Bears Bedtime Story


I can't help myself sometimes, I should know better. I'll try not to do it again :icon_wink:

b pasta

lololol at fincky. I wonder, are you even the same player who started the account?

You said this about my prediction of 15 villages caps.

I'm wondering if b pasta's spent that long nobling barbs and inactives that he's become disillusioned about how easy villages are to take nowadays

This bit also made me chuckle out loud - almost as much as his prediction for number of captures

But heres what he said said in-game BEFORE the attacks hit

I must admit a lot of the attacks were sent on the 1 weekend I was unable to get near a computer so your 15 estimate might be a little on the low side)

So which is it? I am disillusioned about how easy villages are to take, leaving you chuckling out loud at my prediction of 15? Or did you, yourself, not even tag the attacks and predict more then 15?

Typical fake troll fakeness.

When will these players we come up against realize that trying to put us down only makes themselves seem so much worse. Ace by name but not by nature it seems

The fact that your players do not use the attack planner does not make me, or my boys, "seem" any worse. People abandoning their accounts because they have some sloppy attacks incoming are doing that well enough.

Saying that you don't use the attack planner 'because you don't need it' is enough to make any non-FRST tw pro laugh. I was really cracking up actually.

Instead of coming onto the forums and rightfully bragging about your steller defense against a massive timed attack, you somehow try to twist everything into a put-down of me or my people. Classy.

Worst of all, we have people like "The Jacal" patting you on the back for these actions from the other side of the fence. I dunno if he's trying to suck up for a FRST invite, but trust me he spends more time on the externals then on his account. And he routinely vanishes for a month or more. Sigh.



lololol at fincky. I wonder, are you even the same player who started the account?

You said this about my prediction of 15 villages caps.

But heres what he said said in-game BEFORE the attacks hit

So which is it? I am disillusioned about how easy villages are to take, leaving you chuckling out loud at my prediction of 15? Or did you, yourself, not even tag the attacks and predict more then 15?

Typical fake troll fakeness.

The fact that your players do not use the attack planner does not make me, or my boys, "seem" any worse. People abandoning their accounts because they have some sloppy attacks incoming are doing that well enough.

Saying that you don't use the attack planner 'because you don't need it' is enough to make any non-FRST tw pro laugh. I was really cracking up actually.

Instead of coming onto the forums and rightfully bragging about your steller defense against a massive timed attack, you somehow try to twist everything into a put-down of me or my people. Classy.

Worst of all, we have people like "The Jacal" patting you on the back for these actions from the other side of the fence. I dunno if he's trying to suck up for a FRST invite, but trust me he spends more time on the externals then on his account. And he routinely vanishes for a month or more. Sigh.


Ace when he said he expected 15 caps he was joking around and did not actually plan on losing any villages. I have not used the attack planner in a long time either and I seem to do fine without it remember I played this game before stuff like that was laying around and succeeded too lol. You do not need to rely on the planner. Technically I have made friends with enemies and there is nothing wrong with posting on externals for example I was fighting with Colpo for quite a while on world 7 and now we are good friends. That and if people play TW a specific way you only need to log on once a day to check for incomings then once every few weeks launch a wave of attacks.
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b pasta

I said 15 caps not him. he wasnt joking when he said he wasn't around to tag the attacks, and thought he's lose more.

the planner is about 4x as efficient as no planner. you doing well without it because our tribe has been stocked with players like "the jacal"

i played the game before mass recruit. so i guess no one needs to use this tool cause i played without it....


Oh pasta, maybe some day you'll learn sarcasm cause while he was writing that to you in mails, he was laughing at you on skype with us.

You need to learn to pick up sarcasm a little better because you just missed it a couple more times in this forum.

We all know what the Attack Planner is don't worry.



I was going to flame b pasta, but then I read what he said in his defense and realized I don't need to. I love when people embarrass themselves for me.

It's even funnier when they don't get the joke is on them :icon_biggrin:
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I said 15 caps not him. he wasnt joking when he said he wasn't around to tag the attacks, and thought he's lose more.

the planner is about 4x as efficient as no planner. you doing well without it because our tribe has been stocked with players like "the jacal"

i played the game before mass recruit. so i guess no one needs to use this tool cause i played without it....

it's funny what you say Ace, I don't recall you taking any FRST villas since the war has started..... :icon_rolleyes:


I said 15 caps not him. he wasnt joking when he said he wasn't around to tag the attacks, and thought he's lose more.

the planner is about 4x as efficient as no planner. you doing well without it because our tribe has been stocked with players like "the jacal"

i played the game before mass recruit. so i guess no one needs to use this tool cause i played without it....

