Coma gets Juiced - As it should be.


Because that nub Machine didn't bother posting the majority of it.

For the sake of me being lazy, and not wanting to have an edit frenzy, I'll do it all in one post.

Post 1:

Hai There :)

I'm sure most of you know me. The poor sod of W23, who's always been in a war or attacked or something. The one who got his freak on under "Harry The Hamster".

I'd thought that time was over after I quit W23, but Coma Faith's a bit mean, for an name. He just won't go barbarian and die. And now's he's called me back...

I'd logged on for a moment, just to send a few spam mails (Naughty, I know :icon_wink:) when i saw I had about 120-so incoming from various members of the Juiced Family.

Now.. Nobling an inactive.. you'd probably want a few nukes and a noble train. Possibly 4 nukes for a small account like mine is now. So about 8-9 incoming per village?

Unfortuantely.. with the incoming totalling an average of 25-so incoming per village, it seems I have an OP against me. I even have the morale bitches bashers FIVE attacking me. =]

After I told my old chum Deathshadow, (and he told everyone else. Before I could. Jerk.) I thought I might as well do something about this.

So I thought I'd keep you informed, and write a dairy for a week while I'm under attack. :)

Day 1 (Sept 21):
Gahhh... Chemistry was a ghey.. I wanna kick my teacher in the face. Although that marie girl is hot..

Oh! Check this! [spoil][20/09/2009 22:43:52] deathshadow13 says: k, i just saw it in the PFs wanted to know if it was true
[20/09/2009 22:44:06] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Nah. Thats just a rumour :p
[20/09/2009 22:44:10] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: I woulda posted by now
[20/09/2009 22:44:40] deathshadow13 says: and gotten into a spam war with our tribes lead spammer
[20/09/2009 22:44:52] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: That is?
[20/09/2009 22:45:14] deathshadow13 says: Cursed Sword is our tribes designated spammer
[20/09/2009 22:45:47] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Oh aye?
[20/09/2009 22:45:57] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Is the coma faith account still on W23?
[20/09/2009 22:46:16] deathshadow13 says: i dont think so, but ill check
[20/09/2009 22:47:01] deathshadow13 says: yeah it is, why?
[20/09/2009 22:47:09] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Ok great
[20/09/2009 22:47:14] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: *finds out password*
[20/09/2009 22:47:21] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Invite me to TDL so I can spam him?
[20/09/2009 22:47:27] deathshadow13 says: no
[20/09/2009 22:47:51] deathshadow13 says: i cant invite and we dont need a spam war atm
[20/09/2009 22:47:57] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Butttt....
[20/09/2009 22:47:59] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: I'm SEXY!
[20/09/2009 22:48:03] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: And im working on something
[20/09/2009 22:48:40] deathshadow13 says: no coma! bad coma! bad, bad coma!
[20/09/2009 22:50:17] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: OH WOW
[20/09/2009 22:50:22] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: I have over 100 incoming from Juiced
[20/09/2009 22:50:25] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: I'm staying on W23 now!
[20/09/2009 22:50:31] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Thank you! <3[/spoil]

Best get to work <3
Shame most the incoming is a few days away... But with trains like:
***Noble*** (62|277) renz68 F 08:58:03.833 22/09 112:30:17
***Noble*** (62|277) renz68 F 08:58:15.090 22/09 112:30:28
***Noble*** (62|277) renz68 F 08:58:25.844 22/09 112:30:39
***Noble*** (62|277) renz68 F 08:58:40.209 22/09 112:30:53
I ain't worried.

Anyway. Night diary. I'll talk tomorrow. <3

Post 2:

Hai again guyz! Day 2 - (Sep 22) of my diary <3

Logged on about 3am on my phone, couldn't sleep >.<

Had this wonderful chat

alibla today at 01:09
I enjoy your OPD

Coma Faith today at 01:15
thank you. I might actually grow this account if it survives. And i think it might :)

do five have an op on me or something?

alibla today at 01:16
No, I need to waste nukes.

alibla today at 01:16
Don't worry its not even a full nuke, but if you want me too...

Coma Faith today at 01:21
shoot. I like odd
And killed the first nuke <3

Attacker: alibla
Village: sumtimess village (116|525) K51

Quantity: 0 0 7327 0 0 2391 299 0 214 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 7327 0 0 2391 299 0 214 0 0 0

"Not even a full nuke" >.< Liez.

Anyway. Today was fun. My history teacher looks like a monkey, but shes weird.
Saw that marie girl again too. I'm funny apparently >.<

And apparently I should stop talking rubbish about Francis Drake murdering the Spanish Armada with his eyeballs. Meh.

