Crows Eye View~World 50 Blog


i guess we lost a blogger, although it was more an interviewer and a "go girls" cheer leader than a real blogger

last blog was almost two months ago

any candidate for a new blog? i would suggest bobby the turnip


Am I the only person that sees no point in having a blogger in this world at this stage?


Am I the only person that sees no point in having a blogger in this world at this stage?

There's still quite a lot happening. Take the whole Hammer affair - if only Jen had actually written about it.


Am I the only person that sees no point in having a blogger in this world at this stage?

That is pretty much correct. Only point of a blogger at this stage of the game is to give biased views. Early in the world it can be nice because there are like 50 threads and people don't want to read them all, and there are many unknown leaders or whatever, but now everyone knows everyone.


I can give biased views :)

I don't play the world, so it would be quite funny!


Just give blogger to Orsio. At least it'd be short with him calling everyone a noob. Silva would work also.


you no longer have to play the world you blog for so Im still here with a license to troll now, yay!!!

yes silva I still want an interview

Orsio let me save you the time and don't read because this blog is all about me, my opinions, my perceptions so enjoy!
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Deleted as friend in game. Deleted as friend on Skype. Deleted as friend on Facebook. Was I ever a friend, or just a shield to hide behind until I could no longer offer protection?

The worst thing about being a #1 ranked player is, the amount of people who become your "friend" until you cannot offer them what they ask.

I cannot even keep count, with both shoes off, the number of "friends" who have just blanked me when I have not done things the exact way they wanted.

Tribal Wars is not a game that creates many friends. It is a game that creates many needies.

1984 vs Hammer was a war between two friends and theirs tribes. How can a person pick the right place when you can only turn left or right? I turn left, to the longest time friend, and the right side deletes me.

I turn right, to the other friend, and I lose a long time friend. A friend before our time at the top of the mountain.

A decision that will long haunt me, as with the SchOol vs SOMD war which saw the end of another "friend", caz84. Again, deleted me when I did not pick the "other" side.

A decision that has made me question my ability and credentials to lead. A decision that has made me question my time on the world at all.

People look and think, LakeWind, arrogant, lead people on, lead them to believe, lead the to defeat.

People do not see, how hard to pick between friends, how hard to sit back and watch one side fall because you picked the other side.

People do not see the time spent awake weighing up all options and trying to find a peace between the axes and spears.

A decision people do not see, and a decision without a correct answer for all involved.




How well do you put your finger on exactly that part of leadership that made me decide long time ago never to lead a tribe. Being nr1 in a world is like being famous or very rich in real life: you can never know if its you they like or what you have to offer.

Since you are duke and nr1 player and the only way to stop being that is quit the world i want to advice you to remember its just a game. forget those that give you negative energy and have fun with all other players.