xcyber:..Easy to be in the lead when you recruit the majority of a tribe. Go up 30 in caps --> recruit 300 in villages. I guess it's nothing if not efficient.
Fact: We recruited 9 players from a tribe of nearly 40.
We are just as happy fighting for the villages, but lets not forget Trident64 took his tribe to war with us over one single village from a player who clearly had no idea that nobling into both ours and VIK current core areas would cause them problems. He under estimated our capacity for war. Obviously the battle ended earlier than expected, but people should not belittle the vanquished enemy; These layers Lothlorienrogue, peenuts, JPBrutal all aquitted themselves with distinction and have had to be overlwhelmed by multiple waves of real attacks. Others players did well and several of those we recruited were the effective snipers, supporters and nukers for their tribe. Their own ops against us were well enough organised, but we have a decent system in place and blunted it. One of our players cut and run on the front and a couple of theirs did the same, resulting in easy takes at times. They quit after we attacked though not before with the exception of Sterban. The end often comes quickly and unexpectedly like this one. It should not surprise anyone as it happens a lot.
I do keep hearing the same arguments in the forums regarding tribes recruiting former players of other tribes. I have been in the game over 10 years and it has been standard practice to war a tribe; defeat them, and then take their best players to help you take the next tribe, and so on until only two tribes remain to duke it out. Along the way, former tribe-mates have always become casualties. This is not a new thing to the game, it is part and parcel of the game. This is also what the best armies have done throughout history (e.g the Romans). Yes, the game has changed and people may not apear quite so loyal; personally I feel that has more to do with the cost to play now than the integrity of the players. The worlds were a lot bigger before many were forced out due to this pay to play epidemic. Smaller worlds have forced teams of players and tribes to band together (so called hugging) more readily than would of happened in the early worlds; the Players who now spend to build, to survive against the pp monsters are not so inclined to die early for some fool of a Duke, who leads them to ruin for their own personal gain or, out of stupidity. Tribe changes are also more common, but all of these things are the game as it has evolved. This is part of the reason many people I know believe the game is dead after W100.
Todays startup favours the pre mades and family tribes early game, but a small cohesive and well led tribe can soon dominate a K and then the world. DOTT is not a pre made or a family tribe, it has been made from players already on the world and is being molded constantly into a tribe that will be competing for the world win alongside tribes that are using equally effective tactics. We have destroyed several family tribes and pre mades. Success breeds success and players want to be on the winning side, so I doubt the JUST. family or any of the top tribes have any problem with people wanting to join them. The trick is to recruit the players who are hungry for success and willing to be active, unselfish for the tribe and can stay the distance when the going gets tough. DOTT is achieving that as the game progresses. We may not win, but we will give other tribes a decent run.
As to the tactics, these have been in the game since the start of the TW worlds, we just appear to use them more effectively than most tribes. The players we merge enhance our team; some of the merges and other tribe creations have not been so useful or well bound, so they have failed. No tribe is perfect, we have issues and we deal with them. We have recruited players that have shown a lot of integrity in respect of their former tribes, but ultimately once you make the decision to join a tribe, you are expected to put it above all other interests. Why would a player whose Duke has quit, not want to ensure their own progression?
DrunkSquirls, I am a little sad by your comments about DOTT. You have had dealings with us in DOTT since the start; did we ever mislead you or not show integrity in our dealing with you, or your tribe. We helped save your tribe in the early stages of this world, we fought alongside your players to beat tribes that we were not even then at war with to help you. The hard truth is your own tribe was not active, strong enough or well enough led to fend for itself when faced with the likes of OBP. Even when it was clear your tribe was dying, we offered them places in our tribe, but you declined on their behalf. I respect that, but we were straight with you always, we told you that we considered the area our core area and anyone not with us was effectively going to be removed. Winning is important to us, it is a war game why would we want to lose, but don't say we have no integrity because you personally know its not true.