Deleted User - 11531464

fmthemaster, Mau Maria, PhilipsNostrum, Kirgonix, Diogo Rocha and Bernas
Quickbar Entry
// name Attack Organizer with colors
// version 3.0
// author fmthemaster, Mau Maria (V3.0)
// author PhilipsNostrum and Kirgonix (V2.0)
// author Diogo Rocha and Bernas (V1.0)
//Runs in [screen=overview, screeen=place, screen=commands&mode=incomings]
var font_size = 8;
var attack_layout = 'column'; //Possible layouts: 'column', 'line', 'nothing'
//{Number: ['Command name', 'button name', 'button color', 'text color']}
var settings= {0:['[Dead]','D', 'green', 'white'], 1:['[Support]','S', 'lime', 'white'], 2:['[Dodged]','D!', 'orange', 'white'], 3:['[Dodge]','D', 'dorange', 'white'], 4:['[Reconquered]','R!', 'gray', 'white'], 5:['[Reconquer]','R', 'white', 'black'], 6:['[Sniped]','S!', 'lblue', 'black'], 7:['[Snipe]','S', 'blue', 'white'], 8:['[toFUBAR]','F', 'black', 'white'], 9:['[FUBARdone]','F!', 'white', 'black'], 10:['[Fake]','Fk', 'pink', 'black'], 11:[' | Stay Alert','A!', 'yellow', 'black']};
//{ColorName: ['theme color 1', 'theme color 2']}
var colors = {'red':['#e20606', '#b70707'], 'green':['#31c908', '#228c05'], 'blue':['#0d83dd', '#0860a3'], 'yellow':['#ffd91c', '#e8c30d'], 'orange':['#ef8b10', '#d3790a'], 'lblue':['#22e5db', '#0cd3c9'], 'lime':['#ffd400', '#ffd400'], 'white':['#ffffff', '#dbdbdb'], 'black':['#000000', '#2b2b2b'], 'gray':['#adb6c6', '#828891'], 'dorange':['#ff0000', '#ff0000'], 'pink':['#ff69b4', '#ff69b4']}
This script has been doing the rounds in the illegal Portuguese scripting community for ages, and it is almost part of defending meta on that server. However, it seems to respect all the rules for legal scripts so I decided to create a more user-friendly version and legalize it.

To use the script, simply run it in the incoming overview, or the village overview, or the rally point. If run from the village overview or the rally point, several buttons will appear, and you may click them to label the attack according to what strategy you should follow to defend. There are buttons for everything, from snipe to FUBR. You may also edit your own commands and colors by editing the variables' settings and colors. Feel free to post below your own quick bar version with your own buttons. This is one of those scripts that to get a hang of it you need to use it often.

Here is a video recorded by @- Pinheiro detailing how to use the script.

Feel free to post any questions below, and I will try to address them, although as the code is not mine and I do not fully comprehend the script.

Here is the script in English:

// name         Attack Organizer with colors
// version      3.0
// author       fmthemaster, Mau Maria (V3.0)
// author       PhilipsNostrum and Kirgonix (V2.0)
// author       Diogo Rocha and Bernas (V1.0)
//Runs in [screen=overview, screeen=place, screen=commands&mode=incomings]
var font_size = 8;
var attack_layout = 'column'; //Possible layouts: 'column', 'line', 'nothing'
//{Number: ['Command name', 'button name', 'button color', 'text color']}
var settings= {0:['[Dead]','D', 'green', 'white'], 1:['[Support]','S', 'lime', 'white'], 2:['[Dodged]','D!', 'orange', 'white'], 3:['[Dodge]','D', 'dorange', 'white'], 4:['[Reconquered]','R!', 'gray', 'white'], 5:['[Reconquer]','R', 'white', 'black'], 6:['[Sniped]','S!', 'lblue', 'black'], 7:['[Snipe]','S', 'blue', 'white'], 8:['[toFUBR]','F', 'black', 'white'], 9:['[FUBRdone]','F!', 'white', 'black'], 10:['[Fake]','Fk', 'pink', 'black'], 11:[' | Stay Alert','A!', 'yellow', 'black']};
//{ColorName: ['theme color 1', 'theme color 2']}
var colors = {'red':['#e20606', '#b70707'], 'green':['#31c908', '#228c05'], 'blue':['#0d83dd', '#0860a3'], 'yellow':['#ffd91c', '#e8c30d'], 'orange':['#ef8b10', '#d3790a'], 'lblue':['#22e5db', '#0cd3c9'], 'lime':['#ffd400', '#ffd400'], 'white':['#ffffff', '#dbdbdb'], 'black':['#000000', '#2b2b2b'], 'gray':['#adb6c6', '#828891'], 'dorange':['#ff0000', '#ff0000'], 'pink':['#ff69b4', '#ff69b4']}