If only you could have read the forums where he was posting the mail and laughing at it.


Ace for fear of getting into trouble by posting a bit from our forums you really need to learn when you have been set up. Bob has been taking the mickey out of you since he first started mailing you. It is kind of like our soap opera thread with you being the main clown.

As far as the attack planner goes I think you will find that any player that shows a measure of skill we do resort to the planner but otherwise it is really a case of us just clearing, keeping the walls down and then nobling when we can get around to it.

Maybe a little delusional grandeur is blinding you to what is really going on around you. (of course as usual our opponent experts that always criticize the way we attack will show us how it should be done) :icon_razz: However until we can see evidence of your superior tactics it looks like we will still keep doing it the way we always have :lol:


It seems everyone else on here has answered the majority of your post but in response to

lololol at fincky. I wonder, are you even the same player who started the account?

which hasn't been answered yet, No. But I am the person who merged with the original fincky when we both held about 50 villages each and then has run the account solo from about a week later when he decided to quit. So If you are trying to imply that I've come in at a later stage and taken over a large account, you couldn't be further from the truth :icon_wink:

b pasta

Instead of coming onto the forums and rightfully bragging about your stellar defense against a massive timed attack, you somehow try to twist everything into a put-down of me or my people. Classy.

Oh wait, it seems alot more people then just you bob. While tw has changed much over the years, one thing has remained a constant; the pathetic, self-promoting immature flaming drivel that is poured daily into these externals.

So I've remained off them for the most part and will continue to do so. Back in the day they used to be good for a laugh, but people are posting literally the exact flames that have been recycled on these forums for 10 years now.

I truly feel bad for you, from the deepest depths of my frozen heart (flamers in general). To think that I know not of sarcasm, to think that I really presume you know not of the existence of the attack planner, to think that by attacking fincky and exchanging a few words that I am the 'main clown' in your 'soap opera?'

At the risk of delving into the same drivel of which I criticize, your antics are immature and toward the lower end of pathetic, with no real substance or even style.

Heres an example of a post/excerpt you should emulate, by your own wee jock.

As far as the attack planner goes I think you will find that any player that shows a measure of skill we do resort to the planner but otherwise it is really a case of us just clearing, keeping the walls down and then nobling when we can get around to it.

Maybe a little delusional grandeur is blinding you to what is really going on around you. (of course as usual our opponent experts that always criticize the way we attack will show us how it should be done) However until we can see evidence of your superior tactics it looks like we will still keep doing it the way we always have

Aside from him saying he sometimes 'resorts' to the most efficient method of attacking, this is an excellent post. I like the last part in particular. Clean, factual, and with a little bit of panache. And a good point to boot.

Good day


p.s. good d on my OP bob. wish you wouldve had alot more to deal with then you did.


Instead of coming onto the forums and rightfully bragging about your stellar defense against a massive timed attack, you somehow try to twist everything into a put-down of me or my people. Classy.

Oh wait, it seems alot more people then just you bob. While tw has changed much over the years, one thing has remained a constant; the pathetic, self-promoting immature flaming drivel that is poured daily into these externals.

Isn't twisting someones words to backfire on themselves a classic PnP maneuver that has been done since the dawn of the "forum"? I didn't realize PnP on the forums was so bad, clearly the forums are for love and hugs. Look at similar things in real life, the UN, EU, parliament house, senate, politics in general where two sides convene in a public "debate".

I must not be paying close enough attention, I didn't realize you were meant to go along with everything your opponent says. :icon_confused:

So I've remained off them for the most part and will continue to do so. Back in the day they used to be good for a laugh, but people are posting literally the exact flames that have been recycled on these forums for 10 years now.

People have been posting the exact same flames for 10 years? I didn't realize you played for 10 years, let alone have been flamed for 10 years. That's an achievement, if we are posting the same b pasta flames from 10 years ago. :icon_eek:

I truly feel bad for you, from the deepest depths of my frozen heart (flamers in general). To think that I know not of sarcasm, to think that I really presume you know not of the existence of the attack planner, to think that by attacking fincky and exchanging a few words that I am the 'main clown' in your 'soap opera?'

I feel bad for you getting so upset about people flaming you on the public forums. You are a top 10 player, in a war, of course you will be flamed. :icon_neutral:

At the risk of delving into the same drivel of which I criticize, your antics are immature and toward the lower end of pathetic, with no real substance or even style.

Heres an example of a post/excerpt you should emulate, by your own wee jock.


Aside from him saying he sometimes 'resorts' to the most efficient method of attacking, this is an excellent post. I like the last part in particular. Clean, factual, and with a little bit of panache. And a good point to boot.

Good day


p.s. good d on my OP bob. wish you wouldve had alot more to deal with then you did.

