Who were the greatest and the not so great from World 25. Think of all the players past and present. We have had some amazing players and personalities come through here.
I am interested to know which players you would award the following titles. You may add some of your own categories. If you think your opinions will be received in a way that will cause you harm in the game, you can mail them to DipsyDixie and they will get posted here anonymously.
Best All Around Player
Best Attacker
Best Defender
Best strategic player
Best Player that got rimmed
Biggest Barb Taker
Best Tribe
Runner up Tribe
The most enjoyable player to piss off
The player you never want to piss off
Best team (group of players)
Funniest Player
Biggest ass hole (or Diva)
Best War
Who would you most like to meet?
Who's computer would you most like to break?
Most over rated player
Most Improved (went from noob to killer)
Most Annoying Player
Luckiest Player
Best Alliance
Greatest Farmer
Best mail
Most Dramatic
Most Paranoid
Most Underhanded
Most Loyal
Greatest Spy
Biggest Stat Padder
Best Leader
Worst Leader
I am interested to know which players you would award the following titles. You may add some of your own categories. If you think your opinions will be received in a way that will cause you harm in the game, you can mail them to DipsyDixie and they will get posted here anonymously.
Best All Around Player
Best Attacker
Best Defender
Best strategic player
Best Player that got rimmed
Biggest Barb Taker
Best Tribe
Runner up Tribe
The most enjoyable player to piss off
The player you never want to piss off
Best team (group of players)
Funniest Player
Biggest ass hole (or Diva)
Best War
Who would you most like to meet?
Who's computer would you most like to break?
Most over rated player
Most Improved (went from noob to killer)
Most Annoying Player
Luckiest Player
Best Alliance
Greatest Farmer
Best mail
Most Dramatic
Most Paranoid
Most Underhanded
Most Loyal
Greatest Spy
Biggest Stat Padder
Best Leader
Worst Leader
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