Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 17:58
What's happening between ALYT and you anyway?
hoofheartednow Jun 29,2013 17:59
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 18:01
I'm confused. You're tribeless. You're at war with ConDom?
hoofheartednow Jun 29,2013 18:03
no just him he attacked me friend
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 18:05
seriously? that guy is an idiot.
hoofheartednow Jun 29,2013 18:06
sorry i have nothing against your tribe or u and i will not noble his first vill if he ceasefire
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 18:47
I thought you said you wouldn't noble his first vil?
hoofheartednow Jun 29,2013 18:48
yep that wat i said to him but he didnt want a ceasefire
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 18:49
OK. Well now I'm telling you to stop attacking him.
I was going to offer you a spot in our tribe, but I'm going to clear you if you attack him again.
hoofheartednow Jun 29,2013 18:52
thank you
can tell him to top attackin me
i know you guys are at war
thats y i offerd him a ceasefire
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 18:58
I'll support you if he resends his noble.
You don't seem to take a hint though. Just yesterday I told you to stop attacking players who weren't in TCU, and you did it again.
This message has been forwarded by Isaac the Bold.
AtLeastYouTried Jun 29,2013 18:59
AtLeastYouTried Jun 29,2013 19:00
wow really im an idiot.
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 19:02
you didn't attack him huh?
AtLeastYouTried Jun 29,2013 19:09
Your a dick, saying you hate backstabbing then backstab me?
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 19:10
How did I backstab you?
AtLeastYouTried Jun 29,2013 19:10
Village: [coord]536|470[/coord]
Wall level: 14
Defender: 0 0 23 0 42 8 0 0 3 0 0 0
Noble, Incoming Support from nickr102 (543|468) , K45 [coord]543|468[/coord] --> Arrival time: Jun 29, 2013 22:37:12:680 [player]Isaac the Bold[/player]
really how ?
Isaac the Bold Jun 29,2013 19:11
As far as I'm concerned, you backstabbed the tribe by trying to get -S!- to go to war against us, and now leaving the tribe.
AtLeastYouTried Jun 29,2013 19:11
ha wow.. really ? hoofs not even in S! ? idiot.