Barbs... lool


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So the way to top 50 is by nobling bunch of barbs?

o.o Like I can understand if you have nothing els around you. But...cmon...



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It's really just sad tbh.

Growth Strategy is all out of the Window.

Dare I say "honor" in TW is out of the window.

Everyone was seriously frowned upon for nobling barbs. Now, everyone is playing like old world newbies now. There used to be rules in tribes, no barb ennoblement. Anyone has more than 10 barbs? You're a barb whxxx.

Look at the state now.

Dark Cello

Reaction score
It's really just sad tbh.

Growth Strategy is all out of the Window.

Dare I say "honor" in TW is out of the window.

Everyone was seriously frowned upon for nobling barbs. Now, everyone is playing like old world newbies now. There used to be rules in tribes, no barb ennoblement. Anyone has more than 10 barbs? You're a barb whxxx.

Look at the state now.

The new generation of players or the old ones just stopped caring
I got tons of flak for talking about things in mail and forum that would have embarrassed players in the past.
Like a lot of people who have come back and forth over the years, I'm finally done.

Dread Doctors

Active Member
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It's really just sad tbh.

Growth Strategy is all out of the Window.

Dare I say "honor" in TW is out of the window.

Everyone was seriously frowned upon for nobling barbs. Now, everyone is playing like old world newbies now. There used to be rules in tribes, no barb ennoblement. Anyone has more than 10 barbs? You're a barb whxxx.

Look at the state now.

Since PP came into play, this rule changed. There`s plenty of tribes which are still not tolerating barb nobling. But however they later face terrible consequences in end-game. You can review past 10worlds and I bet, most of leading/winning tribes there munched lots of barbs. Which in long term gives you ability to outnumber your opponent by a lot.

I had this experience myself in w116 where BITE nobled lots of barbs, outgrew everyone else and just had way too many troops to deal with. Constant nukes, FLs overstacked and your non-barb strategy is worth nothing.

Times change and you have to adapt to it. This time I also noble few barbs. Afterall, with w118 settings, barbs ain`t that great to farm, so way better to control them.

Deleted User - 11547526

As someone who didn't play the huge worlds of old times, I would be seriously surprised if barbs would not have been conquered there too. :D
Barbs are usually good targets after the very easy targets of starting stages run out. Just check out no-new-premium-features worlds running now. Everywhere after the first month barbs are getting nobled and it is not because this tactic doesn't work. :D

Skill Issue

Skilled Soldier 2020
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Conquering barbs and clustering up is meta for a while now. Your income of resources is not by farming barbs - it's by events that happen every second week and res packs + potentially scavenging if the world has that setting enabled. Basically gameplay till end-game now is; double flag mint, use all nobles on barbs to make a big cluster, max WH and Market, repeat. This won't change until events are less frequent, res packs are nerfed or double flag removed/reworked (which imo is the biggest problem of them all, because double flag minting is just busted). You will always come to a point where you will have more nobles than nukes and it's better to use those nobles and continue with growth.

Safe to say that on this world, most, if not all of the barbs will be gone sooner or later because farming 500 pts barbs is already kinda useless and it will be better to noble them out to mint more efficiently. Barb shaping is also useless due to their growth till 500 pts.


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So based on everyone telling me, I should focus on nobling barbs? lol

Yes players used to noble old world barbs but that was mostly in late game because there was nothing better to do in the interim of wars or random nukes and nobling as there were way too many nobles in reserve.

Right now, its like a chicken and egg situation I believe. People are so desperate to win these worlds at any cost (including PP), that they have started nobling barbs and this isn't out of necessity. This is because they just don't want to lose troops. Literally the whole essence of the game has been destroyed. I get your point fully about the barb being low points but as far as I recall, that was the exact justification used by 100s if players to say not to noble. Maybe if you put it in retrospect with all the events and PP, etc. Even so, I can't seem to justify it.

But the sad situation is because 1 person is doing it, everyone has to follow suit to catchup. Oh he is doing it. f it. Let me do so as well. So another 2 do it and so on.

Deleted User - 11547526

I am honestly struggling to take your argument seriously. :D
You just said, if 1 player does this tactic, others need to do it too to keep up. Doesn't that mean, this is a good strategy, that gives you an advantage over others who don't do it?

Dark Cello

Reaction score
So based on everyone telling me, I should focus on nobling barbs? lol

Yes players used to noble old world barbs but that was mostly in late game because there was nothing better to do in the interim of wars or random nukes and nobling as there were way too many nobles in reserve.

Right now, its like a chicken and egg situation I believe. People are so desperate to win these worlds at any cost (including PP), that they have started nobling barbs and this isn't out of necessity. This is because they just don't want to lose troops. Literally the whole essence of the game has been destroyed. I get your point fully about the barb being low points but as far as I recall, that was the exact justification used by 100s if players to say not to noble. Maybe if you put it in retrospect with all the events and PP, etc. Even so, I can't seem to justify it.

But the sad situation is because 1 person is doing it, everyone has to follow suit to catchup. Oh he is doing it. f it. Let me do so as well. So another 2 do it and so on.

You are wasting your time my friend.

They don't understand the point.


New Member
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I am honestly struggling to take your argument seriously. :D
You just said, if 1 player does this tactic, others need to do it too to keep up. Doesn't that mean, this is a good strategy, that gives you an advantage over others who don't do it?
It isn't in reality. Just a faster way to end the world and nothing else. You don't have to take my argument seriously buddy. If you have played the older worlds, you would know exactly what I'm talking about. It might be a good strategy but it ruins the game.

You are wasting your time my friend.

They don't understand the point.

Yes, I see it. As quoted above. :(

Skill Issue

Skilled Soldier 2020
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This isn't the same game as years ago. Can't compare the playstyle when worlds had 20x the player-base, no PP options, no events every 2 weeks & when worlds didn't open every 2 months. Nobody said this is fun, I explained above why it is like this and why it will stay like this unless Inno makes changes, which they won't bc this is all about money nowadays. If you prefer worlds similar to the ones in past play Classic worlds as they're basically "old" TW with a smaller player-base.


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This isn't the same game as years ago. Can't compare the playstyle when worlds had 20x the player-base, no PP options, no events every 2 weeks & when worlds didn't open every 2 months. Nobody said this is fun, I explained above why it is like this and why it will stay like this unless Inno makes changes, which they won't bc this is all about money nowadays. If you prefer worlds similar to the ones in past play Classic worlds as they're basically "old" TW with a smaller player-base.

Yes, I understand. Will have to barb noble to catchup then. Joining the flock.

To clarify, this wasn't the case on W94, W97 & W105 I think. Played those worlds perfectly well with no major barb-ers. Only mid to late game, as standard, where there were no more Player villages left, I noticed more people taking barbs up. PP was the only issue but people were using PP Farming which became quite common after W80 so got accustomed it and it really became part of the strategy, similar to scavenging.

It is what it is.

Will now be a barb-er. o_Oo_O

Deleted User - 11547526

It isn't in reality. Just a faster way to end the world and nothing else. You don't have to take my argument seriously buddy. If you have played the older worlds, you would know exactly what I'm talking about. It might be a good strategy but it ruins the game.
So you are just hating on a superior tactic, because "it ruins the game" (most likely meaning you can't keep up).
Well, that's your problem then I guess. :D

The Joke

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Should have different settings in the game. If you pp whore your way up, you should be barred from attacking people who farm their way up for a set amount of time. Just like the point ratio and morale.