Who ever can make the best new thread in theW47W38 forums (and sub sections) I will personally give them 400 premium points. (2 months premium).
Any threads created in the last 24hours will still be elligable.
*Best being defined as the thread which gets the most replies. Obviously forum rules still apply such as the spam, double
postings etc. Try to be creative and original (if possible)
After one week whether you wanted to take part or not I'll PM you and ask for an IG name to send the premium too if you were the creator of the best thread. (In the event of a tie the prize will be split evenly)
Feel free to comment below.
A clause:[spoil]The resurrection of dead old threads does not count. I.e making a new thread on the same subject as an existing one just to win is likely to be deleted also it won't count.
Also the Moderator has final say in all matters! Relating to the competition and its entries.
Any questions please direct them to me via forum PM or via this thread!
Happy Posting,
TheRowmasterENARK Team!
(How many get that joke, i wonder)
Stole literally everything from RowMaster, because you guys are so dead I made it two months instead of one So good luck o.o