Casual 11 - night setting

Mr Shooting

Non-stop Poster
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I remember receiving a random message from Red saying I only joined Norse because he was in it!

Never heard of him before!

Didn't go rushing to join him when he left to "go solo" either.......

As I've said before..... Very similar to Batan/ Blade/ Aqul.....

Better English though - and a bit less ragey....

Red Sparrow

Non-stop Poster
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I remember receiving a random message from Red saying I only joined Norse because he was in it!

Never heard of him before!

Didn't go rushing to join him when he left to "go solo" either.......

As I've said before..... Very similar to Batan/ Blade/ Aqul.....

Better English though - and a bit less ragey....

Who is he? lol
Evil kept messaging me about recruiting me. I eventually join... Then you followed me few days later :p
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Red Sparrow

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
TRUE! I almost forgot about that.

us: Lets send some fangs for fun


His own tribemates: Man, this guy deals with incs like a noob (Yes, that was an actual response lol)
Screenshot? Lemme guess you don't have :p

btw, you're welcome for teaching you what fangs are. You're almost getting the idea of it down. 50 cats and 100 spears is a step in the right direction @Red Sparrow :)

Also isn't ironic that you "scrambling" ask LL to stack your village after my recap attempt? LOL
You should know how to timed your support better...

Deleted User - 848983838

Well ropey, shows statically Red Sparrow is Top Player for Most Defeated Units. Just checked. Which means he killed most all time. Seems he's not afraid to use his troops. He may be a noob, but plenty noobs here. tw stats shows he's been in Norse for long time.

#1 Attacker
#1 Supporter
# Defender

With margin different of almost 3million.
1 Red Sparrow
7,25 Mil.
2 The Fifth Horseman
3,78 Mil.

again he resorted to casual because he can't outspend people in a real world and do that when there's others that spend enough that he cant just buy troops faster than everyone else. really not the impressive for someone to drop down to playing casual world after being a joke in a regular world and acts likes he's good when he pays to beat up people on a casual world lololol


Reaction score
again he resorted to casual because he can't outspend people in a real world and do that when there's others that spend enough that he cant just buy troops faster than everyone else. really not the impressive for someone to drop down to playing casual world after being a joke in a regular world and acts likes he's good when he pays to beat up people on a casual world lololol

I don't know him so won't discus that. But this Casual.. So why don't we keep it relevant? You can't buy troops though ropey, explain his troops? Well seems alot of players here have spent alot of pp. Take for instance Virginity basically double the amount haha must have spent the most..

Also you may want to stop thinking that person is same on every world. People on externals quick to attack player, continuously. Also comes off as stalker /harassing. Leave whatever words on that world, not on world that your not even apart of? This is another reason why players are quitting. And I hope tribalwars staff keep good record.

for someone to drop down to playing casual world after being a joke in a regular world and acts likes he's good when he pays to beat up people on a casual world lololol

This could be said about everyone on this world then....
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