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I do not believe any argument we make would matter.
Probably not because what you call 'arguments' i call OMG N00B, not again. :(

When their only response is to continue to attack you with degrading comments about our sentence structure we use, our reasoning or going back to the defense of family tribe means they have no rational explanation to their lackluster results.
I apologize for telling the truth once again. :p
I did not try to defend myself, or my tribe with the family tribe excuse...I am sure that the invite round before the attacks took care of our defeat.

They will continue to cry foul that they were beat with unfair tactics. I am here to say wars or in this case a skirmish are not won by playing fair. The object of war is to kill your opponent and to take their land. If it means getting ugly, so be it. ~SP~ did that, Creepy failed to even manage a respectful defense of their territory.

Now waiting for the next noobish reply or excuse to be given in their defense. :icon_razz:
I never used the words 'unfair tactics', I didn't even suggest it...You just think it is in your profit to keep this 'argument' going.
My opinion about you is that you are extremely...My argument to defend that you are, are your posts...You create arguments against me with words I have never used.
Until you find the correct quotes, from me, to base your 'arguments', against me, on i would suggest you just shut up.

Can you prove this ?
When someone approached us with merger talks it became clear that not everyone useful would fit into one tribe, SP in this case...The solution of your very own council was to create a second tribe.

Let's not get into your grammar, shall we? ;)
Feel free to quot me where I said my own grammar was perfect, then feel free to tear down mine.
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Feel free to quot me where I said my own grammar was perfect, then feel free to tear down mine.

You clearly added, at the end of your post, that his grammar was an issue and hindered his ability to play the game (as basic maths was above him and you know, basic math is needed for this game). Then you said that this place was full of noobs, which suggests that grammar is inherently a part of being a good player (as opposed to the "noob"). So, by adding the two logical assumptions together, and from the fact that I see that you mocked him on basic grammar, which apparently leads to people being inept or unfit for maths (though, this isn't technically true. There are many perfectly good mathematicians who aren't that great at sentence construction), we (or rather I) can easily deduce that with your post and constant praising of yourself and skill and of your tribes (which suggest that you are in fact, a "good" player, which logically leads us to infer that you have good grammar-[which you don't]). Not that I agree with such drivel anyway.

Oh and by the way, where's your argument against SP? I think it's kind of fallen down a wee bit now. Considering they basically treated you and co to a right old bashing. You can argue whatever you want on basic sentence structure and whatnot, but thing is, you lost. You can bash 'em all day, you can cry all night, but all you have is a red herring of a forum argument. It's not even a sound one at that (let's just wind them up, make them say something imbecilic and then pretend like we're better and hope the world sees them as silly.) Well, hate to point it out to you, but this has basically turned into a Creepy whining thread. Guess you guys aren't sore losers huh? (sarcasm, for those unable to detect).

*For those that don't get it by the way, I'm just tired of the whining and I've decided to follow the flamer's style by blowing things out of proportion, making silly assumptions and sounding arrogant*.
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You clearly added, at the end of your post, that his grammar was an issue and hindered his ability to play the game (as basic maths was above him and you know, basic math is needed for this game). Then you said that this place was full of noobs, which suggests that grammar is inherently a part of being a good player (as opposed to the "noob"). So, by adding the two logical assumptions together, and from the fact that I see that you mocked him on basic grammar, which apparently leads to people being inept or unfit for maths (though, this isn't technically true. There are many perfectly good mathematicians who aren't that great at sentence construction), we (or rather I) can easily deduce that with your post and constant praising of yourself and skill and of your tribes (which suggest that you are in fact, a "good" player, which logically leads us to infer that you have good grammar-[which you don't]). Not that I agree with such drivel anyway.

Oh and by the way, where's your argument against SP? I think it's kind of fallen down a wee bit now. Considering they basically treated you and co to a right old bashing. You can argue whatever you want on basic sentence structure and whatnot, but thing is, you lost. You can bash 'em all day, you can cry all night, but all you have is a red herring of a forum argument. It's not even a sound one at that (let's just wind them up, make them say something imbecilic and then pretend like we're better and hope the world sees them as silly.) Well, hate to point it out to you, but this has basically turned into a Creepy whining thread. Guess you guys aren't sore losers huh? (sarcasm, for those unable to detect).

*For those that don't get it by the way, I'm just tired of the whining and I've decided to follow the flamer's style by blowing things out of proportion, making silly assumptions and sounding arrogant*.

I chuckled :lol:


We have all been saying it. he compiled it and made it sound nice


i wouldnt say we got thrashed, 80% of our members are still alive and growing, saldy the ones left behind are the ones that are active, play this game well, can co-ordinate and dont evenly distribute troops in a train with no clearing nuke/mix villages, gotta love n00bs, they keep you alive ;D

thats why were annoyed, they go for what a normal leader would want<what n00bs want.




