Best Wars of W28


To stimulate ze forum a little bit more i think it'd be fun to make your top 5 wars of World 28. Can be any war from any period in W28 history(but please no wars between one 1K tribe and another 1K tribe, unless it was significant in shaping this world). So have at it ladies and gents. Remember: top 5, any point in world history and if you want just a very brief description about the war itself. Enjoy. :icon_wink:


No specific order

1. PWO vs YARR!- amazing tactic they used against them as that was one quick war for a #1 vs #2 tribe which #2 tribe won. Wish I saw more of this war but still great job.

2. IwA, APOX, Panda? and SITH vs Rogue- took down a top tribe that got into more tribes territory than they could handle. Sad to see Rogue go but those guys will still be in my m emory of a top 5 tribe in one point of this world

3. DRINK! F. vs HATE! F. Almost same size with a group of tribes vs each other DRINK!, BEER!, VODKA!, RAKI! vs HATE!, RAGE!, FEAR!, and HELIX
HATE! claims that their OD score was good enough to vs an W28 inexperienced tribe.

4. SITH vs APOX F. - SITH which is probably one of the top tribe that dominated in so many wars before they got bored. APOX what a great competitive tribe that did as much as they could to hold on. If it wasn't for DRINK! entering in while MTS backed off the support which probably speeded the process.

5. lets give MTS some credit as they did beat SITH and PWO even though its mainly due to inactivity and original members quitting. Still MTS may have destroyed the G3 which most probably thought was unable to be done (probably merging of =EoN= that really made this happen_)


1) sith vs red
up close and personal. I love it

2) drink vs Barbie
again up close and personal. What made it interesting is half of Barbie was protected inside sith territory so drink kinda bluffed thier way to an end. Plus destroyed half of barbies morale

3) sith vs apox
great war till drink interviened. Mts only supported against the drink side. Got an allied pact and withdrew support. It was then drink launched an offensive against apox. Good show

4) mts vs sith/pwo
not much of a show, but it seems mts had a huge advantage over sith before sith crumbled and ran for cover. To bad leadership was almost all gone before the war started.

5) fire vs kos
way up close and fire destroyed kos extremely quickly. I was up close as well. Was fun to see all those villages change hands so quickly with the world still small.


I would have to say that the PLO and Yarr war against WSS was quite satisfying, as well.

From what I understand, the only original powerhouse left is Drink...for all the fame, glory, and infamy Yarr and PWO had, it is a shame to how things didn't last...


1)PLO vs YARR! (man this made a rectangle in the map and a huge hole in yarr! territory by PLO)

2)Apox vs Sith (Hahaha...the time i got over 3000+ incomings the best i can say for me in w28...a half active tribe vs a half active tribe with not much if a leadership.It was a long 1 too:icon_redface:)

3)APOX+Sith+IWA vs Rogue(<3 roguebarbarian lol)

4)Drink Vs Hate

5)MTS vs SITH (yep the pretty war tat i had not much fun but will give mts the credit for making me login time and time again:icon_smile:)


Im in MTS (down in 76 where it started) so didnt really get much intel on core wars. But with developed tribes i thought the APOX vs SITH war looked liked the best (thinking apox had to watch too many borders). PWO vs YARR seemed a bit overhyped personally, having all the leaders as spies/turncoats doesnt make a good war imo.

We had a nice continent slaughter too though.


well PWO vs YARR! war didn't have much nobling done because of internal leadership spies in YARR! or w/e. As much as that is true it really made the world it is now. Who knows if YARR! had stayed and destroyed KK they would of been around for a long time and who knows =EoN= may not be around.


Ok here's mah list:
1. DRINK! vs. HATE-Entertaining to watch HATE fam. finally go down in flames. DRINK! marching across K24 was great.
2. ~TFR~ vs. HIRE-Nothing much to say here except one entertaining war.
3. PLO vs. YARR-One of the only wars i've seen where spies were what one it.
4. SITH and APOX-Dragged out like crazy but definitely worth watching it. Kept the world from going tribalhugs completely.
5. =EoN= vs. PHO-Shaped the south definitely. Made it possible for MTS fam to become one tribe larger


well PWO vs YARR! war didn't have much nobling done because of internal leadership spies in YARR! or w/e. As much as that is true it really made the world it is now. Who knows if YARR! had stayed and destroyed KK they would of been around for a long time and who knows =EoN= may not be around.

that would have been intense :icon_smile: I was in K52 right below K42 which was YARR! terriorty. they would have swept through us. to bad we cant see alternate futures :icon_razz:


My favourite war has to be DRINK!/HATE! simply because its the war I have had most involvement in... From PnP to Planning attacks its all good fun.

I am however missing any action now. However my sources tell me that other tribes have plans in progress so we could be seeing some action fairly soon...

The SITH/Red war was fun for me cus as well as acting as a spy for AifoS during my "off time" I was also in Red spying for SITH.

PWO/YARR! war was over rated in my eyes.. The war was won before it started due to spies in high places.

