Castle Assault


The Castle Assault game is fun to play.

What I wonder about it is; When there is say 14,000 medals in the castle to be raided but the players use PP to raid the castle early each time bringing the castles HP down 1 more point. That means it takes 10 hits for the castle to be gone.

example; 10 hits = 5600 medals (it goes up as more castles get destroyed) then a new castle starts. so 5600 medals out of 14,000 where did the other 8400 medals go? Did they simply vanish and nobody gets them?



They split between everyone who participated in the Castle Destruction. Either through Assault/Bombardment/Naval.

Tend to get between 40 - 65 depending on how many pp-abusers you have in your group.

The only problem is, is that groups are very un-even. Lot of how much you get is luck of who is in your group, how active they are in the event ect.


thanks... i wasnt sure what happened to the left over medals. split between players is good then.

yeah my group is greedy PP abusers like no other, as soon as its ready to trigger people that dont really even play the game, suddenly are there to click it 50 times in a row buying all them extra mercs. lol

then as soon as it is time to raid castle they do it in a matter of seconds. i sat for someone else and saw his group was so cool, the castle raid came into play and every now and then someone did it.

i hate my group! i watch the players names that do it too, and i check them out on the world, its like little guys on the rim Ks spending the most PP in there. i cant believe the amount they are using to raid that castle for medals.

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
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Some people just have a lot of PP o0 Even if they are on the rim enjoying a more relaxed early game :icon_smile:


I always get taken over last minute by people who spend alot of PP on extra Mercs :(

Luckily im only interested in one of the awards which i nearly have enough coins to get :)


I always get taken over last minute by people who spend alot of PP on extra Mercs :(

Luckily im only interested in one of the awards which i nearly have enough coins to get :)

Unfortunately this further increases the gap between PP-abusers and the rest. Just as we were starting to overtake them all.

I know pp-abusers who have 5 or more of that particular prize that you want.


Unfortunately this further increases the gap between PP-abusers and the rest. Just as we were starting to overtake them all.

I know pp-abusers who have 5 or more of that particular prize that you want.

One is enough for me, im not spending PP to get extras.



There should be an option to not allow you access to your premium, unless you're buying PA/AM/LA (nod)


Tend to get between 40 - 65 depending on how many pp-abusers you have in your group.

I'm so lucky if that's the case, not too many using pp. I'm getting over 100 each time without using pp, just on a lot to keep clicking.

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
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No PP used in this CA, yet I'm ranked pretty well :icon_smile:


I don't think mine has a bunch, but I love when you leave to go do something else and then 30 minutes later, the castle is dead. That's where they come out of the walls.


I don't think mine has a bunch, but I love when you leave to go do something else and then 30 minutes later, the castle is dead. That's where they come out of the walls.

same thing happens to me, i have missed entire castles go by because of that very thing :icon_sad:

Gorth Kirgar

A lot of times you can't even raid the castle because the castle is basically destroyed in one blow.
I've tried to raid the castle 3 times and all 3 times the castle was destroyed instantly. At first I thought there were like 50 people clicking at the same time and that I was simply unlucky. But then I realized that one assault mostly does 7-11 damage.1-5 plus usually 6 extra damage from the borbardment. And when the naval assault is triggered it often triggers both assault and borbardment, and will sometimes do 11-15 damage(1-5 assault + 3x3 bombardment bonus + 1 borbardment) in one go.

So even if you have a possibility to raid, it is highly unlikely that it can even be done 5 times on one castle.

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
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A lot of times you can't even raid the castle because the castle is basically destroyed in one blow.
I've tried to raid the castle 3 times and all 3 times the castle was destroyed instantly. At first I thought there were like 50 people clicking at the same time and that I was simply unlucky. But then I realized that one assault mostly does 7-11 damage.1-5 plus usually 6 extra damage from the borbardment. And when the naval assault is triggered it often triggers both assault and borbardment, and will sometimes do 11-15 damage(1-5 assault + 3x3 bombardment bonus + 1 borbardment) in one go.

So even if you have a possibility to raid, it is highly unlikely that it can even be done 5 times on one castle.

I've raided one castle 8 times :) Now I'll all out of PP :'(

Gorth Kirgar

You're lucky to be in a certain area where no one does anything, Hollyghost. If you're serious about not spending pp, your naval supply didn't even reach the 5000 once. In my area it has reached 5000 at least 5 times.
Though maybe something in between is best, as you can get the rewards more often.