

No your supposed to avoid that situation entirely, mail the person you think is gunna attack you tell him if he sends even a single troop he will wake up with no balls and you may just avoid that situation.


honestly seeing players who I even supported just today just leave the tribe actually hurts on the inside a bit.

The trend seems to start when a big player leaves
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honestly seeing players who I even supported just today just leave the tribe actually hurts on the inside a bit.

The trend seems to start when a big player leaves

well on the brightside if you restart on the rim you can start from scratch and hopefully you'll make a tribe better than .next


what now for .next? clearly the biggest player thinks he cant fight colour

Have you thought that maybe, just maybe - And I'm just spitballing here - maybe he moved because its a waste to have a good player in a bad tribe with even worse leadership? Trust me, colour doesn't recruit for nothing. If they recruited him, it's for a reason. In that case, that player would have been able to hold out better than any of you, so its not like he's running. He simply joined the by far better tribe. Don't waste talent, there are poor kids in Africa without any :)

Disclaimer: I fell I can make that joke as I live in Africa :lol:


Reason we left is since we didnt belive in .Next it was a messy tribe with no real leadership and just a bunch of beginners really.


Why're you so quick to give up? I'm in the same continent, am surrounded by enemies, have had nukes sent at me weekly at rank 1k, and have only just been able to noble a 3rd/4th village (barb/bonus at that). You won't see me complaining about it here or anywhere though.

coords :p


Oh btw Jixsta, Don't worry - Looks like Colour plans to merge .Next in. Like almost the whole of .Next.

Well... .Next villages anyway :icon_evil::lol:
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Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
Reaction score
This is the 4th Next player that Colour has recruited, perhaps notice the pattern and change your tribe rather than trying to blame Colour for it? o0

I mean, this is the 4th that joined... How many more do you think applied? I quit this world when W83 came out but I was in contact with at least 5 people from Next who wanted out, and that was back then! Imagine now?!

Good luck Colour, hope you guys win the world :icon_wink:


I can surely tell that what your saying here H0llygh0st is true :)


Have you thought that maybe, just maybe - And I'm just spitballing here - maybe he moved because its a waste to have a good player in a bad tribe with even worse leadership? Trust me, colour doesn't recruit for nothing. If they recruited him, it's for a reason. In that case, that player would have been able to hold out better than any of you, so its not like he's running. He simply joined the by far better tribe. Don't waste talent, there are poor kids in Africa without any :)

Disclaimer: I fell I can make that joke as I live in Africa :lol:

This is true =)

It's just that some players are hard core. Taken from the first word, hard, hard headed, stubborn, you could also call it stupidity, just like me and my little tribe. =)

Actually, it's just happen that I started late, have not contacted my friends to come over, not planned, have not made any premades plan for the tribe/contacted other elite players to at least help/talked/planned and actually built the tribe on the spot/spontaneously but have given it more passion, time and effort to planned it spontaneously from start to finish, bad luck on recruiting members about 3% great players/members recruitment. Bad luck or situations and timings on problems that arise/surprise attack/sudden death, slow internet connections, multi-tasking, RL situations, underestimation of threats/players, easy go lucky attitude, all knowing attitude, Monarchy leadership, lack of teamwork, etc, etc. =)

But then again, reasons are only for losers, so I admit my mistakes on start up. PnP/Bonds/Connection/Etc, etc.

Wounded but not totally defeated yet. That is, speaking about me and my tribe. Time would tell all about it... "If you don't make mistakes, you won't learned" "Only when you met an adversary would you become stronger" =)

you could have your own opinions about me but "The hardest to love are the ones who need it the most" =) Sacrifice is a word not many would like to walk that path.... ^_^ It is easy to side with the strong but hard to side with the weak... My questions is, are you willing? That's my Tribe. ^_^