Best of everything


I'm not going to dispute that Pavle, some would say fair game, others would say arseholes trick. We are where we are now.

I would disagree with suggestions Balubai was doing any convincing though.

I wouldn't agree with a move like that, I would just kick ass. I agree with Xillah on the matter of opinion, different people have different opinions on subjects we all think differently.


1. Best player

2. Best team-player:

Rather hard just saying 1 player since it's shared by a few people to be honest.

3. Best leader (duke, co-duke, even baron):

4. Best war general (assuming you have one):

GermanWind is a good defensive coordinator.

5. Best tactical maneuver:

It would say Ya bro move on aTo during the SP war, that sort of secured them this world.

6. Best of the worst (player):

cannot remember the name of the account.

7. Best of the worst (leader):

Bonlxx (cody)

8. Best position:

9. Best quote:

Well it would not be allowed to put on these forums so sorry :p

10. Best attention-seeker:

Not found any one that goes under this title so far on this world.

11. Best Newber:
Not fought anyone that was really out-standing enough to qualify to this title.


1. Best player (disregarding points vs whom you battled):

2. Best team-player:

duff / tesh
3. Best leader (duke, co-duke, even baron):

4. Best war general (assuming you have one):

meh, dont really know about others on this world, so ill leave it blank
5. Best tactical maneuver:

6. Best of the worst (player):
clueless, all of gas hide behind what they thought was a god like player and crumbled in days.

7. Best of the worst (leader):
chris of course, i mean how do you go from x3 some ones caps to under x1?

8. Best position:
truffle he owns a K

9. Best quote:
his tribe's disbanded 3 times and he's still here fighting.... you're tribe will get disbanded once and you'll be gone because you're irrelevant.
10. Best attention-seeker: chris

11. Best Newber: tesh


1. Best player (disregarding points vs whom you battled): Xanthae

Note: Do NOT post the best player you think is for the whole world, just the one you fought against.

2. Best team-player: Flavius Aetius and Larxus - have had to work closely with both.

Note: Someone who you think it's best to work with.

3. Best leader (duke, co-duke, even baron): Flavius Aetius/Robby.Reindeer. - Best Co-Dukes I have had the pleasure to work with.

Note: Someone who you think holds the respect of other players. Naturally, this is tribe-related.

4. Best war general (assuming you have one): ----blank---- as I'd be forced to vote for myself.

Note: This is mostly your offense and defense coordinator

5. Best tactical maneuver: aTo photoshopping manipulation :/

Note: It's a move someone managed to pull to gain advantage over something.

6. Best of the worst (player): BadBoyBoogey

Note: Someone who you thought it was so easy to defeat that you deliberately sent trains 15 secs apart and with as little troops as possible.

7. Best of the worst (leader): Cally.

Note: The most short-sighted leader you can think of.

8. Best position: King Cat or Truffle.

Note: Someone who you think has the best position (location-wise) in the world that no matter what tribe that player is in, he'll always prosper.

9. Best quote:
[11:43:42 PM] Pavle: im an idiot
[11:43:44 PM] Pavle: sent nobles with 1 axe
[11:43:46 PM] Pavle: instead of 100

Note: Something someone has said that you liked so much that you had to put it on your profile, or perhaps have it printed on a T-shirt. You can paraphrase.

10. Best attention-seeker: Devil.

Note: Someone who you think trolls to much to gain attention.

11. Best Newber: Levennath/Noisecontroller/ckong. They all get this from me.


The forums are dead again. :icon_cry:

1. Best player (disregarding points vs whom you battled):

Note: Do NOT post the best player you think is for the whole world, just the one you fought against.

We haven't had much competition so far so I guess I would have to go with nuglord while sitting topgun. Only player to actually snipe, insta recap etc on me on this world.

2. Best team-player:

Note: Someone who you think it's best to work with.

Wyattbechard. The guys are always willing to send every spare troop they have to help a teammate. And are always in for helping offensively as well. Just stay out of their churches :icon_razz:

3. Best leader (duke, co-duke, even baron):

Note: Someone who you think holds the respect of other players. Naturally, this is tribe-related.

Although I have never been lead by him I would have to give it to Balu for holding together a top tribe with a lot of clashing personalities for so long.

4. Best war general (assuming you have one):

Note: This is mostly your offense and defense coordinator

Pete. :icon_eek:

5. Best tactical maneuver:

Note: It's a move someone managed to pull to gain advantage over something.

Clueless, Kenwardo, Truffle op by ya bro. Disbanded a tribe in one op. Not saying it was great, but it worked.

6. Best of the worst (player):

Note: Someone who you thought it was so easy to defeat that you deliberately sent trains 15 secs apart and with as little troops as possible.

A lot of easy opponents on this world. The easiest who didn't insta quit when they saw incomings would have to be blackheart. <3

7. Best of the worst (leader):

Note: The most short-sighted leader you can think of.

Cally :icon_twisted:. I like Cally, but giving up at the first sign of trouble is a no no especially for a tribe leader.

8. Best position:

Note: Someone who you think has the best position (location-wise) in the world that no matter what tribe that player is in, he'll always prosper.

I'll give it to devil right now or kingcat. Both have nice clusters relatively safe and still have a lot of room to grow.

9. Best quote:

Note: Something someone has said that you liked so much that you had to put it on your profile, or perhaps have it printed on a T-shirt. You can paraphrase.

Can't think of any at the moment but probably something on Windows XP's profile

10. Best attention-seeker:

Note: Someone who you think trolls to much to gain attention.
My baby boy Christopher. I would say devil as well but he isn't trolling just ego boosting himself :p.

11. Best Newber:

Note: The one player who you thought would underachieve, and has done the exact opposite i.e. overachieved.

If you think more of "the best of" things to put, just post them, and I'll edit the post.
I'll give this one too blackheart as well. Was sent to the rim early in the game and has impressed me by persevering and making it onto the leaderboards.


The Best of?????



Spammed. NEXT


I am the best at coming fourth on major world achievements

Once again I have been kicked out of the top 3 when at one stage I was first