No your supposed to avoid that situation entirely, mail the person you think is gunna attack you tell him if he sends even a single troop he will wake up with no balls and you may just avoid that situation.
honestly seeing players who I even supported just today just leave the tribe actually hurts on the inside a bit.
The trend seems to start when a big player leaves
what now for .next? clearly the biggest player thinks he cant fight colour
Why're you so quick to give up? I'm in the same continent, am surrounded by enemies, have had nukes sent at me weekly at rank 1k, and have only just been able to noble a 3rd/4th village (barb/bonus at that). You won't see me complaining about it here or anywhere though.
Have you thought that maybe, just maybe - And I'm just spitballing here - maybe he moved because its a waste to have a good player in a bad tribe with even worse leadership? Trust me, colour doesn't recruit for nothing. If they recruited him, it's for a reason. In that case, that player would have been able to hold out better than any of you, so its not like he's running. He simply joined the by far better tribe. Don't waste talent, there are poor kids in Africa without any
Disclaimer: I fell I can make that joke as I live in Africa :lol: