continential disscusions

Deleted User - 4669627

I almost We're just a bunch of turtles, anyone that thinks PITA is a threat is delusional.

well thank God! had me worried for a minute i'll admit, especially when the cat came to town

anyway, since we got it cleared up that y'all are just turtling, can you spare some def to my villages?



Of course not, they need to stack their own villages or their turtling would be pretty useless 0_o

Ohai Shahyd :)


I had to think for a second before I understood it, I couldn't remember my username :icon_redface:


I wouldnt necessarily call SKYPE barb noblers, but umm they do like to noble internally quite abit. you got tholman, khwaish, Narkurs, and Mattahri to name some lolz

hmm, all i can say to that is, we have a couple people quit, and a couple mering accounts to co-play to increase their own activity, and we keep on top of this before anyone else takes our villages.
wouldnt say its a bad thing in anyone we have internally nobled an entire 4 villages, id say its good we got rid of any dead weight quickly and efficiently..:icon_neutral:


I'd like to see k64, Pita are top. Anyone care to do this one?

K64 could in fact be very interesting between PITA, -KP-, and SKYPE, however up to this point in time I haven't seen too much going on there, at least to my knowledge there isn't.

It should get/be interesting as their are 3 top 20 tribes that have a strong hold in the k, all there has been thus far is hugging though :icon_rolleyes:


K64 could in fact be very interesting between PITA, -KP-, and SKYPE, however up to this point in time I haven't seen too much going on there, at least to my knowledge there isn't.

It should get/be interesting as their are 3 top 20 tribes that have a strong hold in the k, all there has been thus far is hugging though :icon_rolleyes:

WOW, im impressed. Seems like you are the only logical player here, the other noobs cant compare crap from there previous post.

I do agree with you thou



The first two tribes seem to have a very high advantage against the rest.

-KP- has alot of members, which at times can cause chaos & confusion. Lets just hope their leaders have good enough potention. But they look promising, with a little team work and communications I think they have what it should take for awhile, as long as they can stay away from the corruption.

JP on the other hand seems to have mass recruited. They need to atleast drop the last 22 members. I highly doubt they have a tight enough structure, to keep things going at a steadily pace. I think if they had their first big war, without a doubt they would probably run around like chicken with their heads cut off. But I don't know their internal structure so I would say its atleast 60%bad/40%good chance.

As for the rest, they just need to nut up & shut up..

These are just my opinions at a first glance, although it could change tides if I took a more detailed look into it.



The first two tribes seem to have a very high advantage against the rest.

-KP- has alot of members, which at times can cause chaos & confusion. Lets just hope their leaders have good enough potention. But they look promising, with a little team work and communications I think they have what it should take for awhile, as long as they can stay away from the corruption.

JP on the other hand seems to have mass recruited. They need to atleast drop the last 22 members. I highly doubt they have a tight enough structure, to keep things going at a steadily pace. I think if they had their first big war, without a doubt they would probably run around like chicken with their heads cut off. But I don't know their internal structure so I would say its atleast 60%bad/40%good chance.

As for the rest, they just need to nut up & shut up..

These are just my opinions at a first glance, although it could change tides if I took a more detailed look into it.

Quite funny how you made these opinions prior to any declaration of war.
And now it would seem as if we have a war on our hands so we will see how accurate your rating is :icon_wink:

I personally believe JP will also lose the current war, as most anyone would say.
It will be interesting, and I am interested, to see if this is just -KP- vs. JP, or if the silent hand of PITA will also be present :icon_eek:


I am the prediction guru!!! Lol and theres a typo above i meant to say potential instead of potention. The best of luck to you guys -kp-! May the power of the prediction guru be on your side! Lol!


[spoil][/spoil] This is my last one, and here is an update.

Rank Tribe name Points Villages
1 TANK 198.29 71
2 AWOL 100.909 48
3 VS 94.726 24
4 HUnion 71.937 32
5 DOM 66.009 45
6 INVSN 61.619 30
7 Fallen 43.662 21

