Mr. Cringer Pants
There is nothing such as trust in this game
You Cant play solo and you will never have a chance to play Solo Randomly
Friends is Everything in this game
you are not the only one who face that and you wont be the last one there will be more always
Aww man, I hit rank 2 on my first world startup playing solo. I trusted ALessonInPointWhoring in educating me about startup and trusted a few friends and top accounts to sit my account when I slept. They didn't farm but did watch for incomings and kept the queue going. My account later joined 4zlulz that went on to world win the world. This was before all the premium features though. Key point, I wasn't a douche to anyone any nobody was a douch to me. Nobody backstabbed me and I picked the key players to trust based on crowd sourcing and my own personal evaluation of there language and behaviors.
There is trust in this game if its build with the sword and axe so to speak. Work with a small group sitting, stacking, sniping and farming with each other and there is no reason you cannot develop a peer bond and work throughout an entire world. If there is no trust, how can a tribe even win? The key to trust is knowing where peoples loyalties lie. I think the main point is you cannot trust someone to work with you unless you are both treating eachothers territory and villages as one account/tribe/relationship. Working with members, training members and fighting with members is how you earn trust and both accounts have plenty of food to grown. Respect is key.
I've been part of major espionage actions within top tribes multiple times and the key dukes of the worlds still trusted me as I never once lied to anyone and honorably targeted tribes that needed to go down. If you keep your word and have a respect for fidelity, the network will label you as a trusting member. The main point is not getting caught in a load of bullshit, over and over again.