Here is the script in Portuguese:

// name         Attack Organizer with colors
// version      3.0
// author       fmthemaster, Mau Maria (V3.0)
// author       PhilipsNostrum and Kirgonix (V2.0)
// author       Diogo Rocha and Bernas (V1.0)
//Runs in [screen=overview, screeen=place, screen=commands&mode=incomings]
var font_size = 8;
var attack_layout = 'column'; //Possible layouts: 'column', 'line', 'nothing'
//{Number: ['Command name', 'button name', 'button color', 'text color']}
var settings= {0:['[Morto]','D', 'green', 'white'], 1:['[Apoiar]','S', 'lime', 'white'], 2:['[Desviado]','D!', 'orange', 'white'], 3:['[Desviar]','D', 'dorange', 'white'], 4:['[Reconquistado]','R!', 'gray', 'white'], 5:['[Reconquistar]','R', 'white', 'black'], 6:['[Snipado]','S!', 'lblue', 'black'], 7:['[Snipar]','S', 'blue', 'white'], 8:['[Fubar]','F', 'black', 'white'], 9:['[Fubado]','F!', 'white', 'black'], 10:['[Fake]','Fk', 'pink', 'black'], 11:[' | Alerta','A!', 'yellow', 'black']};
//{ColorName: ['theme color 1', 'theme color 2']}
var colors = {'red':['#e20606', '#b70707'], 'green':['#31c908', '#228c05'], 'blue':['#0d83dd', '#0860a3'], 'yellow':['#ffd91c', '#e8c30d'], 'orange':['#ef8b10', '#d3790a'], 'lblue':['#22e5db', '#0cd3c9'], 'lime':['#ffd400', '#ffd400'], 'white':['#ffffff', '#dbdbdb'], 'black':['#000000', '#2b2b2b'], 'gray':['#adb6c6', '#828891'], 'dorange':['#ff0000', '#ff0000'], 'pink':['#ff69b4', '#ff69b4']}
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Non-stop Poster
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@The Quacks

Very nice script, but it got one issue. The yellow color for the stay alert warning doesn't show the yellow color, instead it shows red which seems to be the default btw. Can't find anything wrong inside the script, so got no clue why it can't show it as yellow, but I'm not a script expert, so... Would be nice to to be able to use that too/know why in case you wanna change/edit something later.

All the other tags seems to be working fine, so not sure why it's just that one

Deleted User - 11531464

@The Quacks

Very nice script, but it got one issue. The yellow color for the stay alert warning doesn't show the yellow color, instead it shows red which seems to be the default btw. Can't find anything wrong inside the script, so got no clue why it can't show it as yellow, but I'm not a script expert, so... Would be nice to to be able to use that too/know why in case you wanna change/edit something later.

All the other tags seems to be working fine, so not sure why it's just that one
I actually have no idea how it works as it is mostly not my script. I think the stay alert is something you put after another tag, and it somehow mixes colours? Don't know, I am sort of retired, probably someone that uses the script is better at answering that


Non-stop Poster
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Found out the issue, for some reason the script couldn't read the | sign that was used before the stay alert text. Thx anyway


New Member
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thanks for the cool script. Since the renaming scripts for the .de worlds are no longer available I use this one.
However, it would be nice if the buttons also appeared in the incomming overview or if there was an option for it.

Because renaming is easier there, because you can see the villages of origin and the corresponding village notes. Then you could simply rename everything in the overview and not have to jump to each individual village.