This is the message posted in my tribe's forums.
Bye VX, my time is up, I've got to leave you guys now. Some of you have really impacted me. Clash, Dazza, you are really stars, I owe my time in VX to you and I'm forever indebted to you. Though we quarreled, you guys rock. Private and Think, I didn't get to talk to you guys too much but you two too are good players and I'm sure you can kick ass if you guys can spend more time here. Inthemoney and theimp, you 2 are small but hey, you guys listen to me and we are a good team. There's loads more to learn and I hope you guys can still improve. Xconnect and Kraggo, again, I didn't get the opportunity to meet you guys and work alongside you 2 but from what I felt, you 2 can really lead and rally people. Kudos to that. Larsian, you doctor
You've been real kind and you've helped me out, I can't forget that.
I am playing in World 40 now. RL has caught up, my studies must be kept in check, I dont want anything below an A. Im with a highly active bunch there and I will never forget you. VX was a whole new chapter and phase of my life in TW and I really think it brought some change. Having new comrades and such, its a nice and pleasant experience.
To those that thought I was a different preiod after that Spell of inactivity in October, I have nothing to say other than "you are simply a tard".
I wish you guys the best of luck in VX-Myr's Future endeavours.
Viva VX.
I <3 all of you who will miss me. For those that are just caring about my villages and who it will go to, screw off. My villages are going to my friends.
To those of you that hated me, well, Im going so you can be happy. Ill miss some of you, hope you all beat Ismaild05
I have to say my goodbyes here too. I have friends in TBP too I want to thank. W4 was my first world I started when I was only 10, Im nearing 14 now and I really have got to go. (Unless W4 lasts another 4 years and I get a credit card!).
Grasluk, Scorpion, all you ex LACON members who went to W00t at one time, you guys were quite helpful and showed me how to attack. Varg Vikerness, you were a neighbourhood bully, but hey, I learnt alot from how you hit me at the strt. Marianb, you left early too but you were quite nice back in the early days. Piros, you were a great leader in LACON, listening to all my questions and answering them. I really appreciated that. Jimvy took the ropes later with his brother and they were nice too. SGL was a new chapter but it later disintegrated. I really thought we stood a chance you know, what a pity what a waste. Oh gosh, I think i might tear. I recall the good old days I turned on my comp and danced around each time i nobled. W4 was slow, I wasnt experienced when i started so i didn't have the upper hand. Nightcrawl, you pissed me off so I took you out
Parham, you brought me into P0X too and I want to thank all P0X members. Those were the days we really fought. Blackgeorge, Ancient, Sirenna, Truckshay I want to wish you all 4 good luck too, you really are nice people. Xterminator, you were a great opponent, we both hit each other alot so you were a fair opponent. JG stood a chance but the leadership sucked, I guess I was too young to understand the politics or read between the lines back then. World 4 has been an enriching experience in my life. 4 out of 14 years of my life. I learnt organization, communication, all the factors of being in a team.
World 4 is a waning world, many are going to leave. To those who can persevere to the end, I take my hats off you.
There it is, another one bites the dust. Ill miss all of you, Ill still be in World 40 where Im excelling.
PIT, you and I had our quarrles, but you are a good greek player
Good job. Vile, I never really talked to you but i noticed people with scary names tend to be quite nice, like for eg "XTERMINATOR!" or "VILE BRUTUS!". Gmonly was a turd though I thought he was a nice guy from his name!
Theres so much things to sum up about my life in TW in general, the days when i got my first 1000 points, first 3000, first 9000, my first 100K and my first mio. The phases and stages I passed through, the friends I made. Ill miss all of you.
World 4 wouldnt be World 4 without everyone of you, including those I dont know. GOOD LUCK W4, I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU.
:icon_neutral: Its bittersweet for me, its a new stage in life for me. Ill <3 you guys to the end. I WANNA HUG ALL OF YOU!!!!!!
TBH, I wanna create a tribe for fun called "BALLS!" but Roni wont let me. If you all can promise to retain the samediplomacy you had with VX with me if I do that, Ill be so happy, its been my wish.
Im giving my vills to VX, i just wanna be in a tribe called BALLS!. W4 needs BALLS!!!!!!!
the one and only
Bye VX, my time is up, I've got to leave you guys now. Some of you have really impacted me. Clash, Dazza, you are really stars, I owe my time in VX to you and I'm forever indebted to you. Though we quarreled, you guys rock. Private and Think, I didn't get to talk to you guys too much but you two too are good players and I'm sure you can kick ass if you guys can spend more time here. Inthemoney and theimp, you 2 are small but hey, you guys listen to me and we are a good team. There's loads more to learn and I hope you guys can still improve. Xconnect and Kraggo, again, I didn't get the opportunity to meet you guys and work alongside you 2 but from what I felt, you 2 can really lead and rally people. Kudos to that. Larsian, you doctor
I am playing in World 40 now. RL has caught up, my studies must be kept in check, I dont want anything below an A. Im with a highly active bunch there and I will never forget you. VX was a whole new chapter and phase of my life in TW and I really think it brought some change. Having new comrades and such, its a nice and pleasant experience.
To those that thought I was a different preiod after that Spell of inactivity in October, I have nothing to say other than "you are simply a tard".
I wish you guys the best of luck in VX-Myr's Future endeavours.
Viva VX.
I <3 all of you who will miss me. For those that are just caring about my villages and who it will go to, screw off. My villages are going to my friends.
To those of you that hated me, well, Im going so you can be happy. Ill miss some of you, hope you all beat Ismaild05
I have to say my goodbyes here too. I have friends in TBP too I want to thank. W4 was my first world I started when I was only 10, Im nearing 14 now and I really have got to go. (Unless W4 lasts another 4 years and I get a credit card!).
Grasluk, Scorpion, all you ex LACON members who went to W00t at one time, you guys were quite helpful and showed me how to attack. Varg Vikerness, you were a neighbourhood bully, but hey, I learnt alot from how you hit me at the strt. Marianb, you left early too but you were quite nice back in the early days. Piros, you were a great leader in LACON, listening to all my questions and answering them. I really appreciated that. Jimvy took the ropes later with his brother and they were nice too. SGL was a new chapter but it later disintegrated. I really thought we stood a chance you know, what a pity what a waste. Oh gosh, I think i might tear. I recall the good old days I turned on my comp and danced around each time i nobled. W4 was slow, I wasnt experienced when i started so i didn't have the upper hand. Nightcrawl, you pissed me off so I took you out
World 4 is a waning world, many are going to leave. To those who can persevere to the end, I take my hats off you.
There it is, another one bites the dust. Ill miss all of you, Ill still be in World 40 where Im excelling.
PIT, you and I had our quarrles, but you are a good greek player
Theres so much things to sum up about my life in TW in general, the days when i got my first 1000 points, first 3000, first 9000, my first 100K and my first mio. The phases and stages I passed through, the friends I made. Ill miss all of you.
World 4 wouldnt be World 4 without everyone of you, including those I dont know. GOOD LUCK W4, I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU.
:icon_neutral: Its bittersweet for me, its a new stage in life for me. Ill <3 you guys to the end. I WANNA HUG ALL OF YOU!!!!!!
TBH, I wanna create a tribe for fun called "BALLS!" but Roni wont let me. If you all can promise to retain the samediplomacy you had with VX with me if I do that, Ill be so happy, its been my wish.
the one and only