Daily Awards

  • Thread starter DeletedUser96316
  • Start date


Simple competition, post your record for the following Achieved Daily Awards I'll update this thread with the top numbers. Top 5 only...

Attacker of the day
1. Sir Arko (1.089.511 units)!
2. Osiadus (996.697 units)!
3. a.saw (892.279 units)!
4. credobartek (799.981 units)!
5. .WarMachine. (640.388 units)!

Defender of the day
1. Antigoon (2.883.866 units)!
2. Army Size (1.738.381 units)!
3. javaman5 (1.147.300 units)!
4. inceuadrian (838.362 units)!
5. Boom Bastik (827.061 units)!

Looter of the day
1. JamyJamy (818.653.072 resources)!
2. muffinman84 (358.634.618 resources)!
3. Wulfgar61 (318.896.038 resources)!
4. credobartek (295.302.553 resources)!
5. BenC7 (260.108.406 resources)!

Plunderer of the day
1. Wulfgar61 (17.757 villages)!
2. JamyJamy (14.824 villages)!
3. BenC7 (10.707 villages)!
4. a.saw (10.335 villages)!
5. ukawa (7.522 villages)!

Great power of the day
1. a.saw (31 villages)!
2. White Flight (29 villages)!
3. Wulfgar61 (24 villages)!
4. Ukawa (19 villages)!
5. muffinman84 (18 villages)!

Points System= Rank 1-5, Rank 2-4, Rank 3-3, Rank 4-2, Rank 5-1.

Wulfgar61 - 11
a.saw = 10
JamyJamy - 9
Antigoon - 5
muffinman84 - 5
White Flight - 4
BenC7 - 4
javaman5 - 4
ukawa - 4
credobartek - 4
inceuadrian - 3
.WarMachine. - 1
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every time I think you cant be more lazy then you are, you always end up breaking your record :D

I'm curious to see if this way finally Byren will show theirs :)


I'm curious to see if this way finally Byren will show theirs :)

lol... If you're talking about me TPS, whatever you're trying to sell me, I'm not interested :) And I believe Jamy have everyone beat in every single categories except for maybe two.


Hey. Wulfgar61 here. I will post mine, and for my best friend Jamie since Jamie doesn't care much about externals. Well, Neither do I, but Axte people gave me link to this, to post..

Wulfgar >>

Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 26.09.2011 (527.693 units)!
Plunderer of the day
You plundered the most villages in this world on 14.07.2011 (17.757 villages)!
Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 23.07.2011 (24 villages)!
Looter of the day
You plundered the most resources in this world on 14.01.2012 (318.896.038 resources)!
Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 25.05.2011 (194.311 units)!

Although my looter was done much higher if Not Jamie taking it from me all the time :D

Jamie's Records >>

Looter of the day
You plundered the most resources in this world on 27.12.2011 (818.653.072 resources)!
Plunderer of the day
You plundered the most villages in this world on 23.12.2011 (14.824 villages)!
Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 07.01.2012 (17 villages)!
Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 06.11.2011 (455.538 units)!
Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 24.11.2011 (408.045 units)!


6x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 19.09.2011 (469.845 units)!
4x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 12.01.2012 (19 villages)!
2x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 25.11.2011 (633.602 units)!
1x Plunderer of the day
You plundered the most villages in this world on 30.01.2012 (2.303 villages)!

But I can sayed when today I was Plundered already more than those 2.3k villages lol


12x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 28.10.2011 (799.981 units)!


7x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 11.02.2012 (14 villages)!
5x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 21.07.2011 (301.598 units)!


13x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 14.02.2012 (479.624 units)!
4x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 12.02.2012 (293.389 units)!
2x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 24.01.2012 (8 villages)!
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2x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 11.01.2012 (250.797 units)!
2x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 30.09.2011 (12 villages)!
2x Looter of the day
You plundered the most resources in this world on 25.06.2011 (295.302.553 resources)!
2x Plunderer of the day
You plundered the most villages in this world on 10.04.2011 (5.351 villages)!


Achieved daily awards
13x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 25.11.2011 (487.110 units)!
3x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 01.05.2011 (417.153 units)!
3x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 21.01.2012 (13 villages)!


I think when here can come players from dogz or old Tlom or Nuke players, they must be a lot of big number od defeated the most units in this world as defender, I would like to see the biggest number. :)


Antigoon Defender score is indeed quite amazing, way over any other record of the category

BTW I think Great power of the day record is White Flight's
Achieved daily awards
2x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 29.02.2012 (29 villages)!

btw I think there are some muffin good scores too here, but not one of those best scores have been done by me, so up to you if you want to add them or not

[SPOIL]Achieved daily awards
27x Looter of the day
You plundered the most resources in this world on 10.09.2011 (358.634.618 resources)!
16x Plunderer of the day
You plundered the most villages in this world on 22.05.2011 (5.698 villages)!
14x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 12.09.2011 (518.229 units)!
9x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 28.09.2011 (18 villages)!
3x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 08.05.2011 (183.609 units)[/SPOIL]


Arko most AoD score I think >>

18x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 20.02.2012 (1.089.511 units)!


Plunderer of the day

You plundered the most villages in this world on 06.03.2012 (6.781 villages)!


Looked in lists, noticed that I get something like
1x Defender of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as a defender on on 05.10.2011 (827.061 units)!

funny I make some top with it, when the attack happened back then it did not look like a big attack, I was figuring it is some divert move or something. There sure must be more bigger defenders out here, not just the few that are above me in this list.


Achieved daily awards
2x Looter of the day
You plundered the most resources in this world on 30.08.2011 (260.108.406 resources)!

1x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 14.05.2011 (306.662 units)!
1x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 27.05.2011 (11 villages)!
1x Plunderer of the day
You plundered the most villages in this world on 13.04.2011 (10.707 villages)!


btw I think this topic has been a wonderful idea, well done Army, every world should make this.
I vote for sticky :)


this is hot off the press from yesterday

Achieved daily awards
14x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 06.03.2012 (640.388 units)!

and this is from the OSI account:
8x Attacker of the day
You defeated the most units in this world as an attacker on 29.06.2011 (996.697 units)!