TANK - Growing well, Have increased in size quite well since i last did my update. The noble are out, and getting thrown about :icon_smile: They are also nobling good sized villages, averaging around 2300-2600 points, which is good
AWOL - They have some growth, they honestly arnt to bad, there leaders seem to be trying to clear out the dead weight, judging by tw stats, however still they are also getting nobled every now and then, as for their conquers some are good other are very bad, so their fore letting the side down.
VS - Pretty good growth considering the number of members in K33 which is only 8 i might point out. Very thought out recruitment. Nobling targets are good, averaging around 3800-4200 (i think), i see them getting to rank 2 in the K soon.
HUnion - Decreased in size in the K (i think i am partly to do with that :lol:) i dont see them doing well, only 2-3 of their members are able to noble. They just make good noble targets, sorry to say
ZFILE/Dom - A change in name it seems, better than their last name. Increase in size of 10k points. Not sure what is going on there, a lot of players joining and leaving. Overall i think they will settle down at some point, but K33 will not be the K for them. To the rim with them
INVSN - Have grown in size quite well. Have done some recruiting, does not seem very good, but still every little help i suppose. And they have also started nobling, only 1k villages. Hopefully they can progress to something more sizeable. They are also still top in K32
Fallen - Decreased in size, looks like they lost their biggest player to TANK Still not a bad tribe, they just need to get nobling to stand a chance, or they will get nobled before they get there. Personally i don't see them surviving in this K

Now for the best part, here is a map, not great at maps, may have to get someone to make them for me (HINT:icon_rolleyes:)

[/spoil] Here is the last 2 if you missed them, you can see how it is developing.

Update in K33

Rank Tribe name Points Villages
1 TANK 293.464 95
2 VS 154.110 35
3 AWOL 138.228 55
4 HUnion 99.100 40
5 INVSN 85.950 36
6 DOM 84.402 45
7 *S* 38.645 9

TANK - Increase of 95.173 points and 24 villages. Some of the conquers have been very good ones, however there has been a couple of very poor ones, starting to highlight who knows what they are doing on the game. Still top of the K and now almost double the size of rank 2 in the K. Nice steady growth. My opinion, they have a good future so long as they play their cards right, and prepare for the worst. Seeing as ~one~ are on their doorstep
VS - Increase of 59.384 points and 11 villages. Made it to rank 2 as i thought they would. Good conquers all round, nothing small and tiny there. I think they are set to stay Rank 2 in this K for quite a while, so long as nothing happens to TANK.
AWOL - Increase of 37.319 points and 7 villages They have stuck it out thus far, however many of them are poor at this game and are surviving for now. As for their future i see them being nobled and their best players moving on to other tribes that have a better future.
HUnion - Increase of 27.163 points and 8 villages. Same as AWOL really. Yes they are still around for now (mainly due to recruit more than they are loosing :icon_razz:). But yeah nobled out, barbing and best players moving on, simple.
INVSN - Increase of 24.331 and 6 villages. They have gone up in the rankings, seeing as they are still a K32 based tribe i don't see them dropping out of this K just yet. I think if they made some good diplomacy and got in some of the players from the tribe that will soon be falling, they could do well for themselves. Still in the distant future i don't see this tribe still being around, K32 is still developing and changing, a better tribe will pop up and invite the good players of INVSN and hopefully ditch the rest.
Dom - Increase of 18.393 points and the same number of villages. Going down in the rankings, not a very significant increase in size. Loosing members and recruiting new ones as with most tribe like this, they were good in the early stages now they will slowly die.
*S* - New tribe, couple of days old, mainly consists of one key player who started to get attacking by TANK, winning at the moment but shall have to see how it goes. Not sure why the guy made a tribe and recruited a couple of low point players. Maybe to take the pressure off himself, survival instinct and all.

And here is the updated map

And just for an added extra here is the rankings for top 20 players in K33.
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Total villages
1 Lord Zepert VS 39.707 7 7
2 Batzz7 TANK 37.303 8 8
3 Nabukov *S* 27.654 6 6
4 MONERCO VS 25.212 6 6
5 Mr.toolbar VS 24.882 6 6
6 ivanso888 AWOL 23.724 5 5
7 Heero VS 22.526 5 10
8 Angrey Birdeh VS 18.392 4 7
9 DOMIHARD AWOL 15.422 4 4
10 lesbaxp15 TANK 15.189 5 5
11 Xaya TANK 15.035 4 5
12 eh4biz HUnion 13.983 3 3
13 LordBarick INVSN 13.953 5 5
14 Young Weezy TANK 13.390 3 4
15 xanath TANK 12.864 3 5
16 Ucuitoru HUnion 11.207 3 3
17 stojanow TANK 11.182 3 3
18 StillInBeta VS 10.693 3 5
19 Robber91 TANK 10.490 3 3
20 alamal01 AWOL 10.052 5 5

And that is all :) :cata:


i might do another day, dont know much about that, K and it takes a while to do what ive done up there...


bahha yes I know that :) Just curious to other people's opinions.