So.....are you still a blogger death? :(
Repinski Guest Feb 22, 2011 #142 FnF seing as your our new mod, when you get around to it could you unsticky this thread please? dA is no longer a blogger and so there really isn't a point in this being stickied anymore.
FnF seing as your our new mod, when you get around to it could you unsticky this thread please? dA is no longer a blogger and so there really isn't a point in this being stickied anymore.
DeletedUser Guest Feb 24, 2011 #146 havent applied yet honky... will do within the next few days ^.^ im just going to have to be a bit more factual than usual -.-'
havent applied yet honky... will do within the next few days ^.^ im just going to have to be a bit more factual than usual -.-'