Dim the lights... the show is about to start! SKY declare on THX F.

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It is well known that SKY and THX have had disagreements in the past, (or at least THX and I, :lol:) there seems to be a bit of tension between our two tribes that just lingers there and rears its ugly head at the slightest prevocation


in light of this, we here at SKY have made an effort not to tread on anyones (THX's) toes, but have found it just can not be done. especially as THX F. have been treading dangerously close to ours.


some wars are fought for fun, (those all happen online ;p) while others are in retaliation.


still others are fought due to necessity, and this one would fall under that catagory.


As you may know, THX F. is currently hitting the broken remains of the tribe that was once known as Rivea. If you take a quick look at the map of the world, you can see why we here at SKY cannot allow them to finish that "war". Time directly to our left, and THX F. now completely boxing us in from above, it would leave only two choices. Knowing this, I believe it best to begin before they get all those extra villages and a bigger frontline as well, instead of waiting for them to come to us, as has been suggested by TWISTEDoYOOT

i think THX should have a look in their pants and find there testicles and declare instead of talking shit.

anyone can shit chat but it takes a real tribe to actually give someone/tribe a good spanking on the battlefield.

We at SKY agree, and plan to do just that.

i wont say it will be a quick war, and i wont say it will be an easy one. i will, however, say it is one that must happen, and we choose to do so sooner rather then later.

As a parting gift as we charge into battle, i leave you with a little lyrical wisdom.

"Everybody with your fists raised high, let me hear your battle cry tonight, stand beside or step aside, we're on the frontline!"


Good luck guyz...And its nice to see some1 took the initiative. Cuz it sure as hell wasnt coming from their side.


Nice Tigger, way to play lap boys for Time, best of luck to you guys though have fun ;-)


Nice Tigger, way to play lap boys for Time, best of luck to you guys though have fun ;-)

hmm? i dont quite understand. Time in no way told us to declare. was your plan to work together to gangbang Time or something? cause SKY would take the brunt of the attacks from that, while THX F. would be sitting pretty safe.


SKY takes in a runner, SKY post this load crap, and we are supposes to take them seriously? SKY is only a threat to themselves. Remember what your Mummies taught you, do play with the big boys unless you want to get hurt.


SKY takes in a runner, SKY post this load crap, and we are supposes to take them seriously? SKY is only a threat to themselves. Remember what your Mummies taught you, do play with the big boys unless you want to get hurt.

so we SHOULD have let you surround us and then fought you after youd just gained thousands of new villages to use, i see it so clearly now, thank you for opening my eyes! :icon_rolleyes:


Boy I could cut off you eyelids and you would still be too stupid to see.


SKY takes in a runner, SKY post this load crap, and we are supposes to take them seriously? SKY is only a threat to themselves. Remember what your Mummies taught you, do play with the big boys unless you want to get hurt.

well if thats the case....then make them "hurt"......its a perfect oppurtunity for u guyz to show what your made of.


Could somebody make a map?because im sure the border bewtween SKY and THX.F is very small,so id like to see where the fighting would actually be taking place.ty


Well all i can say is this will be fun and i look forward to it very much.


Thought so from the looks of the map this will be a long war,they dont share a border, even half a k wide yet,so should be interesting to see how it plays out .Gl all


SKY takes in a runner, SKY post this load crap, and we are supposes to take them seriously? SKY is only a threat to themselves. Remember what your Mummies taught you, do play with the big boys unless you want to get hurt.

That's why they are playing with THx, and not Time......

Good luck Sky!
I'm looking forward to seeing what either tribe can do, considering how little either has really done.


I'm SO excited! This is fantastic! Good luck to SKY and keep us hopping!


so we SHOULD have let you surround us and then fought you after youd just gained thousands of new villages to use, i see it so clearly now, thank you for opening my eyes! :icon_rolleyes:

Ok this proves you can't see or are too stupid to know how to read a map.


Ok this proves you can't see or are too stupid to know how to read a map.

exactly half the posts youve made here have been calling me stupid. seems someones a little miffed. youd think for a big bad war tribe like THX F., that there wouldnt be so much whining and irritation over there. but fear not, little noob. your not the only one who is miffed.

Fade2Black on 30.05. at 23:21
I have no disrepect fro you ok, i forget your name, weve talked casually before, but understand this, we have never recruited a refugee EVER, We dont let other tribes make decisions for us either (hence TIME's persuasion for you guys to do their dirty work cause they are scared of us) and most of our members are under our control and we understand their language LOL unlike half your tribe :)

appearently, with [H] gone, SKY are Time's new lapdogs? :icon_rolleyes:

i also had a chuckle at the part where he says "and most of our members are under our control", makes me think more then a few of em are not :lol:
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