Diary of Atmospherecf1


Oh My, Atmospherecf1 literally said this is for entertainment purposes and here you guys come yapping on about who the worst tribe is and all the same bull you post in other forum threads.

If you want the externals to stay alive just banter with the community.
This is like my second post and i feel like staying away because some of you guys literally, like literally are so up your bums about this (rofl)


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
This should be a good bit of fun although I admit I have to listen to a Ronnie video on 2x speed, you do have a sleep inducing voice :D


Oh My, Atmospherecf1 literally said this is for entertainment purposes and here you guys come yapping on about who the worst tribe is and all the same bull you post in other forum threads.

If you want the externals to stay alive just banter with the community.
This is like my second post and i feel like staying away because some of you guys literally, like literally are so up your bums about this (rofl)
You say that, yet you are taking it seriously as well.

Looking foward to it ronnie. I think.. :p


Who cares. I'm just here for the pop corn.


Come on Jorge. Lets dance:D


It's the forums, i can make my own statements, don't be so toxic all the times, makes people maybe täke you more seriously.

Most toxic 'thing' say im toxic. For sure im times more seriously than you . But talk you can win more IL likes and only that lol

Deleted User - 11252347

So is this happening or was this promise about as reliable as anyone Ronnie gives you in game :D

Deleted User - 11252347

Lord Ronaldo why would you fill our hearts with such hope only to leave us drowning in the open ocean of despair without seeing your LIARy.

Ronnie I'm not mad... I'm just disappointed :oops:


I still haven't found the time to make a video...eBay sales and Creati/~IL~/IPOD/Annex are keeping me busy...War stats update. Intense fighting in the south against Creati, to the north against Annex, to the south east against IPOD, and to the east against ~IL~.

A lot of fun... Below is our padded war stats

Special shout to AA.. we warriors! ROARRRRRRR!!

Side 1:
Tribes: AA
Side 2:
Tribes: Creati, ~IL~, Annex, IPOD

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 137
Side 2: 180
Difference: 43


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 19
Side 2: 16
Difference: 3


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 523,321
Side 2: 1,073,135
Difference: 549,814


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 129,278
Side 2: 99,274
Difference: 30,004



i don't want to be associated with feeder tribes like ~IL~, Annex, IPOD

Temple of Tom

Ronnie diary entry.

IL/Annex Family Fake News addition part 88.

Remember last week when IL family leadership was claiming annex never received stacks from IPOD/IL?

Well hero of k34, and former IL family member, Vladimir5588 took Sombra's last rim vill thus rimming him again.


Well guess who was funding their "defensive prowess."


I guess when you are talking to IL, you need to slow things down, and define the definition of things like "support" and "help."


Ronnie diary entry.

IL/Annex Family Fake News addition part 88.

Remember last week when IL family leadership was claiming annex never received stacks from IPOD/IL?

Well hero of k34, and former IL family member, Vladimir5588 took Sombra's last rim vill thus rimming him again.


Well guess who was funding their "defensive prowess."


I guess when you are talking to IL, you need to slow things down, and define the definition of things like "support" and "help."

what's funny is, 2 stacks are still sitting in my 036 village. lol. It's been over a month. lol.