I'm looking for someone with a good record and past experience to coplay an elite account in W47. I am planning to reach top 20 at least with this account.
You need to be able to farm consistently and execute millisecond backtiming and trains. I am going for a very aggressively styled build.
You need to be online from around 4:00 to 13:00 server time.
I am paying for premium and will be paying for the duration of this account.
The main means of communication are AIM and Skype. We will also exchange email addresses because due to the time difference IM communication may not be realistic.
Send me a PM if you think you're fit for the job. :lol:
You need to be able to farm consistently and execute millisecond backtiming and trains. I am going for a very aggressively styled build.
You need to be online from around 4:00 to 13:00 server time.
I am paying for premium and will be paying for the duration of this account.
The main means of communication are AIM and Skype. We will also exchange email addresses because due to the time difference IM communication may not be realistic.
Send me a PM if you think you're fit for the job. :lol: