The first two tribes seem to have a very high advantage against the rest.
-KP- has alot of members, which at times can cause chaos & confusion. Lets just hope their leaders have good enough potention. But they look promising, with a little team work and communications I think they have what it should take for awhile, as long as they can stay away from the corruption.
JP on the other hand seems to have mass recruited. They need to atleast drop the last 22 members. I highly doubt they have a tight enough structure, to keep things going at a steadily pace. I think if they had their first big war, without a doubt they would probably run around like chicken with their heads cut off. But I don't know their internal structure so I would say its atleast 60%bad/40%good chance.
As for the rest, they just need to nut up & shut up..
These are just my opinions at a first glance, although it could change tides if I took a more detailed look into it.