Can a tribe be saved


If the original leaders of a tribe leave (Cowards) can the remnants of it be saved? I am curious to know the communities answer to this question.


I'm saying in general not talking about any indivisual tribe.


I suppose if you have a small little community of players, friends basically, you could stick with them to survive the falling of a tribe you were in, if you don't have friends and allies to stick with, you're most likely going to be left as food for the cowards who left


I'm saying in general not talking about any indivisual tribe.

Without individualising the tribes involved, no one can give a definitive answer. Chances are though, the answer will be no, the remnants of the tribe won't be left alone, I'm sorry to say.


Basically what I'm trying to do is bring in a new breed of tribal members and upcoming leaders to replace our dwindling ranks as our main hierarchy left in a plan to save only themselves.


Secret is the perfect example of this, and we're kicking ass.


I think I know who he's talking about. If it was that, then sorry about that mate. Tell me, are you talking about a certain western rim tribe?


It depends on the circumstances, if you are talking about them jumping ship when under attack, most of the time the players remaining will either just be nobled out or selectively recruited (however those few that would be selectively recruited would usually have left with leadership as is the case with bAd/vibe, although music did recruit 2). If there is someone in a lower form of leadership they could step up however. if the situation is that one duke hard decided to stop playing tw altogether or just stop a particular world for instance, chances are they would have groomed someone to replace them as duke in which case they could just continue on as normal.