No more incoming to land for a bit, so I'll pop out for a bizzle <3

Yoooo... Diareh. I got some badass charity clothes while I was out. Granny Transvestites ftw


Look, that's me, right there. :icon_cool:

Someone threw an egg at my mate, and a 7-year old fell off his bike :'D

Oh yeah, TW.. I've had a few more attacks sent at me. Some nobles too! :(

I had them all but 4 marked as "??" until now. but now I have targets :icon_wink:
Still fail though.

Although a FIVE-r sent a pretty-okish fake train at me

Ram (294|369) NT6X F 05:35:27.403 21/09 59:10:27
Ram (294|369) NT6X F 05:35:27.891 21/09 59:10:27
Ram (294|369) NT6X F 05:35:28.971 21/09 59:10:28
Ram (294|369) NT6X F 05:35:29.148 21/09 59:10:28
Nearly 1-second! You're getting close!

Up to 143 incoming. About 150 in total now :(

Ah well.. It's more sitting down for me in the latest Oxfam dress. :icon_cool:


Ciao ;]

Post 3:

Day 3- Sep 23

Hallo there. I'm a bit late today. I've got the day off, so I had a lie-in and homeworked a bit.

Not much has changed from last night. I have another incoming (from zhao army. :O!) which made me very sad. I think I might have a little cry :icon_cry:...

Although... it made an interesting mail.

zhao army today at 05:43

Coma Faith today at 15:27

zhao army today at 19:04
Hi Coma Faith :). Names Shubster, dont know if you seen me kicking around the forums or not so i thought i'd say hi. Just ignore Zhao he can be abit different at times :p.


Coma Faith today at 19:20
Butttt!! Zhao is mah lover!

So the gryphons was right about you being on this account then. Meh :p

Whats in that attack you're sending me? :p

zhao army today at 19:25
haha yah well gryph's a good guy. I PERSONALLY have nothing against him. Cant vouch for zhao but meh. As for the attack that im not sure. And as much as i really want to help you out and be nice and all. Im just to lazy to search all of my outgoings right now for one attack. Sorry mate its not you its my lazyness xD :p.


Coma Faith today at 19:39
:O its from [village]160|212[/village] if that helps :p

Zhao doesnt exactly like him ;)

I'm trying to work out if Juiced have an op agains 5 villages, or if sending fake trains at inactives in the done thing these days >.<

zhao army today at 19:43
What Juiced is sending fake trains at you? Now why would they do such a thing? How cruel are they huh? Them tyrants i say!!!

As for the village its good its only a cat :) so you shouldnt have anything to worry about

Coma Faith today at 19:50
Ah good, 1 for the ignore list then ;)

I know yeah! Those pesky 1ram/1scout combos really take it out of my troopies.
A mystery solved! Gryphons was right ;] Shubster2008 does play Zhao Army.
And obviously the co-players don't talk much >.<

It's been quite boring, i've still got my sexy oxfam dress on however. I'm hoping to get a modelling contract for it later this week. I'll tell ya how it goes <3

I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully it'll be more interesting. I have some attacks hit tomorrow <3

Post 4:

Day 4/5 - Sep 24/25

Sorry guys, My premmy ran out and I lost my notebook, which I hold my PnP in :(

Freaky History lady is ok, and Marie's breasts seem to have grown overnight. All is good ^_^.

Juiced are starting to actually hit me now. Although all the nukes are off one guy. The rest are fakes.

[spoil]Coma Faith on 24.09. at 17:08 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 063 Fort-St. Elmo (134|281) K21

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1349 301 38 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1349 301 38 0 0
Coma Faith on 24.09. at 17:09 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 084 The Waterfront (160|270) K21

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1250 307 20 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1250 307 20 0 0
Coma Faith on 24.09. at 17:55 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 145 Sea Lions Fang (88|291) K20

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1312 300 20 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1312 300 20 0 0
Coma Faith today at 19:13 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 039 Fort CSS (69|240) K20

Quantity: 0 0 6505 0 0 0 800 1418 300 19 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6505 0 0 0 800 1418 300 19 0 0
Coma Faith today at 19:13 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 134 Ulysses Village (58|271) K20

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1104 300 20 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1104 300 20 0 0
Coma Faith today at 19:15 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 138 Blow Down (58|277) K20

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1309 300 20 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1309 300 20 0 0
Coma Faith today at 19:15 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 047 White-Rocks (161|269) K21

