Best All Around Player: Toss up between US Patriot and Heavenly Hell
Best Attacker: Heavely Hell
Best Defender: A guy named K9Me one of the greatest in short range defense!
Best strategic player: H46Ac long live David!!!!
Best Player that got rimmed: really if you got rimmed you seriously cant be that good but The Fez was a pain so I will go with him
Biggest Barb Taker: Anyone in Pack lol
Best Tribe : INH hahahah
Runner up Tribe : Subv when INH joined them lol
The most enjoyable player to piss off: Intim
The player you never want to piss off: Princess Di she is crazy son lol
Best team (group of players): The boys of the South West you know who you are!
Funniest Player: Saint Pauli when he gets on here drunk lol
Biggest ass hole (or Diva): Even though me and him got along Sacerdoter was a dick to alot of people lol or The other Matt aka Razz
Best War: INH vs Subv was the last time we really battled hard
Who would you most like to meet? Saint Pauli
Who's computer would you most like to break? Everyone so I would just stop playing this game
Most over rated player: Intim because he likes squirrels!
Most Improved (went from noob to killer): ME, my first world
Most Annoying Player: The little guys that havent quit yet!
Luckiest Player: Anyone still alive in W25
Best Alliance: Subv/SFM/Subv2/Food lol
Greatest Farmer: heavely
Best mail : I have seen some funny ones but never kept them
Most Dramatic: Intim that guy was always fired up
Most Paranoid: Halling aka Linda lol
Most Underhanded: hmmmmm Cameronthechef never knew what that guy was up to
Most Loyal: Me I never betrayed my people...EVER
Greatest Spy: Didnt really us ethem so dont know
Biggest Stat Padder: UK of course lol
Best Leader: UK with INH he did alot for what he had to work with
Worst Leader: Super...Pack could be #1/#2 right now with still alot of fight