Breaking news for W42


stop it boys, we all know I'm huey!

pfft thanks scott :p
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Huey is actually Sarg.
He dresses in Mrs Sarg's cloths and stalks the externals



Anyone who thinks that Huey would actually reveal him/herselves at such a time must have been lucky enough to be by Charlie Sheen and received the drugs that he threw out to make sure the cops didn't bust him the night they broke down his door. Seriously, there is no way huey would reveal themselves, there would be absolutely no benefit to it.

By revealing themselves (and yes, it is a "them", as indicated in the interview) they rob themselves of expressing themselves without concern for what they are saying, in addition to further stirring up the forums and gaining attention.

Additionally the only reason to pose as huey would be to discredit them and what they are saying, further proving their point.

However, if huey is indeed a fake, and knows absolutely nothing then the poser would be bringing all that hate onto your own shoulders for absolutely no reason and it would be best to continue to hide behind the alias.

Either way, the real huey's is still hid behind the curtain, and sooner or later we shall see what the Wizards of Oz has in store for us sooner or later.


So, what your REALLY trying to say, is that YOUR Huey?

Yes, I'm actually referring to myself in the 3rd person and in plural form both at the same time, while cleverly hiding the fact that I somehow know someone else that plays tw in real life :icon_rolleyes:

...actually I do, but he only ever got to 30k points and quit like 5 years ago :lol:
showed him my account and he made rude gestures that involved certain fingers that I would get an infraction for repeating in its verbal/writen form.


Huey is actually Sarg.
He dresses in Mrs Sarg's cloths and stalks the externals

sarg.jpg are the prettiest darn sheman I ever didn't see:icon_wink::icon_redface: and we got a shim of our own here in Modwar but heher is too shy to post a pic for us:(


Yes, I'm actually referring to myself in the 3rd person and in plural form both at the same time, while cleverly hiding the fact that I somehow know someone else that plays tw in real life :icon_rolleyes:

...actually I do, but he only ever got to 30k points and quit like 5 years ago :lol:
showed him my account and he made rude gestures that involved certain fingers that I would get an infraction for repeating in its verbal/writen form.

i think the bolded part proves beyond shadow that you are huey....HA we caught you at last.......your defense of yourself in such an odd angle had undone you mesiba:icon_evil:


i think the bolded part proves beyond shadow that you are huey....HA we caught you at last.......your defense of yourself in such an odd angle had undone you mesiba:icon_evil:

Yes you caught mes, we did it :icon_rolleyes: it just us, or do we have a multiple personality disorder...yes I do...Who was that?...STOP MESSING WITH MY KEYBOARD!!!!!!!!!!

But on a serious note, we can't wait for the real huey's to show their faces again.


Anyone remember Lordshark from IDS or IF(can't remember witch)? But after reading the insane ramblings of Huey there is something very similar between the two.
The way he/she claims to have a whole spy network going between all tribes and know the inner working of them all.


I heard from a friend of a friend that says their stepbrother's cousin's dog's uncle said Heuy was Sctt, so it must be!