Quantity: 0 0 6503 0 0 0 800 1394 300 20 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6503 0 0 0 800 1394 300 20 0 0
Coma Faith today at 19:16 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 001 Mistra (161|272) K21

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1122 286 13 1 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1122 286 13 1 0
Coma Faith today at 19:16 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 144 Tide is Turning (82|290) K20

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1346 301 20 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1346 301 20 0 0
Coma Faith today at 19:17 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 088 Nuclear Blowout (160|272) K21

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1280 300 20 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1280 300 20 0 0
Coma Faith today at 21:09 Quote Edit Delete
Attacker: renz68
Village: 135 Mercruiser Power (59|226) K20

Quantity: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1294 299 17 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6500 0 0 0 800 1294 299 17 0 0[/spoil]

Waste of axes if you ask me. 700K ODD is a nice boost though.

I actually lost a wall level, and Mrs Spearman fell over and hurt her knee, but they're starting to send decent trains, check this!

Ram (332|341) loki297 F 22:00:57.655 22/09 01. The Life And Times. (119|518) K51 loki297 on 27.09. at 17:24 44:56:26
Ram (332|341) loki297 F 22:00:57.774 22/09 01. The Life And Times. (119|518) K51 loki297 on 27.09. at 17:24 44:56:26
Ram (332|341) loki297 F 22:00:57.797 22/09 01. The Life And Times. (119|518) K51 loki297 on 27.09. at 17:24 44:56:26
Ram (332|341) loki297 F 22:00:57.920 22/09 01. The Life And Times. (119|518) K51 loki297 on 27.09. at 17:24 44:56:26
My interview with the best player in Juiced <3

Coma Faith on 24.09. at 02:53
i enjoy your 1-second ram trains :)

so.. Is this all for a special occasion? :D

loki297 on 24.09. at 16:19
i just wanted to get in the diary :D
and show you juiced can send 1 sec trains ;)
of course i knew you'll know they are rams.

Coma Faith on 24.09. at 17:08

I'll mention ya, no worries :p

All fakes then I'm guessing? >.<

loki297 on 24.09. at 20:10
ooooh i wouldn't be too sure about that ;D
It's in the diary now Loki, best not let me down ;)

Losses so far then:
Juiced - 12 villages worth.
About 73K Axes, 2000 LC, 15K HC, 3600 rams, 400-so cats and a paladin <3
Coma - A chunk of stone from my wall and a sticky plaster for Mrs. Rambo's knee =[

Hopefully she'll recover, but for now I'm rebuilding that wall level at warp-speed, and writing a get well card.

See you lot later <3

Post 5:

Day 6 - Sep 27

I'm hurt W23 (again). I've had to burn my precious Oxfam dress. It's starting to smell like a back alley, I'm gutted.

That and my old account Wble is faking me :(

Ram (167|519) wble F 02:27:40.224 26/09 19:57:06
Ram (167|519) wble F 02:27:40.491 26/09 19:57:07
Ram (167|519) wble F 02:27:40.876 26/09 19:57:07
Ram (167|519) wble F 02:27:40.997 26/09 19:57:07
Ram (167|519) wble F 02:29:14.935 26/09 19:58:41
Ram (167|519) wble F 02:29:15.037 26/09 19:58:41
Ram (167|519) wble F 02:29:15.082 26/09 19:58:41
Ram (167|519) wble F 02:29:15.204 26/09 19:58:41
Although I'm impressed. He improved the second time <3

Oh! Something good happened though. I'm meeting marie tomorrow, and I don't smell of a man's public toilet anymore (damn that dress! >.<)

I'll tell ya how it goes :p

Anyway. Incoming is going down now, but so is my supply of troopies. =[

I've squashed the rumours that I'm getting support too.
[spoil][00:35:55] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: More OD for me :p
[00:36:07] Machine Headx says: quest are stacking you ?
[00:36:08] noitra says: lol
[00:36:11] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: nah.
[00:36:14] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: ask maffers
[00:36:20] *** Domachue! - Admiral Awesome added Maffers1612 to this chat
[00:36:22] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Yo maff
[00:36:28] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Do I have ANY support in my vills?
[00:36:45] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome waits for maffers to wake up

[00:36:48] Maffers1612 says: w23?
[00:36:50] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Yup
[00:36:52] Maffers1612 says: no he doesn't
[00:36:54] Maffers1612 says: only his own[/spoil]

Go ask him if ya don't believe it. But it's true. I'm starting to run low. Time to break out the stopwatch and start sniping these trains ;].

