Co-Player Needed 23 GMT - 9 GMT

  • Thread starter TakeThatVillage
  • Start date


So yes, I have stated the UK time needed for my co-player, you can be from anywhere as long as you fill that exact gap.
A very easy position to grow from right now and time to make myself a 2nd successful world, after a fair good fight in World 8 & a successful survived World 30.

I do not require a highly experienced player, although it will be beneficial. I will accept one anyhow.

But if you are pretty new or need educating, I can cope with that, because I can teach you my style of play to make it possible to survive.

If you are an experienced player, provide stats to prove it and someone will be chosen within the next 2 weeks.


No way a world 30 person still around. Even if it is someone from the biggest huggers in the world.


Check my W30 Statistics? Got through one of the biggest wars on my own & then I hugged until the end. Which is what most worlds end up as.


Im from w21, different account, but granted im still here... I took a gap between w56 and w76 though...


This player is in no way or form connected to Ciranore of W30. That is me and my co Jawad's alone. And yes we still play. TakeThatVillage I honestly don't know who you are but I'm least than impressed. If you want to take someone elses stats to boast I suggest learning how to play the game yourself and getting your own stats to boast off. TW community please mark this guy as a fake and as a non-legit player.

Thank you,


Can the real Ciranore please stand up.. yep Me and War :) This guys a phoney.


Would the real Ciranore please upload his statement to youtube for verification, thnks. :lol:


yeah he is, war and Jawads played that account on W30 an I should know since I am phoenx an was the one called Czis on there an LoEn was allied to us as for how many players are around I started on W1 just for the info so yeah we old gut stompers are still around yet so don't think for a minute those wild legends are not still prowling these battle grounds yet.


Thanks for that man :)! ^^

Just curious as to who this guy is, reveal yourself imposter :icon_neutral:


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Check my W30 Statistics? Got through one of the biggest wars on my own & then I hugged until the end. Which is what most worlds end up as.

Its a big thing to say you are a champion of w30 !!!!! I know the original ciranore and I know the players who took it from mid game to end game war and Jawad, never claim to be someone else, unless you have me on skype ?? but I doubt that
good luck to you in this world WAR :)