Wars that have dissapointed me have been:

MTS/SITH - MTS got lucky with their declaration timing otherwise they remain unproven. I would have loved to have seen SITH with active leadership fight MTS

DRINK!/APOX - APOX merged with SITH pretty much after their declaration


Wars that have dissapointed me have been:

MTS/SITH - MTS got lucky with their declaration timing otherwise they remain unproven. I would have loved to have seen SITH with active leadership fight MTS

thats just the piont in wars know when to declare on somebody that all


thats just the piont in wars know when to declare on somebody that all

I didnt say they made a mistake in the timing of their declaration... This thread is about the Best Wars of W28 and MTS/SITH was not one of the best wars in my opinion.


I didnt say they made a mistake in the timing of their declaration... This thread is about the Best Wars of W28 and MTS/SITH was not one of the best wars in my opinion.

then why do you say they have dissapointed remember you neet to say your best wars what you find are the best

treath name is stil best wars of w28 and not dissapointed wars of w28

my best wars what i have seenand fight some of them

ofcourse the drink.F VS HATE.F the mother of all wars in this world

pwo VS YARR just because pwo have done a good job with there spy´s

MTS VS DOE-E i think was there name cant remember them really when we started our attacks on them the tribe disband in just a few hours great war

MTS.F & panda? VS k85 loved the team work was great to long some 120hours nukes and nobles

mts.F VS sith and pwo loved the nukes and nobles i got from padrope and some other


Ok here's mah list:
1. DRINK! vs. HATE-Entertaining to watch HATE fam. finally go down in flames. DRINK! marching across K24 was great.
2. ~TFR~ vs. HIRE-Nothing much to say here except one entertaining war.
3. PLO vs. YARR-One of the only wars i've seen where spies were what one it.
4. SITH and APOX-Dragged out like crazy but definitely worth watching it. Kept the world from going tribalhugs completely.
5. =EoN= vs. PHO-Shaped the south definitely. Made it possible for MTS fam to become one tribe larger

Bold is full of win. PHO was the resistance between EoN and MTS however be aware that it wasn't even near the top 10 wars whatsoever so it surely isn't one of the top wars.

MTS vs SITH? LOL again.

In my opinion:
1. PLO vs YARR
3. Rogue vs Gangbang
4. Sith vs Apox
5. Drink vs Barbies


well PWO vs YARR! war didn't have much nobling done because of internal leadership spies in YARR! or w/e. As much as that is true it really made the world it is now. Who knows if YARR! had stayed and destroyed KK they would of been around for a long time and who knows =EoN= may not be around.

I agree - the south would be a different story

Bold is full of win. PHO was the resistance between EoN and MTS however be aware that it wasn't even near the top 10 wars whatsoever so it surely isn't one of the top wars.

The only downfall to this war was how dumb the leadership was in PHO, I mean was it any surprise EoN wanted to war PHO yet PHO frontline villages werent stacked or even maxed out in troops - than run and hide.

Regarding GF-leaderhip of pho

MTS/SITH - MTS got lucky with their declaration timing otherwise they remain unproven. I would have loved to have seen SITH with active leadership fight MTS

Got lucky? and unproven? Being over prepared for a war is being lucky? Planned ops lucky? Than PWO declares and well we all know what happened, may not be the best war but was one that shaped w28 and G3 - The reason why it was shaped the way it was is mainly because of how well MTS prepared prior to the war.


5. lets give MTS some credit as they did beat SITH and PWO even though its mainly due to inactivity and original members quitting. Still MTS may have destroyed the G3 which most probably thought was unable to be done (probably merging of =EoN= that really made this happen_)

NOTE: This war was already planned before =EoN= merge with MTS, very well planned and the reason why it went so well inactivity is the excuse most are using but thats mainly due to how MTS leadership at the time made sure frontlines was nicely stacked and members were as active as possible.


NOTE: This war was already planned before =EoN= merge with MTS, very well planned and the reason why it went so well inactivity is the excuse most are using but thats mainly due to how MTS leadership at the time made sure frontlines was nicely stacked and members were as active as possible.

What are u trying to say?


The only downfall to this war was how dumb the leadership was in PHO, I mean was it any surprise EoN wanted to war PHO yet PHO frontline villages werent stacked or even maxed out in troops - than run and hide.

Regarding GF-leaderhip of pho

The leadership was dumb, that's why PHO players kept playing the world right? :icon_rolleyes:

Amazing, the new objective of a war is to let the other side survive. I could kept playing if I wanted, I had MTS support, Alfie wasn't being attacked when he moved, same for Heckler, latchky and some others. Amazingly all of them continued playing the world aside from me because I wanted to quit [something any of those who know me well enough can back up] and I was even offered to co-play accounts in higher tribes *stares at Drink*. Certainly because of my bad skills.


I've made my point, PHO vs EON was definitely not a top 5 war.


What are u trying to say?

What don't you understand?

Statement reads "probably the merging of EoN what made it happen"

I've made my point, PHO vs EON was definitely not a top 5 war.

I agree barbs give up a better fight, due to the unorganized planning of its Duke and multi accounting that went on as well but thats a different story.


I've made my point, PHO vs EON was definitely not a top 5 war.

Hey i couldn't come up with anything off the top of my head :icon_biggrin: Besides it's just an opinion, you don't gotta agree with it man.