Although I've had a good run tbf :p

Opponents defeated: 1.209.218 (136.)
Could be worse ;]

I also have an academy tribe, who I'm personally beating in points and OD.

110 Life. 47.253 47.253 1 47.253 5 9.451 (me)
115 ~LIFE~ 40.869 40.869 3 13.623 9 4.541

136 The Diary Of A Hamster. 1,21 Mio. (me)
140 Live In Faith Everyday 896.277

If you are interested in being in my academy. Mail me <3

Anyway Fellas. I'm off for tonight. Ciao <3

Post 6:

Day 7 - Sep 28

I have a secret to tell W23. I now have support routed to my villages from a wellwisher. :)

I haven't had any up to now, and it's not here yet. But it lands 1st October, so Juiced better hurry.

Anyway, Loki lied.

Attacker: loki297
Village: Juice 4 Yooh! (332|341) K33

Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
They were fakes, now we must all rain boos and hisses down on loki :icon_evil:

Anyway. I met Marie today. It's going very well <3.

I went to watch her band practise, and she kissed me on the cheek :icon_redface:

This is a pic, for any of you who care about my private life :icon_wink:

What a babe <3.

Anyway. I have a plan. Unfortunately.. I didn't have one earlier, so I lost more troops than I wanted to. Ah well :p

It's bought me 1.3 Million ODD.

Juiced - 22 Nukes
Coma - About 20K Spears, 5K HC.

Yeah.. Told you I was running low. I'm surviving by stacking and sniping alone here.

And thats all for today. Ciao <3

Final Post:

Hai for the last time guys <3.

Juiced have discovered that I'm having support shipped to my villages.
Well.. I say discovered...

[spoil][27/09/2009 12:44:23] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: someone is sending me support :p
[27/09/2009 12:44:29] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: lmao.
[27/09/2009 12:44:30] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: Who?
[27/09/2009 12:44:42] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: I didn't actually ask, they just mailed me and said "Yo. I'm stacking ya. I dont want Juiced to win"
[27/09/2009 12:44:49] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: LOL
[27/09/2009 12:44:50] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: and i was like. Yeah babeh!
[27/09/2009 12:45:07] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: But yeah, it lands start of october, so he best hurry ;)
[27/09/2009 12:45:17] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: 1st OCT
[27/09/2009 12:45:18] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: ok
[27/09/2009 12:45:34] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: This is where i get 10K incoming, isnt it?
[27/09/2009 12:45:54] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: most probabily.
[27/09/2009 12:46:02] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: I could circular juiced to send fakes if you want?
[27/09/2009 12:46:07] Maffers1612 (Juiced Baron) says: See how many we can get you on?
[27/09/2009 12:46:14] Domachue! - Admiral Awesome says: Ok [/spoil]

315 so far. I' r disappoint.

Anyway. My diary is over. We've all learnt many things.

- I can hold a 5 village account and not get bored
- Renz68 likes to burn his axes
- Maffers is an attention whore
- Loki297 is a lier >.>

I've also gained many things...
- 1.5 Million OD
- About 100 ranks due to quitters.
- An Oxfam Dress, which was later burnt (R.I.P)
- The bassist from Lordi <3

And the weirdest thing I've discovered.. I actually want to stay on W23.

I was going to quit after this, and finally take the Coma name off this world, but Machine's fail version of this thread made me realise.. not everyone knows my name well enough yet, and I'm not leaving until W23 history is plastered with my memory <3.

Tribe name: The Diary Of A Hamster.
ID: Life.
Number of members: 1
Opponents defeated: 1.515.106 (123.)

So until then, I'm staying, and I'll be off to join -EOW- and carry on fighting Juiced :icon_wink:

Ciao for now. I'll probably be back at some point <3.

[spoil]I'd like to thank:
Zhao Army
and Oxfam, without who this PnP would not be possible <3

People I forgot to mention and why <3:
C.Ridley, cause he only faked me after the diary out, and I got smacked by MC-Banhammer after he sent them </3
Aloushka, cause he smells
Deathshadow13, cause he's a nubcake filled with cream.
Thecomputerw, for supporting me in the end, and I forgot him cause he has cheesy muffins </3[/spoil]


cpas :)
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Yes, please do stay Coma.

Its not the same without you, Zebra-boy


dont blame me fornot wanting to waste nukes on you you little Morale: 34% thing you :D
and technicaly i didnt lie :D i just said dont be too sure that they are fakes :p


dont blame me fornot wanting to waste nukes on you you little Morale: 34% thing you :D
and technicaly i didnt lie :D i just said dont be too sure that they are fakes :p

At 34% morale.. I would say... don't bother.

Might wanna tell Renz that >.>


nice lil' story, unfortunately my attention span is very short so didn't read it all yet, but hoping for a happy ending with romance thrown in and all. :)


Tribe name: The Diary Of A Hamster.
ID: Life.
Number of members: 1
Opponents defeated: 1.515.106 (123.)

Wow, we're pointwhores in comparison. :icon_razz:

Tribe name: What Would DreamBrothers Do?
Number of members: 1
Points of the best 40 players: 6.568.376
Total points: 6.568.376
Average points: 6.568.376
Rank: 27
Opponents defeated: 777.402 (143.)

I'z request a merger. :)



i noticed ;). I just thought jas might beat me with a stick..

me thinks dreamys should join pod for lulz


Haha good convorsation we had there Coma and thank-you for including me in your spoiler :)


LOL...a nice read :p

and we all know DB account was always run my PWs...

oh and should see how much loda and quest love you :p


you dont thank me?????? i brought you back here!

lol jk GL coma, lets see how high that OD will rise before juiced finally says "screw it" and leaves you be


Well.. I have a fair bit of support in my villages now, so I can afford to start building offence there now.

As for =LODA=/Quest. I expect =LODA= to hate me really. I still like Tenrag, he's a good player, but seriously. If Wble/Tenrag had been leading =LODA= from the start, they would be a major power right now. Mag was awful.

Quest? I don't quite get why they hate me, considering the whole Legend/=LOL=/DNA/(K51-tribe) merger idea was mine and da root's plan for a supertribe, but meh.


Well.. I have a fair bit of support in my villages now, so I can afford to start building offence there now.

As for =LODA=/Quest. I expect =LODA= to hate me really. I still like Tenrag, he's a good player, but seriously. If Wble/Tenrag had been leading =LODA= from the start, they would be a major power right now. Mag was awful.

Quest? I don't quite get why they hate me, considering the whole Legend/=LOL=/DNA/(K51-tribe) merger idea was mine and da root's plan for a supertribe, but meh.

I don't hate you coma lol.
But that plan didn't happen. If it had it would have failed badly, because %75 of Legend sucked. All the best ones merged in =LOL= (and a few into Juiced :S) when Legend was destroyed. So what we are now is the brainchild of what is now Quests leadership. A very shared effort, and a worthwhile one as well.


I don't hate you coma lol.
But that plan didn't happen. If it had it would have failed badly, because %75 of Legend sucked. All the best ones merged in =LOL= (and a few into Juiced :S) when Legend was destroyed. So what we are now is the brainchild of what is now Quests leadership. A very shared effort, and a worthwhile one as well.

Yeah, thats why we came up with the merge. We knew that all the salavge-able players from Legend/MysLeg/=LOL= would fit neatly into one tribe :icon_razz:

Da Root was going to unite the Legend Family, while I secured K51, and then we'd join up later.

That was the plan anyway :icon_redface:


LOL...a nice read :p

and we all know DB account was always run my PWs...

oh and should see how much loda and quest love you :p

LOL...Coma knows all.

Now if he can just refrain from telling all .....(thats a hint Coma. A challenge. Can you do it?)


Who are you?

You've got the same sarcastic manner as Unid626, but I don't think you'd be that obvious Mister. :icon_wink:

Oh, it's obvious where I get my info from, but I'll keep quiet to prove I can :p


coma is da best
sorry i didn't move fast enough to join with smurfz, but i always have a blast watching what appears in your wake.


lol ocma I must admit this is your best pnp ive seen.

most are terrible but this one i did enjoy :icon_biggrin:


Wow it's been a while since I've been on here. I'm not a talkative guy... unless it's Skype but when I remembered Maffer's promise that if I help add the number of incomings on coma, then I'd get a mention in the PnP, I thought it was best for me to check if I have been mentioned.

To my disappointment, I'm not. :icon_sad: The closest thing which might include me is this:

I even have the morale bitches bashers FIVE attacking me. =]

I thought I sent enough of my rams off to die on your wall to get mentioned, even if it is just a small mention... but no.

However, I don't hold grudges, instead I hold a pint of Jäger & Redbull in one hand and a pint of cider in the other hand. Therefore, all I expect is a quick mention of lil ol' me and I'll forgive you.

Anyway, well done with this PnP most of them on this server and UK server are full of boring rubbish and make me just skip it all.


Jäger Lord, Ridley

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