Bunny Brothers + Bunny Huggers vs. Antidote and Breathing Difficulties


This thread is for current stat up dates and discussion about stats only.... please keep all flaming to the other thread.



Kinda annoying that these current stats make my efforts look like nothing
All we have done so far is play swapsies


So #Gas is mostly watching? They did about 1/5 of what Cure did, they talked 5 times more than Cure talked ...


well actually #gas is the only one positive in the caps right now...


I was gonna post my score but I started nobling before declaration. Whoopsy :p

I will post someone elses instead

Duke representing

balubhai Ya Bro 17 0 748.272 797.709


Seems pretty straight forward.. Balu has taken a pile of villages, someone else has lost a pile.. Pretty much trading owners so far. Hope nobody watching was expecting a clear result after a couple days??!!


omg guys the tables has turned

Now the other side has a tiny lead

Rank Name Conquered villages Lost villages Defeated opponents while attacking Defeated opponents while defending
1 Ally 96 94 15.659.573 14.567.231
2 Enemy 94 96 12.164.325 19.796.644

feel free to get a pic I cba


What would you expect with backstab skill? Good luck for both sides :)


+2 back stab


all we need is for someone to invite s-d and it'll be a real party


I was just looking at point changes, ODA and ODD rises and notified something very interesting.

In Ya Bro almost all top 25 players are participating in offensive part, from the top 25 players only Tesh and satorbg don't seem to be very active in offensive.

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On the other hand in #GAS (Or whatever they change their name every few minutes), I can see 9 players who aren't participating in offensive.

It's surprising to see TruffleShuffleOrRiot is on that list as well.

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And in the Cure ... Even though they are doing well so far (Which is a lot more than I excepted after I saw their performance vs S-D), there are only 8 players participating in their top 25. That's horrible ...

Look at there, big players like malec, Larxus, robby reindeer, thecincykid and a lot more, are doing almost nothing. 3 out of the players who aren't active don't seem to have killed even 1 unit in past week!

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I must say since aTo joined the war and ruined the balanced war (100mil VS 60mil), I shall start supporting the small side, but Ya Bro members activity really need an appreciation.

And honestly, what's wrong with this world? So far I have seen no sign of honor in any of the top tribes and their leaders. Every single war that I have seen here was unbalanced and the only 2 kinda balanced wars that happened were *SP* vs aTo and Ya Bro vs Shrekd, and both of these wars lasted about 1 week and without any special thing happening one side disbanded and merged to another tribe.
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Cure expected the aTo betrayal.

We did not launch our backline nukes for that reason.


Turtle life

And those stats aren't particularly truthful too the war in the sense of many of ya bro's members have not gained that oda/odd from the war but from hitting amigosniped so in the sense of participation not a lot has yet been fired...

Opinion ofc
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Night2 thats mitsake what u saying,roby conquered 14 vills . so you cant tell he doing nothin.