Haha, Fair points from all.
Well my tribe is mainly based south end of the map. We go for skill over points, thus our member count never goes over 40.
As for my OD, 1 mill ODD in less then a month is pretty good to have built enough troops to kill that off, and 50k ODA? Id like to see anyone else get that with half nukes lol. Nah but in all honesty with no wars ODA grows slowly.
As for nevest whatever i thought he was attempting to insult me for being on the other side of the world which is why i gave those awesome stats
Finally as for tribes i have no doubt Time will consume all, You have the best players ive ever seem, which i also noticed when i saw about 1000 1k barbs even in your main area's which goes to show you guys are never hitting useless villages..
But hey what fun would it be if we all just quit to avoid the inevitable