Diplomatic victory


Blah blah blah blah blah boring once again *eye roll*

No need to troll me every single time I post non-commander we've all seen your leadership skills tank into the toilet, *rolls toilet paper up*.
Please try an come up with an original thought will ya?

Post war diplo has it uses and the fall out of the tribe plague today shows there is still idiots only looking for self revenge...Chaos dismissing everyone today from another co player account was a pure evil act...
This will not matter though for you all in TR the game may have changed but plans haven't....



There would be no community without players like us - Like it or not

hahah what?!



I apologize, I know i did wrong and did break the rules there a bit, im expecting a slap in the face for it and deservingly so....

Cant remember what this thread was about now.....Oh yeah diplomatic victories......Nothing new to report atm, had a failing out with plague due to conflict of interests, lost some friends over that one, and Im certain Im being called every name in the book over it , but damn you cant allow a feeder tribe to get in the way of the big picture....Oh well no skin of my back the plan is all still the same here....

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