In all well done DNY on winning the world but you have failed to answer any difficult questions in the press conference so I think the race is back on to find the first tribe to win a world by playing tribalwars on the .net server.
Can we re-open that press conference please, now I am back? Unless you have decided to make up your mind already, before stating those 'difficult quesionts", I am sure I can convince you, not to look further for the best tribe in history.
Read the quote again.
I congratulated DNY on winning their world, true. But look:
"I think the race is back on to find the first tribe to win a world by playing tribalwars on the .net server."
notice the by playing tribalwars. I am not trying to have a dig at DNY but I'm just saying it'd be nice to see a tribe win by nobling out there enemies and winning as tribalwars was designed to be played. Of course DNY will take this that I am trying to have a go at them and their huge egos.
I read your quote again and again, but you are still saying that DNY did not win this world, by playing TW as it is supposed to be played. How is that not having a dig at us?
You keep saying one thing and than a moment later contradicting yourself with a new arguement...
We have beaten all tribes that had a small chance of winning this world, very convincing as I might add. We always taken on the biggest tribes, next to ourselves and prevailed due to firepower, but most of all due to perfect strategies and teamplay. After the enemy surredered or simply disbanded, those few that were worthy of joining, were recruited. To the vicotr, goes the spoils...
How is that not playing TW as it was intended? The only thing that we did not due, is defeat the #1 tribe... ;-)