Donkeys (RIM) merger!


It has finally happened folks. The only tribe that seemed to be doing well with low member counts has also succumbed to pressure of merger.

Almost all the larger OwP and Snow members (including parge) have just joined donkey making Donkeys another super tribe right in the league of BORED! and FRST. They have taken over the rank 3 spot from ICARUS as well (and rightfully so).

The million dollar question is : what does this mean to the top 2 core tribes? It is pretty clear that the rim is becoming stronger than ever and the top tribe which chooses to ally with this new tribe will get an indisputable advantage over others. Another option is for one of the core tribes to be bold and to take out the new threat while the merger is still going on and create some anarchy into the donkey ranks....what will happen, only time will tell.


Or they just merge their way around the entire rim and smother out the core? :icon_cool:


Hmm..nice map.
Looks like what styx said is certainly possible. They have made a semicircle on the western side and made any expansion plans the big tribes had in that direction impossible.(unless they wanna wage a war of course!)


Nice map Mario.

Nice pick up b0st.

Its an activity/confidence thing mostly.

If a tribe has 15-20 really active members who know how to play well, plan their own nobling attacks, execute them well, defend against the counters and are always there for the team, and then it has members who are active but a bit more passive, a bit more uncertain, you start to think "Wouldn't it be good if you had 40-50 really active and confident members?"

You look at your inactives and you start thinking you have space....

By happenstance we had that situation but with members scattered across 3 adjacent tribes.

It just made sense to bring them into unity really.....


i wonder what your semi active players/ those who did not get to join the main tribe have to say about that!

Every world i see the same thing..people who are semi active but loyal to the tribe's cause gets culled by the bigger guys in the same tribe . The reasons cited are usually:

1. Strong will survive and weak has to die off - Darwin's theory
2. A few members will have to be put to sleep for the betterment of the tribe.

The fact still remains that you guys are gonna get to eat off your former tribemates (semi-active) who will be forced to become inactive since they are either tribeless now or been put in a tribe with extremely low activity. I deplore that sort of cannibalism and expected something better out of donkey :(


I do see the "loyal" card played a bit. Is it loyal to be in a tribe and coast along, not really growing, asking people to clear and pre-noble for you, sending 100sp and 100sw when support is requested?

If you want to help the tribe, if you are really loyal, don't you strive to increase the fire-power of the tribe and keep up with the growth of your tribemates?

I don't see any ex-players being attacked....

As for cannibalism, we have always cannibalised inactives, but I can't think of a decent tribe that does not.


It is not about the eating of the inactives which i believe is part of the game. I am just wondering if the merger will cause the rest of the members in your three tribes who are certainly not above par to go totally inactive. I always try to take a humanitarian approach in this game when small players are involved. (I am not talking about newbies who attack with spears, please do not misunderstand).
Hence i always think that moves like this are just a sham so that the bigger guys can eat off the smaller comrades in peace. You can just wait for the merger to settle down and then i am pretty sure it is gonna happen and you will be just saying 'that former tribemate was not active enough and hence was nobled off.'

Besides that, the bigger question remains as to what will happen to the equilibrium of the world now. Earlier, we had a sort of balance between FRST and BORED! on either side. But with the introduction of a new super power (i rate you guys much above ICARUS), it seems that a top 5 war is almost inevitable in the next month or so. Just what this world needed to wake up the large guys out of boredom.So in that sense, the world has become more exciting.


I don't see any attacks on the smaller players. They could have been eaten in the tribe if that was the intention.

We all know activity is important. Even for the active, the activity has to be productive. Me logging on and posting on the external forums but forgetting to farm, build troops and noble other players will get me kicked from any tribe no matter how 'active' I seem to be.

Good players realise that if they are not active enough in a world that these decisions happen. Good players also know that there are successful ways to play if you can't put in the activity needed.

While we might be rim tribes, the core was reaching out to us, with borders or near borders with the Top 2 tribes. It was time for us to toughen up.


Keep up or die.

It's a war game, thus this basic concept applies.

This may be a simplistic approach, but in essence it is true.


Wow after looking at that map we in KND are so small compared to everyone else lol


Wow I didnt see this one coming, although maybe it was obvious and Im a bit slow :icon_neutral:

Anyway lets hope it brings some excitement to the world :icon_biggrin:


Congratulations on the merge, I think it was a smart decision for all tribes involved.

The maps have been updated now. They certainly look like the powerhouse on the rim. I am not sure if Donkey has fully merged but it they seems spread out but they are in a less dense location on the rim. Now they just have to fill the gaps and tighten the spaces. They now share 2-3 boarders with BORED! and 2 boarders with FRST the other big tribes. Fortunately for them they only have one boarder to worry about due to that the fact that the other side of them is open land which will be a huge advantage for them in the future. ICARCUS seem to have recruited a lot of CoD players and are almost to be considered as one of the big tribes.

Preferably I wouldn't like to see any of the top tribes ally and keep it to every tribe for themselves. It will be interesting to see how the world plays out from here.


This is one thing we can be sure about, CoD are going down :D That's for attacking BD!
Since ICARUS have taken there best members and are nobling the rest along with FRST & BD attacking I'd say they have a very low chance of recovery


^i believe you posted this on the wrong thread :)
btw, for your info, BD and FRST attacking CoD is like a lion and fly attacking a deer....the effect of the fly will barely be noticed by the prey.


you sure that is the correct reason?
coz i have heard that OwP and snow became plagued with inactives and wanted protection before a particular larger tribe nearby made a move onto them.
I wonder how long this merge move will keep the top tribes at bay?


you sure that is the correct reason?
coz i have heard that OwP and snow became plagued with inactives and wanted protection before a particular larger tribe nearby made a move onto them.
I wonder how long this merge move will keep the top tribes at bay?

Haha, I think you have misunderstood the way this went about. All three tribes had a growing gap between the good and the average players. If any of the three tribes wanted to compete on a world scale then all that extra fluff would have to be cut, it sucks I know, but that is how the game works. Snow had innactives, Donkey had innactives, and Owp had innactives. All three are Rim tribes, and if you have ever played the rim then you know exactly how that works.

And, as far as us 'wanting protection' I am pretty sure we wiped out LMAO, the only tribe that was remotely a threat to us at this time (BORED has been busy elsewhere).

Also, one final note from me: this is a three-way gig, we are all in Donkey simply because they have the best stats.