[spoil]From the moment i joined ModWar it has always had female leadership, and i have always said if you have sensible female leadership your chances of winning are greater!
Lets look at it:
Dos X had QA in leadership, ok, they got put out to stud, but up till we attacked they seemed to be doing ok.
Nyuk has MonI. Dont know her that well, but from the few conversations i did have she was 1 tough cookie, was loyal till the end, kudos to her for that.
TDH! Had you PamP. Love you or hate you you ARE still around, BUT that is not for being a skillful player vbut merely for running from where you and your tribe were getting pummelled and setting up safe haven in and amongst friends. Clever strategy, but wether or not it will actually see you through to the end i highly doubt that...
ModWar had Jill when i joined. She was and is a tough cookie, but fair. She planned many awesome op's, and for a while pretty much kept the tribe together. Her departing would of killed ModWar had she not seen the good fortune of leaving more than capable leadership in charge. Next we had the mike4599 account and evocablepanic. Both at the time, co-played, and both, at the time had female leadership along with me. It was sad to see fallo leave the Evo account, and for the account to step down as duke. BUT it also gave the chance for jess (once dal left the account) to step up to the board and make HER mark on ModWar history.
It is my firm belief that since Jess took control of ModWar it has slowly healed itself from the damage done before due to infighting and other things. We we stitched up previously by person/ppl we TRUSTED which left us in a precarious position, Jess re-assured us and LEAD us. Jess is a seriously chilled chick most of the time, not alot phases her, not even being pummelled in k's she knows she has little chance of keeping, she will just grind along, put it down to experience and make damn sure no-one else makes the mistakes that she made. For those of you that dont know myself and Jess had quite a heated discussion sometime ago, that could of led to me taking the account from ModWar and deleting or playing with myself (which i do alot btw

). I was the cause of the argument, i started it, and i pusehd for the actions that were forthcoming even though jess wanted us to wait until certain other actions were put in place.
At no time has jess held this against me, not once. In fact it has made our relationship stronger, i can say what i think to Jess and vice versa, and no-one takes it to heart.
Surrounding Jess was the rest of the ModWar council. devdj, MBM, myself, pawpaw, ovis, eye of the tiger, and others. Each one of us contributing our own ideals and opinions into ModWar and how it was run. Let me re-assure you that ModWar council (and general tribe players) is and always will be a unbreakable family unit.
So, i owe my position in ModWar to 3 ppl.
Firstly i need to say thanks to Jill for having the good grace, patience and balls to let me co-play this awesome account in the MOST awesome tribe this game will ever see. I made her a promise, and i will stick to that.
Then i need to thank Jess for putting up with my emo rage's, my ignoring orders and doing what i wanted when i was bored, but even more so for keeping my account alive when i had my stroke. I fully expected to come back to find i was being eaten, and was so damn happy when i found out i wasnt!
Finally, i owe darkcrusader99 player himself a massive thanks. We got talking when i was in WOH, and during the WOH/~T~ war we attacked each other, BUT no in a malicious "i'm going to take your villages and eat you noob" way, but literally as a bit of fun when we were bored etc. When i lost my net during the ~T~ war i logged back in from a net cafe to find an email from him saying "Hey man you better not have quit" and then asking me if i wanted to co-play him. I have to admit, that he was the only account i would of been interested in co-playing at that time, so im damn glad i made the right decision.
Now to the rest of us left in ModWar on w42, lets finish this, then we can all go back to our lives knowing, despite the haters and the nay-sayers, that we did our best, and as a result, we deservedly won w42!![/spoil]