Dreaded dirty plays

  • Thread starter DeletedUser118547
  • Start date


..... mmmkkk :icon_rolleyes:

Valid point, I'm sorry, I overstepped a bit, I don't play worlds with churches and funky stats, so I know a lot not all of them, I hope you can forgive me for this? :icon_biggrin:


And your tellig me your not weak when u aint got the balls to have a fair war , but make plans to backstabb and finish the war and eat the other members 1 by 1 because you were afraid of fighting. And your telling me Sassy wanted to create a good tribe while he kicked the members that gave alot of that tribe for more then 50 days and he dont know shit about it. Good or bad it was all my work and backstabbers like you ruin everything , trust is a virtue but seems like in this game there are only bitchies who u cant give your precious trust.
You wont win the world dreaded im sure for that , keep playing dirty and stop mentoining my internal villas coz my friends gifted me and even the king accept gifts.

This whole paragraph basically sums up why you aren't considered a good duke. Anyone who even thinks of leading others should be able to carry themselves with dignity win or lose. Resorting to personal insults (I can see like 3 infractions waiting to happen in there?) and raging like this isn't doing you any favours.
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You plan with RAGE to take me out soon or later isnt that true? Even other members , you said that in skype thats why i left


Oh so now you are admitting to leaving not being dismissed?

This makes me more dubious of your previous comments.... enjoy the world while you can I predict enoblements to come.


Too much drama from both sides, why dont nuking each other instead.


Too much drama from both sides, why dont nuking each other instead.


I would agree with that would be a better use of effort.
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Anytime I have to put my food in the microwave three times because it keeps getting cold while I clean a thread, it means something is wrong. Stop double posting and cut out the real life insults guys. And no more use of the word "retard". If this thread drops any further in value, I will lock it.


i think this thread dropped in value when it started to be honest


Decide if drama is what you wan't or isn't, if it is I can put oil to fife, if it isn't just check No Fun nobling history, when I will tell to do so. :)


Well my intention wasnt to make drama , just to make some things clear. this is a game after all


At the end of day, you have accept that there is dirty play in this game and take it into consideration when you do your actions. Whether or not Dreaded orchestrated it, which I am sure he is capable and willing to do, or not is irrelevant. In fact, one of the reasons he will do well on this world if it was his setup is because he was willing to do what needed to be done for his tribe to succeed. I can respect that even though I walk a different path.

You should have been prepared as soon as you elevated a player that you didn't know and trust (or even someone you thought you trusted) into a position of power. Now what I don't understand is this thread. I've been deposed as a leader before funnily enough. You just move on and do your own thing, perhaps thinking in your head that you were the best for the tribe and being willing to prove that with your future gameplay. This crying on the forums just justifies why you were out in the first place.
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Tribal betrayals happen mate, I got nailed a few worlds back with it. It sucks in the moment, so I understand you're pissed, but at the end of the day you pick up and move on, like Nemesis said. Better luck next world


Interesting reed on my allays, but don't see any relevance with Kapo's crying in externals, this is tribe external affairs, not internal, so whole different thing.

Actually, I don't understand why anyone would reed in to this more then the fact that RAGE has a rat, anything else is, well already known for everyone, me and Dreaded are rather close and do work together, no secret, have never really been if you check how I developed in this world, I was in RAGE for some considerable time.

So maybe someone want to explain my little brain what is the fuss all about?