[/SPOIL][spoil]ramonj911 on 02.10. at 18:01
many nukes going to your conquer village the last hit is noble man with def troops so you can't noble it back good luck
ramonj911 on 02.10. at 18:03
you can't dodge the many nukes hahahaha and wait to the last hitter wahahahaha
ramonj911 on 02.10. at 18:08
you can't reply hahaha
waiting to your new conquer gone waahahahha
ramonj911 on 02.10. at 18:09
all nukes is almost 2kaxe and 1lc and 100ram and cats
the last hitter have 2kspear and swordsman with nobleman
wahahaha so good bye sorry wahahahah
ramonj911 on 02.10. at 18:12
we are unstoppable wahahahah[/spoil]
I was subsequently blocked when 4 nobles failed to take my village. But remember all...
ramonj911 on 02.10. at 18:12
we are unstoppable wahahahah
I actually lol'd.
Guys its not funny. He is the leader of the most powerful alliance that tw has ever seen. And they are unstoppable!
The W71 Jester strikes again.
ROFL I was part of a three tribe effort to wipe them from world 70. they had like 6 academy tribes . also sent him an attack 4 days after the world started just to let him know he didnt get away
Isn't it obvious why there are family tribes in this game.......... If not It's because they are inbreed in real life and would like to do it with there family's on tribal wars too.