Co-player preferred location America(the west)


Co-player needed

Account in my name and is in the tribe T.E.C.

I need someone from the states or canada, someone who can send 1 second trains and snipe 1 second trains and currently i m in the middle of a war. so if you love some action hope in. You need to be fully dedicated to the world also.

If you are interested message me on skype at bickybiky or here.

The account is currently being played by 3 players already.
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The account is currently being player by 3 players already.

The downfall of TW is personified in this thread.

While you say USA/ also state 3 people ALREADY play this account.

Perhaps it would be better to be a little more specific.


get me on skype on bickybiky. i will tell you the details there. and those two players are temporary. they stays as long as i dont find someone permanent.

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