autoflagged etc. (these numbers would also need to be changed to fit better)

But every single world you have multiple cases of players just blatantly farming push accounts with insane hauls that that top farming's with thousands of plunders cannot match. Some are so obvious where the rest of the top 5 all have thousands if not tens of thousands and there's one guy with under 200 plunders.

Whatever is currently being done obviously seems like nothing but needs an immediate improvement for how big a stain it is on every current world.


Awesomest CM Ever
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Hey ropey,

I'm going to reject this, but I do like the idea and will pursue a similar approach internally. In general, we don't like the idea of "auto-bans" as they're very strictly coded to strict conditions and there are always exceptions. Besides that, "detection" is not something that is really "voteable". We appreciate all suggestions and if it is a good one, we will take it internally and work with it (as I will now).