Wow. alive and thriving it seems. Glad to know how you are terrible at math that is nowhere near 80%


it was a joke that most of our members just joined them =/
id like to point out that when the bulk of the tribe fled the rest of us thought, ah well if our members have ditched us and were not going to join them, lets just move on?
thats what wev done, left the world, i still log in to see how fail their attacks are and to still be annoyed that they haven't really sent many attacks at me.


i joined late on the rim to play with my friends, my friends slowly quit/left the tribe.
then this happened, the only people that were still with me that had been from the start quit, so i cba anymore.
the people who we thought were loyal weren't and my friends have left, i dont want to play here anymore xD


You clearly added, at the end of your post, that his grammar was an issue and hindered his ability to play the game.
I said he's lack of using a comma hindered my ability to understand he's sentence.

Then you said that this place was full of noobs.
I didn't say that, but i'm starting to believe it's true. :p

we (or rather I) can easily deduce that with your post and constant praising of yourself
Oh thanks, i didn't realize i was doing that. :)

Oh and by the way, where's your argument against SP? I think it's kind of fallen down a wee bit now.
I'm still saying SP is a family tribe

Considering they basically treated you and co to a right old bashing. You can argue whatever you want on basic sentence structure and whatnot, but thing is, you lost.
Yeah, they surely bashed their invite button on us. :p
What was left lost against 1/20 odds.

So you just quit? how mighty of you

Unlike your kind of players, the n00bs, we quit after being defeated...We don't see the point of restarting 50 times...

A true battle hero. I want to grow up to be just like that guy...
...Unlike both of you, Who obviously love to restart.
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Considering the amount of thoughts you put into your posts it is clear to me that maths are way above your abilities. :p

We never crumbled...We never had the chance to crumble because the invites took care of that.

I lol at them because they are the most suckiest family tribe because they don't accept the fact they are a family tribe.

Seriously, Didn't you learn how to make decent sentences and make proper use of the ',' in your sentences?
Learn that to begin with mmmmk pumpkin? :p

Rotfl, funny n00bs here. :D

To make sure you understand your OWN post- you stated that his lack of thought and effort in his posts (which again hints at grammar, which you reinforce at the end of your post) is the reason you cited for him being bad at the game. Read the FIRST bolded part. Second part shows what you said at the end, which is like a conclusion, citing an example of how he could put more "thought" into his posts. So actually, you did say that his grammar and posting effected his game, while we're at it ;)

Underlined the last part for generalization.
(Originally Posted by Gregoun
Then you said that this place was full of noobs.)
Perhaps full was the wrong word to use, but.... you did imply multiples.

You got beat by an invite button? I do have to say that makes you guys really weak.... I saw Creepy's profile when you guys started. And it was obviously an elitist tribe. This "amazing and promising tribe" (notice the quotation marks to signify air quotations!) fell down to an invite button? Guess you guys didn't teach teamwork eh?

Oh, I found the invite button you were talking about!

b]Side 1:[/b]
Tribes: ~SP~
Side 2:
Tribes: CREEPY

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 503
Side 2: 13
Difference: 490


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 152
Side 2: 0
Difference: 152


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 4,419,249
Side 2: 87,545
Difference: 4,331,704


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,325,730
Side 2: 0
Difference: 1,325,730


Hey look at last week, 152 - 0? (I love invite buttons. Every time Deceit hit it, we also seem to go up by 300-400) O.O And you call Javanshir a noob. I'd rather say those that make the comeback after such a hit are the good players, but you guys just rolled over at Creepy..... Wait, you got hit so hard by a family tribe? :O

Well, bye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out :p

Hate to break it to you, but you still lost.


To make sure you understand your OWN post- you stated that his lack of thought and effort in his posts (which again hints at grammar, which you reinforce at the end of your post) is the reason you cited for him being bad at the game. Read the FIRST bolded part. Second part shows what you said at the end, which is like a conclusion, citing an example of how he could put more "thought" into his posts. So actually, you did say that his grammar and posting effected his game, while we're at it ;)
Well, I didn't mean it that way...But i guess i was right after all.

Underlined the last part for generalization.
(Originally Posted by Gregoun
Then you said that this place was full of noobs.)
Perhaps full was the wrong word to use, but.... you did imply multiples.
Yep, I meant 2 at that time.

You got beat by an invite button? I do have to say that makes you guys really weak.... I saw Creepy's profile when you guys started. And it was obviously an elitist tribe. This "amazing and promising tribe" (notice the quotation marks to signify air quotations!) fell down to an invite button? Guess you guys didn't teach teamwork eh?
Teamwork was not very good within creepy...And to survive an invite attack, there has to be a team left. :p ... not a few hundreds of villages spread over 3 K's.

Oh, I found the invite button you were talking about!
/me gives greg a cookie.

Hey look at last week, 152 - 0? O.O And you call Javanshir a noob. I'd rather say those that make the comeback after such a hit are the good players.
No, they are the nubs, they just don't know any better ... Ill be glad to let you have all those great, supreme, and endless restarting nubs.

Well, bye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out :p
If you're the one shutting the door I'm pretty sure you couldn't hit a statue on its way out.

Hate to break it to you, but you still lost.
O rlly naow? :O

-Mod, close this already.


lol no need to close the thread just get the hell out of here.
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