Coming to an end...


So, with some major accounts in Nyuk deleting i see W42 is now, coming to an end. Unless something major hapepns, i cant see how Nyuk now can possibly win the world...

Gotta admit, im suprised at some of these players for deleting, i thought they had more balls than that. Clearly i was wrong.

We shall see how this pans out over the coming weeks/months as ModWar push on to end world, what will become of the barb noblers TDH! and Nyuk?

I'm NOT gloating over this, just making serious observations. Was kinda hoping certain Nyuk players might have had the kahunas to stay to the end or the rim. Clearly they thought deleting was more 'honourable'!


just seems more gutless quit instead of seeing the world to the end, congrats modwar on the victory you guys deserve it


It's not over till it's over as they say.... Although the Llama assures victory at this point ( but he's off his meds and I think some one slipped him some pcp (hard to tell). either way I am disappointed I was hoping to battle some of the great players in Nyuk but alas that doesn't look to be in the cards. As a tribe they have my respect as do most of the individuals i did get to face.


GROO ! (that means, hell I don't even know what that means no one does)


its seems the end is here, i also am gonna go. after being turfed out of NYUK after 3 loyal years.

its been a pleasure to play with you all for what seems like ever, congratulations to mod for holding it together and winning this world.

Maybe see you all on another world some time.

Good luck everyone



Nyuk and its players have my respect. My only purpose of writing this message is to say farewell to all the players that seem to be leaving abruptly. I realize that this might be the last medium for me to say goodbye to you. Even though we were on opposite sides of the fence for most of the world, we still were all here together for years. I sincerely wish you all the best in the future.

ModWarians onward march onto victory!!!



"Onward ModWar soldiers,
Marching into war,
With the Flag of Vector,
Going on before"


Id like to also farewell Nyuk's core fighters, they did a heck of a job and within their tribe were some of the best players w42 ever saw no doubt, definitely a tough bunch to crack but I know what its like, at some point you just gotta give it away to save your sanity, when all is said and done Modwar likely had more players within its ranks, not necessarily better players.


I told you I would be around to see the end of the world. We are starting to run low on nobles but still quite a few red dots left even if they are not bright red.



We have seen your skill level. Green hammered you and you gave up. Now just imagine what it is going to be like when you have 4000+ nukes coming at you. Just go ahead and keep nobling those barbs you loser.


Does anyone know what's stopping the moderators from placing this World into the end game phase?

Is this going to continue until %100 dominance like W50?


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Guidelines here:

ModWar currently has 74.731 out of 97.285 player villages, or ~76.8%. ModWar leaders could put in a request for the vote on how to end early, but it might get rejected. Assuming the number of player villages stays constant (big assumption, I know), ModWar needs 7.962 more villages to get 85% and be guaranteed a vote on ending the world.


In guidelines it says they need %70 to be able to even make an approach on " by case basis" which is what they have.

But ok, let's assume they do it the proper way: %85. That guarantees them only a vote for one of the options to be put through in the first round of voting. So it will be either:

a) end after 2 months
b) end after 3 months
c) end at %100 ownership

One of the above needs %50 of vote in the first round. So the fastest scenario W42 can end with a ModWar victory is:

Step 1/ ModWar to win further %8.2 villages (Length of time ???) to get %85 ownership
Step 2/ ModWar puts through "End Game" request for a vote once at %85
Step 3/ Option a) Ending in 2 months wins %50 of the vote
Step 4/ 2 months pass with ModWar holding steady its lock on W42 and
Step 5/ ModWar wins World 42 in... March 2013?

How long it might take them to work through those %8.2?
If other people delete and barb out, it increases their percentage, right?


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If players in other tribes (or tribeless players) barb, it does indeed increase ModWar's percentage of villages owned.


If players in other tribes (or tribeless players) barb, it does indeed increase ModWar's percentage of villages owned.

Well... nobody can really blame ModWar if other players decide to start posting suicidal goodbye notes and deleting.


How long until they whittle down the remaining %8.2 / 7,962 villages (or whichever way the numbers start swinging)?
What is ModWar's churn rate at this stage?

Sorry for all these questions, but I have completely dropped out the whole TW feel and W42 since late 2010.


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ModWar has gained around 4.000 villages per month for the past few months (note: lots of approximation involved here). Now, make several assumptions. First, ModWar keeps this rate constant. Second, no players barb. Third, no players leave ModWar. Fourth, ModWar loses no villages. Fifth, no barbs are conquered. Then ModWar would reach 85% in two months.

But it will take longer than that. I'll give just one reason out of many. Players in and out of ModWar will be noble barbs. So far this month, ModWar has conquered over 200 barbs. If this rate is constant, that's 10% of their conquers. So that will increase the total number of player villages and make reaching 85% slower. Same if players outside of ModWar noble barbs. I don't feel like counting, so let's just approximate and say it's a lot.

(Note: This post contains lots and lots of approximations. Nothing is precise because I don't want to devote too much effort to procrastination right now.)


ModWar has gained around 4.000 villages per month for the past few months (note: lots of approximation involved here). Now, make several assumptions. First, ModWar keeps this rate constant. Second, no players barb. Third, no players leave ModWar. Fourth, ModWar loses no villages. Fifth, no barbs are conquered. Then ModWar would reach 85% in two months.

But it will take longer than that. I'll give just one reason out of many. Players in and out of ModWar will be noble barbs. So far this month, ModWar has conquered over 200 barbs. If this rate is constant, that's 10% of their conquers. So that will increase the total number of player villages and make reaching 85% slower. Same if players outside of ModWar noble barbs. I don't feel like counting, so let's just approximate and say it's a lot.

(Note: This post contains lots and lots of approximations. Nothing is precise because I don't want to devote too much effort to procrastination right now.)

Well there are TDH! members left, so they will be creaming their undercrackers with all them big fat juicy barbs on offer!


Hey Congrats to Modwar for sticking this world out. I'll put it into perspective I left this world during the start of the end of this world cuz my kids had just been born. They now can talk and I'd say by the time this world closes they will be able play TW themselves, lol