Can we liven the Forums for NOOBS?

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
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Deleted User - 11252347

I remember when these used to be the best and most active world forum on this site..... today it's a desolate joke of it's former self with blame to be placed all around.... probably mostly on time.

Anyhow, we've all been there whether we care to admit it or not - there gets to a point in every world where one tribe starts to take a strong lead on dominance and the others are in a losing position which seems insurmountable. I hear almost nothing from NOOBs players on the externals these days; maybe it's partially my own fault :p - but there are complaints on complaints about how the w93 forums are just SCREW players patting each other on the back and thus I think it's important to highlight the successes NOOBs have had recently and to say it's not over yet. I see it happen every world and it's really sad; one tribe pulls ahead and the banter dies, the losing tribe goes silent; I want to try to change this. So in addition to me pointing out the highlights I notice - NOOBs players please come and post highlights of your own. I see a lot of you posting on other worlds in these forums but if you have any faith in your tribe at all - come back and tell us so here. On another note - it's not all sunshine and daisies - I will also have to point out the facts which aren't always pretty.... but I will show what I think you are doing right given what you have. Remember everyone loves a good underdog story ;)


Lets look at what happened between the attack breaks; fyi I used Alex02dsa/nickjer's autoupdating maps for these images and only take credit for le drawings :p


3 Key Points from NOOBS Perspective:

1. So the first important highlight I guess is NOOBs has been able to successfully hold their deathstars in Ks 35 and 45.

2. They've lost ground but still managed to hold pockets of deathstars in K64/63 and are still putting up a valiant fight.

3. They've managed a valiant pushback in K55 and are beginning a mass barbling on the far rim of K46, 56 & 66. Now while most will call this "noobish" - it's very frustrating to deal with as the enemy as it offsets the dominance of the world & creates immensely tight clusters which, with well placed watchtowers could prove easy to defend & near impossible to destroy. Also I'd like to point out that many tribes who have turned worlds around have used this tactic while they are at their lowest.

Anyhow I just wanted to say to those of you still fighting I commend you! and don't go silent just because things don't look great right now - night gets darkest just before dawn :D Keep doing what you can in game but lets also do what we can to revive these forums!!!!



Interesting write up. Props to you for trying to revitalize things and recognising that things aren't over. The attitude that some people have towards that is quite dull. You could have highlighted K63/64. One person has held villages there for quite a while now, under constant attack. 20 million ODD in two weeks, only 13 losses. 1.5 million ODD per village Screw have taken. Respect has to be given.


Good read and I agree this forum was one of the best at the beginning of the world. But its progressively gotten more toxic as the world has progressed. That definitely contributed to the lack of activity on the Noobs side.

K64 is an interesting place at the moment, Complete Carnage is certainly putting on a show.

Deleted User - 11252347

Interesting write up. Props to you for trying to revitalize things and recognising that things aren't over. The attitude that some people have towards that is quite dull. You could have highlighted K63/64. One person has held villages there for quite a while now, under constant attack. 20 million ODD in two weeks, only 13 losses. 1.5 million ODD per village Screw have taken. Respect has to be given.

point 2 mate :p - albeit it could use more detail so thank you for providing ;) Carnage is a very good defender :p


Either I'm going blind, or that said something else originally :p

He's a good lad, the math boils down to something like an average of 23 nukes per village lost.

I agree the forums could be a fun, exciting place, but the attitude of a few make it a dull, toxic place. Too often the line of banter is crossed beyond being banter.

Deleted User - 11252347

Either I'm going blind, or that said something else originally :p

He's a good lad, the math boils down to something like an average of 23 nukes per village lost.

I agree the forums could be a fun, exciting place, but the attitude of a few make it a dull, toxic place. Too often the line of banter is crossed beyond being banter.

well the post has not been edited so you may want to get your eyes checked ;):cool: or you know, you could actually read it before critiquing :D but guess 2018 will be just like 2017 in that regard.

and I agree he is defending very well - but he also stood by as we marched through his neighbours like a hot knife in butter .... (XsalateSouLew, BGR) so while i truly commend his individual efforts - his teamwork needs work imo

Often times seriousness is mistaken as banter as well :eek:


Forum Personality 2021 & 2022
Reaction score
Props to you Fleezus. I definitely prefer your informative posts (and especially your attempts to remain unbiased). We don't read the forums because we don't need to. The only reason we would ever come to these forums is if we fancied being flamed :)

Deleted User - 11252347

Fair enough - but there are ways to banter without you becoming Artista 2.0 :p I will agree it's a lot harder to post from the losing position but surely there must be a way to revive the forums without coming to that :D Personally I don't know of a perfect solution thus partially why I made this post (to see if I could wake up a few sleeping bees by banging a pot) and while overall I'd say it's failed thusfar - I'm happy we are getting dialogue going because It really was a much more fun world when the forums were lit up constantly than the desolate occasional SCREW pat-on-the-back posts we have now :oops: (not that I don't love a good pat on the back but :D)

Deleted User - 11252347

fair enough - definately very hard to do - but I've heard you and will try my best :p


Forum Personality 2021 & 2022
Reaction score
Know it's tough. But you say you want us to join in and right now we have no need :) The forum is more a chore than anything else. If you ever want a question answered feel free to PM me on here or ingame ( prizma ). I love a chat, but its never fun having stats (like the big one, that we are down on dominance) pulled on you on the forums, defeats any effort we put into our points or posts (for obvious reasons). And rightly so! You're all winning. For now... at least on the overall tribe front, even if an individual account owner has often done nothing to get NOOBs into the current situation. Thats why we dont post. We love to chat, but that's for our skype chat not the forums, I don't fancy spending all my time being picked apart by 60 winning people (like artista does, but he seems to enjoy it :) ), so I don't post.

The 'notorious? (-ly bad sitter?)' James


and I agree he is defending very well - but he also stood by as we marched through his neighbours like a hot knife in butter .... (XsalateSouLew, BGR) so while i truly commend his individual efforts - his teamwork needs work imo

That's one way to look at it. Another is that I got a respectable ODS (given my size) when I knew where support was needed, and couldn't do much when mail went unanswered. Xasate and I held up pretty easily when we were both active, specifically because we worked well together.

Back on topic: I agree that the forums could still provide us all with some good entertainment, but based on what I've read here in the past I'm not very optimistic. That's why I've stayed out of it so far: I have no interest in feeding the trolls.

Maybe this time will be different...or maybe someone will post my cap record against Screw to invalidate this post. Time will tell ;)

Deleted User - 11252347

It has nothing to do with your cap record it's your attitude when posting; if you aren't being a muppet you generally won't be treated like one :D

no but overall CC you've impressed me and thank you for shedding light on xsalate stopping replying; that's something that otherwise we didn't know :p

Anyhow you're a welcome poster here m8 :)


It has nothing to do with your cap record it's your attitude when posting; if you aren't being a muppet you generally won't be treated like one :D

no but overall CC you've impressed me and thank you for shedding light on xsalate stopping replying; that's something that otherwise we didn't know :p

Anyhow you're a welcome poster here m8 :)

I don't mind sharing information after the situation is over. Keeping that info secret while Xas is MIA is good strategy, but not admitting it afterwards is just silly :)

I'll keep an eye on the forums, but I don't want to wade hip-deep into it. Too many ego's and excuses, and not as fun as the game itself ;)

[Edit: fixed a typo]
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