Im taking it from when tribes were generally functioning at their peak.
And no, I did not implode, nor throw a tantrum. But you wouldnt know that cause your not ig.
Axe was not at its peak when we fought Exile, not even close to it. If you put any of my listed tribes against Exile, when they were both at their peak, then I believe mine still wouldve won. But its only my opinion after all :icon_wink:
dont get too worked up on it.
and I still maintain, that tH and -?- wouldve walked over anybody else if there was a true 1vs1 fight. yes, even Axe.
Now go start another world, delete (again! :icon_rolleyes

then go troll their forums.
Edit: Jaffe
im pretty sure that would be Axe, but imo that doesnt necessarily mean they are the best W15 has seen. What I said above still counts, in that in its prime tH and -?- had a much better line up and coordination than we ever did. Yes, even way back when Boozie was in complete control....