This thread is to share all the laughs that you have made against yourself, i know i am a noob and i am not afraid to show it :lol:
So i send a train, the nuke ends up being in the last noble. I thought it would be in the second or third like it normally is. I checked first, i was like okay small escort. Did not bother checking the last 3 nobles. (lack of sleep) And i had a nuke timed ms after train. Too lazy to cancel it, must of been from the lack of sleep
I noble village
This is what happens after
My epic skills on display. :icon_razz:
Anyone else have some good facepalm moments you have made. This is not a flame thread. This is a thread where we can all laugh at some other mis fortunes. Enjoy
So i send a train, the nuke ends up being in the last noble. I thought it would be in the second or third like it normally is. I checked first, i was like okay small escort. Did not bother checking the last 3 nobles. (lack of sleep) And i had a nuke timed ms after train. Too lazy to cancel it, must of been from the lack of sleep
I noble village
This is what happens after
My epic skills on display. :icon_razz:
Anyone else have some good facepalm moments you have made. This is not a flame thread. This is a thread where we can all laugh at some other mis fortunes. Enjoy