Maybe you should take your own advice? :icon_rolleyes:

Clean, factual, and with a little bit of panache

Your post consisted entirely of:

your antics are immature and toward the lower end of pathetic
I truly feel bad for you, from the deepest depths of my frozen heart
So I've remained off them for the most part and will continue to do so. Back in the day they used to be good for a laugh, but people are posting literally the exact flames that have been recycled on these forums for 10 years now.
(Contradiction of the century? Back in the day they used to be good, but haven't been for the past 10 years, when this forum has only been up for what, 4-5 years? :icon_eek: You obviously have no sense of time in addition to sarcasm or humour.)
one thing has remained a constant; the pathetic, self-promoting immature flaming drivel that is poured daily into these externals

And now, my favorite part once more:

your antics are immature




Saying that you don't use the attack planner 'because you don't need it' is enough to make any non-FRST tw pro laugh. I was really cracking up actually.

Thats just silly, Anyone that has been around knows that the best attack planners were readily available back in the day before they were outlawed :icon_eek:

Maybe you guys are just not good enough to use an attack planner on?

b pasta

(Contradiction of the century? Back in the day they used to be good, but haven't been for the past 10 years, when this forum has only been up for what, 4-5 years? You obviously have no sense of time in addition to sarcasm or humor.)

I said good for a laugh not good. They have always been crap, should have clarified that a little more. Also, they were up back when I started on world 12...2003ish?

I feel bad for you getting so upset about people flaming you on the public forums. You are a top 10 player, in a war, of course you will be flamed.

Trust me I wasn't upset about the flaming. I was upset from the simultaneous annihilation of all of my troops. To this end, yet again, good D bob. Was counting on a little more outside support if you know what I mean.

Isn't twisting someones words to backfire on themselves a classic PnP maneuver that has been done since the dawn of the "forum"? I didn't realize PnP on the forums was so bad, clearly the forums are for love and hugs. Look at similar things in real life, the UN, EU, parliament house, senate, politics in general where two sides convene in a public "debate".

Now this is the essence of what I'm talking about. Twisting someones words or stats to backfire on them is what its all about. Now flaming/disrespect are different entirely, although they are often combined (with twisting, not each others) Harb, you use the classic "point by point" posts that I love, and you always do great. Which is why i was disappointed when I see you dip from this to standard disrespectful flaming. Which I can recall only seeing once, and it was awhile back. Directed at demaster50 maybe? I dunno.

LOVE THE PICTURE! Laughed for 5 minutes! It was almost true, also. But I pre-cleared myself of such accusations with the simple phrase
At the risk of delving into the same drivel of which I criticize,

Did I just start cracking up from PnP? Holy poop.

And I love the one who refutes my anti-PnP-rant post is harb! I may stay out of PnP generally, but every couple weeks I try to scan it all over for hidden gems and info. And without harb, the PnP of this world would have died long ago.



I said good for a laugh not good. They have always been crap, should have clarified that a little more. Also, they were up back when I started on world 12...2003ish?

Please let me use your time traveler, so I can back and start a world 4 years earlier than it was started too. :icon_wink:

Which is why i was disappointed when I see you dip from this to standard disrespectful flaming. Which I can recall only seeing once, and it was awhile back. Directed at demaster50 maybe? I dunno.

It's pretty hard to PnP someone when they make no *point* to counter.

And I love the one who refutes my anti-PnP-rant post is harb! I may stay out of PnP generally, but every couple weeks I try to scan it all over for hidden gems and info. And without harb, the PnP of this world would have died long ago.

My PnP is actually pretty poor when you consider some of the great PnP posters. I just do it when I'm bored.

b pasta

Please let me use your time traveler, so I can back and start a world 4 years earlier than it was started too.

Its a gd hot tub time machine. A hot tub time machine....not a time traveler or some stupid silver car.


Trust me I wasn't upset about the flaming. I was upset from the simultaneous annihilation of all of my troops. To this end, yet again, good D bob. Was counting on a little more outside support if you know what I mean.


Ace please look closely at those whom you are tribemates of and then your words above. This will become a recurring theme in your tribe here but if you follow their grand plan you can start now and do as the previous owner of your account did and just concentrate on barbs and internals.
If you are as skillful as the rest of them you should manage to defeat those little grey markers about just as quick as frost take other villages from you.

ps a little tip is don't bother building troops in these new ones as it will leave more resources for packets maybe allowing you to out strip frost on the conquering game. :lol:



Im confused...

There's an attack planner? And all this time i have been covering pieces of paper in futile scribbles? agh...

/switches to ace's method of perfect attacking of 4x efficiency.